Master of life in the last days

Chapter 115 Jade Mountain

Chapter 115 Jade Mountain ([-])

Seeing the cave suddenly full of fireworks, Ling Xue was a little dazed.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? Come quickly!" Zhao Xin shouted when he saw Ling Xue standing at the entrance of the cave.

He had brought back a lot of roasted sweet potatoes and baked potatoes before, but he underestimated these supernatural warriors with bottomless stomachs.

The moment Zhao Xin took out the two baskets of roasted sweet potatoes and baked potatoes and put them on the table, they all rushed up like hungry tigers, almost in a second.

Zhao Xin didn't know what to say when he saw the two empty baskets.

Originally, he planned to eat a few more, but he hadn't enjoyed eating at Ling Xue's house, but seeing this scene before him, he was speechless.

"Here we come!" Hearing Zhao Xin's greeting, Ling Xue immediately withdrew her thoughts and followed.

Zhao Xin led Ling Xue to his place, pointed to the table and said, "Put it here! Maybe it's not enough, I need to order some more from you, is there any problem?"

Hearing that Zhao Xin wanted to make an additional order, Lingxue immediately became energetic: "What's the problem? No problem. Don't worry. How much do you want?"

Zhao Xin thought for a while and said to Ling Xue: "Two thousand roasted sweet potatoes, one thousand roasted potatoes!"

Lingxue replied bluntly: "No problem, I will bake it for you in two days!"

Seeing Ling Xue being so straightforward, Zhao Xin also had a smile on his face: "Twice a day, give as much as you bake."

"Okay!" Ling Xue thought it would not be a difficult task, so she agreed, and it happened that she could also come out for a walk.

The two agreed, and Ling Xue went back.

She didn't want to waste time here either, she could still help Uncle Yong clean the sweet potatoes when she went back.

She didn't know that as soon as she walked out of the cave, Zhao Xin's subordinates and colleagues snatched up the one hundred roasted sweet potatoes she had just sent. This time, Zhao Xin snatched three with his outstanding skills.

It's not easy!

Zhao Xin couldn't help sighing, if he wasn't afraid that his mother would find fault, he would have taken the time to pick it up himself, and he could eat more.The stomachs of these wolves are like black holes, and it is not enough to feed them.

He still went over to ask the logistics staff if they had brought the energy sweet potato reserves this time, so that the cafeteria could also prepare some tricks for them.

"No, I came here in a hurry this time. I only sent some potatoes from the general logistics, but no sweet potatoes!" Wang Han, who was in charge of logistics, looked at his leader helplessly.

Zhao Xinqiang tried not to get angry: "Why are you so good? Don't you ask Minister Zhang to apply? I heard that he got a lot of energy sweet potatoes from collectors when he went out this time. Apply quickly and don't let other shelters Get ahead!"

This Wang Han is good in everything, but he is not clever.

Wang Han didn't know his leader's evaluation of him, otherwise he would have to get angry.You're so clever, why didn't you ask Minister Zhang to apply? I don't know where I heard the news at this moment. It's an afterthought!

When Wang Han heard his leader's order, he immediately contacted Minister Zhang. At this time, Minister Zhang was not in the same place with them, and he went to another shelter.

Don't care where Minister Zhang is, if you should ask him for supplies, you must ask him for it. Comparing with other colleagues to grab things has been engraved in Wang Han's bones.

Every time I go to the logistics to approve something, the leader will not praise if there is too much approval. If there is less, Zhao Xin will punish him severely.Don't doubt it, just clean it up!
Minister Zhang was very surprised when he heard Wang Han's application. He teased Wang Han and said, "You can do it, but you even know about the fact that I received a large amount of energy sweet potatoes? Who is your spy?"

Wang Han rolled his eyes: "Who else could it be? Zhao Xin!"

Minister Zhang nodded when he heard that it was that wimpy guy, Zhao Xin. It turned out to be this guy, so there was no problem. He thought it was the news from his subordinates!
"I'm just looking for you to deliver supplies, but you have to come and pick them up yourself, and the energy sweet potatoes will also be matched with you. But your energy sweet potatoes are not on the ration list, so don't reveal it!"

Wang Hanxin said that this sentence is superfluous, why would they talk nonsense when they have gained more benefits in private?

"Don't worry, Minister! You don't know our people, they have always been strict with their mouths!"

Zhang Kai didn't say anything, just reminded him to come early, first come, first served, if he came late, there was nothing left.

As soon as Wang Han heard this, he immediately lifted his spirits, and immediately arranged manpower and
(End of this chapter)

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