Master of life in the last days

Chapter 229 Arid World 31

Chapter 229 Arid World 31
The owner of the seed shop took Ling Xue to the warehouse to check the inventory, and Ling Xue found that there were quite a lot of things left.

"If you want everything, including seeds, nutrient solution, nutrient soil and flower pots, I will charge you a total of 5 yuan."

Ling Xue took a closer look and agreed. It would cost at least 20 to [-] yuan to buy these things before she put them away, so she missed them.

"Okay, this is considered to be in the boss's light."

The owner of the seed shop shook his head helplessly, "There are no customers coming to the door in this weather, so we can't do it anymore. It's better to go back and take care of the family honestly, at least they can relax when buying supplies!"

"That's right, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, so stock up on more things to be prepared!" Ling Xue didn't hesitate to remind the owner of the seed shop.

"That's right. The power cut at home is cut in stages. The child is too hot. My mother and my wife have packed up the abandoned cave dwellings and moved in."

When Ling Xue heard this topic of interest to her, she quickly talked about it: "Cave dwellings are much cooler than ordinary houses, right?"

Talking about the areas that the shop owner knows, he started to get excited: "That's right, it's warm in winter and cool in summer, and the highest temperature doesn't exceed 45 degrees, which is much more comfortable than a building."

"It's so good, I want to live in it!" Ling Xue looked envious, this is not pretending, Ling Xue is really interested in this kind of characteristic houses, she has only seen it on the Internet before, I've wanted to live in it for a long time, and now I finally have the chance.

Ling Xue remembered that the city government would organize residents to dig cave dwellings, and she would have to make preparations early.

The reason why this activity is possible is that there are some fugitives who often set fires, vandalize and loot, and affect the normal life of the residents. Wherever they go, they almost catch up with the devil’s three-light policy, and they not only rob, but also kill. Many residents.

You must know that once they set fire, it is not a matter of one or two families, it is a matter of the whole building, or even the entire community.

It would be much safer if the residents were spread out.

The second is that as the temperature rises, electricity and fresh water are not enough. If the temperature is low and the residents live in cave dwellings, at least the residents can sleep well.

After chatting with the boss for a while, Lingxue pulled a tricycle back home.The owner of the seed shop gave Ling Xue all the keys in the shop, and asked her to slip them in through the crack of the door after using them.

These things can't be pulled out all at once, Lingxue plans to run a few more times, trying to get a good source for these things that were put in the safe house.

Otherwise, if you don't bring things back but you don't lack anything, the fool will know that there is a problem.

In order not to cause trouble for herself, Ling Xue still honestly pulled a few times.

Lingxue drove the tricycle back, and the people who lived in the same building couldn't help being curious: "Xiaoxue, what good things did you get? Look, it's all packed neatly."

"I bought some seeds and nutritious soil, and I plan to grow some vegetables." Ling Xue was afraid that the neighbors would not believe her, so she opened the package and showed them again and again.

Now those eyes that were still envious and jealous immediately changed: "Xiaoxue, this girl really doesn't know how to live. What's the use of getting more food and water at this time?"

"Yeah, still grow vegetables? How can I grow vegetables when the drinking water is almost gone?"

Ling Xue didn't take it seriously, as long as they didn't think their family had too much supplies.

(End of this chapter)

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