Master of life in the last days

Chapter 102 Returning to the Mine

Chapter 102 Returning to the Mine
With the safe house, Ling Xue can live more comfortably when going out to collect.

However, the energy used by the safe house's defense system is energy ore, not the previous electricity, so Lingxue plans to dig some energy ore for backup.

You should know that when the safe house is attacked, as long as there are enough energy ores, it will be invulnerable, unless the energy stones are exhausted.So for her own safety, it is better for her to stock up more energy mines.

After planning the next move, Lingxue packed up her things to go out.She puts all the things she usually uses into the commonly used storage space and the backpack grid, and puts other infrequently used things in the storage space used as a warehouse, and puts the food in a backpack grid alone.

The safe house and her special speed car were also put away one by one by Ling Xue, and they can be taken out for use at any time.

Not knowing when she would come back from this trip, Ling Xue looked back at the room that had been tidied up, then closed the door and left.

After walking to the outside of the camp, Ling Xue released the speed car and started to leave.

After a few days, the stagnant water in the field has basically evaporated, most of the land is not so muddy, and the vegetation is more and more green without lack of water, and occasionally a few birdsong can be heard.

This atmosphere made Ling Xue feel very comfortable, but she knew it was only temporary, and the natural disasters that might come at any time made her nerves unable to relax completely.

However, Ling Xue didn't feel panic, because human beings have accumulated rich experience in fighting against natural disasters for decades, and they have also mastered the methods of coping, so as long as there are no accidents, they can still guarantee their own safety.

"Uncle Yong, I'm planning to go to the mining area to see if I can dig out energy mines!" Ling Xue went out to report the itinerary to Uncle Yong as usual, so as not to worry Uncle Yong.

"There are few people there, so pay more attention to safety, and I'll see you when I finish here!" Uncle Yong was still worried about her, and in Uncle Yong's eyes, she was always that baby who didn't grow up.

"Okay, don't worry Uncle Yong, my body is already very strong!" Ling Xue comforted Ah Yong.

This time Ling Xue directly drove the flying car to the open space she found when she went down the mountain last time, so it was much easier, and she didn't have to climb the mountain as hard as last time.

After parking the flying car, Ling Xue opened the door and walked down. She put away the flying car and looked around.It turned out that those mining people had already left, probably because they had no confidence to dig out the ore and had to leave.

This is also good, for Ling Xue, it is easier to act with fewer people.

After checking the surroundings, Lingxue carefully walked into the mine she had dug before.

The mine was still the same mine, and nothing unexpected happened inside, which made Ling Xue, who was nervous, let out a long sigh of relief.

In Ling Xue's heart, her own safety is more important than anything else, and she can't be too careful for safety.Her father and Uncle Yong have gone to great lengths to support her, and she is unwilling to lose her life because of negligence.

This is also the reason why Lingxue took great pains to choose this hidden location to mine. Fortunately, no one has discovered this place.

When everything was ready, Lingxue started her special mining performance.

Collecting techniques go!
In the next few days, Lingxue kept brushing the harvesting technique besides resting, and she also accumulated hundreds of energy mines.

Ling Xue figured that these energy ores would be enough for her for a long time, but who would think too many energy ores?Of course, she can pick as much as she can, lest it will be bad if she doesn't have it when she needs it.

(End of this chapter)

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