Master of life in the last days

Chapter 165 The Semi-Gamified World 24

Chapter 165 The Semi-Gamified World 24
This is a very good addition, Lingxue conveniently practiced Little Apple's big knife again, and made Little Apple jump and dance happily.

Now his safety is guaranteed!
Seeing that there was still plenty of time, the two took the opportunity to collect a lot of fruits. Lingxue didn't collect the weeds and roots this time, she only picked the fruits, and she didn't know if the remaining fruit trees would bloom and bear fruit later.

Counting the time, Lingxue exchanged with Little Apple.

Then Lingxue got 2 more blueprints for upgrading the cabin, and [-] packs of vegetable seeds. Lingxue didn't exchange any of the others.

"In the future, if you can exchange for more distinctive native plants or extra props, you can exchange them with me." Ling Xue explained to Little Apple.

"Okay, I will also exchange other redundant props with you, and I will trade them to others if you don't want them." At this time, Apple has already regarded Ling Xue as one of its own.

"Take care and be safe!" Before finishing speaking, Ling Xue turned into a white light and returned to her own territory.

Little Apple watched the direction in which Ling Xue disappeared for a long time without moving. This boss is really pure and kind, and she couldn't let her be deceived by others.

Speaking of which, the team cards and summon cards are good things. I don’t know when they will be dropped, and they can be exchanged!
Lingxue returned to her territory, without caring about anything else, she ran to the opposite mountain and killed the hare monster.

Needless to say, this newly obtained big knife is easy to use after being tempered. One knife and one small wild monster made Ling Xue absorb enough energy.

Putting away the corpses of the wild monsters, Lingxue came back in a hurry, she still had fish baskets to collect.

Seeing Ling Xue approaching, the fish monster started to shoot water arrows at her from a distance, Ling Xue moved left and right, tentatively moving forward.

Speaking of which, Ling Xue's current footwork is much more proficient than before.

Dragging the rope, the fish basket was pulled up, and Ling Xue found that the fish harvested this time had not changed.But she is also very contented, and she can't have one more every time, such a harvest is also very good.

Lingxue found that these fish can shoot water arrows in the water, but once out of the water, they become extremely docile and let others slaughter them. It seems that water is the source of their strength!

Ling Xue put the fish into the warehouse, and then reloaded the fish basket facing the water arrow, and then Shi Shi ran back to the safe house.

The workload of this day has exhausted Ling Xue. Although the process of being summoned is fast, it still consumes a lot of Ling Xue's energy. In addition to collecting and fighting, it is no wonder that Ling Xue is not tired?

Finally back to her safe house, Ling Xue also relaxed.

The game assistant "Dinglingling——" reminded Lingxue that there was a new message. Lingxue clicked on it, and it turned out that it was a greeting message from Little Apple.

Ling Xue casually returned to the past: "It has arrived safely!"

Little Apple replied in seconds: "Okay, then sister, rest well, thank you for your hard work today!"

Ling Xue didn't come back, she was too tired.

Tang Meimei took out a meal and ate a big meal before spreading it out on the sofa to rest.

However, Ling Xue is not considered a rest, because at this time she is waiting for the cabin to be upgraded.

With blueprints and materials available, Lingxue was of course the first to upgrade the safe house.

An hour later, the upgrade was completed. The area of ​​the kitchen and bathroom was enlarged, a new room was added, and the small room where the warehouse was placed was also enlarged a lot, which seemed to be in harmony with the design of the entire safe house.

Lingxue safe house has been upgraded to level 3.

In addition, there are 2 more blueprints for upgrading the cabin in Lingxue's hand, which is enough for Lingxue's safe house to be upgraded to level five.

(End of this chapter)

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