Master of life in the last days

Chapter 190 The Semi-Gamified World 49

Chapter 190 The Semi-Gamified World 49
The large pieces of wood sprinkled with gasoline were scattered and thrown among the wild monsters around the cabin by the three of them. Lingxue, Jin Shi and Little Apple each lit another piece of wood and threw it down.

The wild monsters did not dodge the large pieces of wood with gasoline thrown down by the three of them. Although these woods were large in size, they did not do much harm to the wild monsters.

But throwing small logs with fire is different.

"Coax—" the big wood quickly burned up.

The first ones to burn were those wild monsters whose bodies were splashed with sporadic gasoline points, and coupled with the long hairs of the wild monsters, the burning flames were very fierce.

The wild monsters' screams shook Ling Xue's eardrums, what a pity!

"It's miserable, it's so miserable!" Little Apple sighed as she looked at the burning wild monsters below with a smile.

Jin Shi glanced at Little Apple and said, "What? You feel sorry for these wild monsters?"

Little Apple's arrogance was immediately extinguished: "No, no, how could I feel pity for them? With that effort, I might as well pity myself!"

"It's good to know!"

Ling Xue also smiled and pleaded for Little Apple: "Little Apple is gloating, don't worry about him!"

The eyes of the three turned to those rampant wild monsters again. The burned and irrational wild monsters ran around in the wild monster group, and the flames on them quickly ignited other wild monsters, and soon the entire wild monster group died. set on fire.

The smarter wild monsters rushed out of the wild monster group, avoiding the flames far away.

A large part of the wild monsters were burned to death, and some wild monsters ran around in pain and fled to nowhere.

The open space around the cabin was covered with the charred corpses of wild monsters after burning, and there were sporadic sparks flickering in some places.

Due to the relatively high density of wild monsters when they gather, these wild monsters have nowhere to escape after being ignited, and can only be burned alive.

Those who can escape are those stronger wild monsters in the outer circle of the wild monster group, and this alone is enough for the three of Ling Xue to drink a pot.

When the flames were almost extinguished, the wild monsters who had scattered far away around the cabin gradually gathered around again.

Ling Xue and Jin Shi looked at each other and said, "Let's go, go down and kill monsters!"

Jin Shi resolutely replied: "Go, go down and kill monsters! This time, we must kill a lot!"

Seeing that the two of them had rushed down, Little Apple hurriedly followed: "There's me!"

Lingxue and Jinshi's original intention was to let Little Apple stay in Lingxue's safe house first. The wild monsters outside are too fierce, and players with the strength of Little Apple can't handle it.

But Little Apple disagreed, since it was the last battle anyway, he had to do his best to kill monsters, he couldn't just hide behind Ling Xue and Jin Shi and eat ready-made ones.

Although I know that Ling Xue and Jin Shi have taken good care of him because of his young age, but even though his little apple is young, he is not a person who gets something for nothing.

Little Apple wants to do its best, and Ling Xue and Jin Shi will not refuse, they just need to take care of it when the monsters are killed later.

The three of them went downstairs, and the surrounding wild monsters surrounded them one after another.

Backed by Ling Xue's safe house, Ling Xue and Little Apple prepare for battle, while Jin Shi faces the enemy head-on.

People with high force have to pay more, so the pressure on Jinshi is the greatest.

The wild monsters that surrounded them didn't rush over as soon as they saw the three of them. They all remained silent and didn't know what they were waiting for.

The enemy doesn't move, I don't move!
Jinshi can feel the direct tension between the two sides more from the front, maybe this is the purpose of these wild monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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