Master of life in the last days

Chapter 132 Ling Xue Was Chosen

Chapter 132 Ling Xue Was Chosen
From the bottom of his heart, Ayong didn't want Ling Xue to be a tasker. He was afraid that the little girls he and Brother Ling had brought up with great difficulty would not be able to survive the natural disaster worlds.

However, he didn't know what Ling Xue was thinking, and he didn't dare to express his opinions at will.

In the following days, it seemed that this cold world could no longer suppress everyone's boiling thoughts, and the notice from the base finally came down.

The selection of taskers is not that the higher the force value, the better. The selection criteria are based on the unified standards of the alliance.

Of course, the selection is not determined according to the subjective consciousness of the alliance envoy, but is detected and selected by a special machine.

The alliance envoys are still being selected in other bases. I heard that a base only selects one or two people, and there are no more than three people at most. I don't know how many people their base can select.

Although not many people were selected, the bases that had been selected by the envoys selected dozens of task force reserve personnel.Although these people selected for reserve service cannot be immediately assigned to the team of taskers, they can still enter the world of natural disasters to do tasks after passing the training.

The focus of the entire Blue Star has been focused on the selection of taskers conducted by the alliance envoys. Most of them expect to be selected, so that they can not only improve their own living conditions but also contribute to Blue Star.

What a wonderful thing!As long as there is no brain problem, no one will be unwilling. The problem now is that most people can't meet the qualified standards.

If you can't get into the task force team, it would be great if you can enter the task force reserve!
Blue Star has hundreds of existing bases, large and small, and it has been more than a month since it was the turn of Lingxue's Blue Sky Base. I don't know when it will be my turn to go to the base of the blue sky base.

However, the detection speed is very fast, but if you add the time on the road and the time for each base to consult with the alliance envoy and then contact the relationship, it is not a fixed number.

Ling Xue quietly lined up in the queue waiting for the test. In front of her were the staff of Yushan Refuge, and behind her was Uncle Ayong, so Ling Xue was still very calm.

This made her look a bit out of tune with the excited people around her, but she didn't feel it herself.Therefore, as soon as the alliance envoy arrived, he saw Ling Xue who stood out from the crowd.

A group of ten people stood together within the prescribed range, and it was over with a "ding--" without any troubles as they had thought in advance.

After the results came out, a full-body portrait of Ling Xue and various information about her immediately appeared on the big screen.

Seeing Ling Xue's photo appear on the big screen, the people in Yushan Refuge immediately became excited.

"Oh my god, there's a quester directly out of our shelter!"

"It's too powerful, it's not a reserve, it's actually a tasker!"

"It's great, I didn't expect the first tasker of our Blue Sky Base to come out of our Yushan Refuge!"

Everyone was happy that Lingxue was selected as the tasker. Of course, there were some who were not convinced. Why is it her?I can't see anything special about her?What is so special about this ordinary soft and weak appearance?
Anyway, whether they are happy or unconvinced, nothing will change, Ling Xue has indeed been selected as the tasker.

Ling Xue also saw her full body portrait on the big screen, was she selected?
Although she had fantasized about being selected as a tasker countless times before, deep down in her heart she didn't think she could be selected, so she didn't react right away.

(End of this chapter)

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