Master of life in the last days

Chapter 151 The Semi-Gamified World 10

Chapter 151 The Semi-Gamified World 10
Just as Ling Xue was enjoying the delicious food, the game panel rang "Dingling--".

Ling Xue looked up, and it turned out that it was Little Apple who sent her a message.

I don't know what Little Apple is doing to contact her at this time?Ling Xue clicked on the message and took a look:
Ling Xue, there is no water to drink. If you have time, pass me a few bottles of water. I am dying of thirst!
Ling Xue was a little puzzled looking at the empty bottles that came along with the message, how could she drink so quickly?But this is a private matter of Little Apple, so she didn't ask too much.

Putting down the chopsticks, Lingxue went to fill some bottles of water for Little Apple, and then teleported it to him.

As soon as the little apple over there received it, it sent a few "thank you" over there, and Ling Xue casually replied "no" and closed the game panel.

After finishing the meal, Ling Xue packed up the dishes, and spread them out on the sofa in the living room to rest.

While sipping a large glass of sparkling happy water, she checked the transaction records, and found that many people had contacted her in the few exchange messages she posted.

Because Ling Xue went out to explore during the day, she didn't reply immediately.

Ling Xue checked one by one, and contacted those who felt that the conditions were similar and sincerely traded.In one night, Lingxue also traded several orders.

The result is not bad, the most important thing is that she has changed to three large-capacity water storage jugs, each of which can hold 50 tons of water, which is very valuable.

The thing is a good thing, but the player on the opposite side is short of water resources. Even if there is such a large water storage pot, it is useless, so I have to take it out for useful resources.

With the large-capacity water storage jug, Ling Xue couldn't sit still anymore. She took the courage to run out of the safe house to store water because it was the novice protection period.

With the Ever Bright Lantern around, Ling Xue is not worried about not being able to see it in the dark.

All the way to the pool, Lingxue started to store water.

Ling Xue didn't directly fill the pool with water. She used the collection technique to collect water resources before filling them into the water storage pot, so that the water resources obtained would be more pure.

Ling Xue is not afraid of trouble, she collects little by little and puts them into the water storage pot.

She calculated that these three water storage pots can be used for a long time after being filled, and the extra parts can be exchanged with players in need.

Ling Xue felt that water resources would definitely be scarce in the future, so she would store as much water as she could now, so as not to run out of water in the future.

The ever-bright lamp illuminated the space between the water pool and the safe house. Ling Xue glanced at the place beyond the reach of the light, but found nothing.

However, Ling Xue always felt that there seemed to be a pair of malicious eyes watching her in the darkness in the distance, Ling Xue shivered all over!
Ling Xue didn't dare to stay outside any longer, so she hurried back to the safe house.

After locking the door and checking the window carefully, Ling Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

The improvement of the force value is also on the agenda, she is still too lax, and only cares about collecting resources, but forgets about improving her own strength.It really shouldn't be!

Her supernatural ability has not been fully stimulated, it is still in the embryonic stage, but she can already start practicing exercises.

Although it may not be as fast as others, it is still better than her not daring to do anything, right?
Ling Xue found out the supernatural power training manual, read it silently again, and started to practice little by little.

Whenever she has doubts, Ling Xue will stop and carefully check the supernatural power training manual, and only continue to practice after she is sure.Although her careful cultivation method is very slow, fortunately, it is safe and not easy to make mistakes.

It may be slow to practice in the early stage, but after getting started gradually, you will have an advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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