Master of life in the last days

Chapter 254 Arid World 56

Chapter 254 Arid World 56
Ling Xue has been closely watching Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai's movements for the past few days, for fear that they will go out to find Huaquan and leave her behind.But Zhang Enhui and the others still go out to search for supplies every day. Although they bring back less and less things now, they still haven't stopped collecting.

There was no movement from Zhang Enhui, Ling Xue could only worry.

There are incidents of vandalism and looting in the urban area every night. Every time Aunt Zhang sees this kind of news, she is more than once thankful that they moved out early.

Residents living in various communities can't move if they want to, at least they have to dig out a cave dwelling that can live in on the land allocated to them.

Now no one cares about whether to decorate or not. It would be nice if everyone can dig the cave well.

Some families with few people can seize the opportunity to contact the machine to help dig the cave, but the people with slow nerves can't do it. They can only rely on relatives and friends to dig with a shovel.

This is purely physical work. I dig hard every day, but the results are not much.

Lazy people dug a cave that could live in and moved in. It was quieter anyway, and people who vandalized and looted would not visit this kind of place from time to time.

The environment is getting worse and worse, resources are getting less and less, and Ling Xue is gradually becoming irritable.

She wandered back and forth in the big yard, and didn't stop until she turned to the downhill road. This road was not suitable, so she dug it and drove down a slope from the opposite side, so that her tricycle could also drive down.

She walked towards the side facing his house, and checked the crack less than one meter wide in front while she was walking. Just as she was thinking about whether she could dig a road here, Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai came over.

"What are you messing around with, girl? Look at your frowning!"

Ling Xue turned around and smiled at the two people behind her, and said to them: "I'm thinking of opening a road here, and then our car will be able to drive in. Isn't it much more convenient to get in and out? The more I look at it now I can't see this path anymore."

Looking at Ling Xue's appearance, Zhou Kai wanted to laugh and held back: "Cough, it's like this. Enhui and I just plan to do so. Don't worry, we plan to open the way here after we finish our work."

Zhang Enhui also thought that Lingxue was reluctant to put her small tricycle on it, for fear that someone would steal it if she was not careful.If you want her to say that who is full and has nothing to do and runs to the wilderness to get the first cheap tricycle, isn't it a hundred times better than this second-hand tricycle with so many valuable things and fresh water?

Ling Xue also felt much better when she heard about their plan. This kind of life is much better than she imagined. What else is she dissatisfied with?
After adjusting her mentality, Ling Xue continued to chat with Zhang Enhui and Zhou Kai about how to build roads.

How to build roads?In this case, of course, you have to rely on your own physical strength to operate it. Of course, it would be better if you can find the machine. If you can’t find it, you can only rely on pure physical strength.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of people everywhere, but there is a shortage of skilled workers for machines. If it is not for their own family affairs, almost no one will go to other people's homes to help.

Of course, it goes without saying if there are several partnerships. Of course it will be much easier, but people are selfish. They are afraid that they will not have the energy and time to build their own homes after they are built. Therefore, many homes are like ants moving a little bit. Those who rely on their own family to dig.

The network has always been operating normally, so Lingxue and Aunt Zhang have never been out of touch with the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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