Master of life in the last days

Chapter 113 Jade Mountain

Chapter 113 Yushan ([-])

Zhao Xin frowned, not knowing how to deal with his mother's experienced bullshit:
"Mom, don't talk nonsense, I have business to do!"

Zhao Xinma's voice suddenly became high-pitched: "Business, what business? If you really like that girl, I'll give you a high look. What happened? That's it?"

Zhao Xin sighed helplessly, this is his mother, she is always right.

Zhao Xin didn't explain anything anymore, he put it all down, waved his hand and left a basket of roasted sweet potatoes and baked potatoes on the coffee table, then left the house with a word and turned around.

"Okay, I still have something to do, let's go first!"

Zhao Xin's mother gritted her teeth angrily: "Something! Something! When will you father and son be okay?"

Just as she was chanting, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something left by her son.As soon as Mother Zhao pulled it over, she saw the baked sweet potatoes and baked potatoes in the basket.

The tangy scent made her shut her mouth, this kid was finally raised for nothing, and she also knew that there was an old mother at home.

The temperature of the roasted sweet potatoes and baked potatoes did not lose much, and it was still a bit hot to hold in the hand, but this heat did not affect Zhao's mother's enjoyment of the food.

Although her family's conditions do not lack these things, even much better than this, but this is not what her son respects, how can she live up to his son's filial piety?

Food can heal everything. Sure enough, Mama Zhao's mood became better after eating two roasted sweet potatoes.

It seems that the little girl still has two brushes!
With the order, Ah Yong and Ling Xue got busy.

Because it was going to be sold, Ling Xue just washed the sweet potatoes with his hands, and left the work of roasting the sweet potatoes to A Yong.

Both of them were very fast, and 10 baked sweet potatoes were baked in 20 minutes.

The sweet potatoes that Lingxue picked out were not very big, but they were not small either. They were even in size and weighed almost eight taels to one catty, and any bigger ones would not be suitable for roasting.

In less than two hours, Ling Xue and Ayong roasted the remaining [-] sweet potatoes. Ling Xue put away the [-] sweet potatoes owed to Zhao Xin, took out his raincoat, and planned to send him to the cave.

Because it wasn't too far away, Lingxue planned to walk there and observe the surroundings by the way. When she came here last time, she didn't look too carefully because she came with Zhao Xin.

The household in front of Lingxue's safe house is Zhao Xin's home, which Zhao Xin introduced when he sent her and A Yong over last time.So, when Ling Xue walked to the door of his house, she saw Mother Zhao standing under the eaves of the door.

Ling Xue thought that this elegant lady must be Zhao Xin’s family, and it’s not good for her not to say hello, after all, Zhao Xin has helped her so much, so Ling Xue stopped to greet Zhao’s mother: “ Hello, auntie!"

Mother Zhao already knew about Ling Xue's existence. His son was so enthusiastic about helping a girl. This was something that had never happened before. Could she not investigate clearly?
If someone has malicious intentions, it will be troublesome. Their family has only such a precious son, and they can't stand the loss.

Seeing Ling Xue standing there like a willow supported by the weak wind, as if she could be blown away by a stronger wind, but she was quite polite.

Not suitable!This is the conclusion drawn by Zhao's mother. Her body is too weak, but these conclusions were drawn by Zhao's mother the moment she saw Ling Xue, and it did not affect her greeting Ling Xue:

"Hello, little girl! Are you Xiaoxin's friend? Where are you going under such heavy rain? Why don't you rest at home?"

It's not that Zhao's mother wants to inquire about it, but she wants to get first-hand information.

(End of this chapter)

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