Master of life in the last days

Chapter 207 Arid World 9

Chapter 207 Arid World 9
Not to mention, the water seller next door is better than the grain seller!
Lingxue ran to the boss's counter to make a list, "Sister, I was introduced by your brother next door. I will take a list and choose first, and I will come to you later. You go ahead!"

Sister Zhou raised her eyelids, looked Ling Xue up and down, nodded and said, "Well, let's go!"

God, this eldest sister really has that domineering president fan, but she is a female president!

Seeming to be a bit unpopular, Ling Xue took the form and pen and hurried inside, so as not to offend the elder sister!
At this time, Lingxue didn't choose any high-end products from big brands anymore, so she asked a big brother who moved the goods: "Brother, which kind of water is the cheapest, and it needs to be of good quality?"

The elder brother was busy flying up. When Ling Xue asked him this question, he was stunned for a moment. After thinking about it, he said to Ling Xue: "Well, have you seen the outermost pile? The mountain spring water is the cheapest. The water in this shop is of guaranteed quality, don’t worry!”

After talking, people are busy again!

Just kidding, he is paid on a piece-by-piece basis, and he has lost a lot of money by delaying this short period of time!
Ling Xue followed his instructions and walked over to have a look. Is it this brand?She knew that Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang liked to buy this brand of water, it was really cheap!

This kind of water is packaged in that kind of transparent plastic hollow, 30 bottles at a time, 250ML per bottle, and there is a sign on the pile of water, with two big words on it - promotion!

As long as you see the word Lingxue, you will know that this is the most discounted water in the audience. Didn't you see that it was on sale?
500 mentions were added to Lingxue's list, which means 15 bottles.

This kind of small bottle of water is actually not cost-effective. The only advantage is that it is convenient to drink. It is a small bottle and you can drink it when you take it out.Unlike the big bucket, you have to prepare a cup to pour it.

Lingxue chose the same brand of water in a 2.5L bottle for 500 bottles, and a 30L barrel for 1000 barrels.

Walking around the sample shelf, Lingxue saw samples of sparkling water and fruit juice. There were more than a dozen flavors, and they all looked delicious!
There are 1000 bottles of sparkling water of various flavors for each flavor, and 1000 bottles of juice of various flavors for each flavor.

Ling Xue counted the number, it was quite a lot, stop!

Ling Xue walked to the exit and handed the list to the "dominant female president": "Sister, I have chosen it, can you take a look?"

The female boss cracked the computer and calculated, "A total of [-] yuan, I will calculate it according to the cheapest unit price for you!"

Lingxue quickly scanned the QR code to pay, thinking in her heart that it is really not expensive, and she took advantage again.

After Ling Xue paid the money, she moved forward and said to the female CEO: "It's like this, sister! Didn't I buy some grain and oil from your brother next door? The things are stored in the small warehouse. Can you see if you can buy them?" Send the water there too?"

The female president's sharp eyes swept over, and Ling Xue was shocked when she saw it, "Then what, the car I ordered has not arrived yet, and I dare not argue until the agreed time."

The more Ling Xue spoke, the lower her voice became, and finally she lowered her head.

"呵——" the domineering female president smiled, and then said to Ling Xue: "Okay! That warehouse?"

Ling Xue quickly raised her head and chest, and handed over the key!

Seeing Ling Xue's appearance, the domineering female CEO sneered again.

Ling Xue: What's wrong with the two siblings, is there such a joke?

"Lao Qi, here is a small order to deliver!"

A roar of the Hedong Lion brought Ling Xue back to reality, and Ling Xue quickly gave the female CEO a thumbs up, "You are domineering, my sister!"

"Okay, don't procrastinate here!" Ling Xue was thrown out!

(End of this chapter)

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