Master of life in the last days

Chapter 262 Arid World 64

Chapter 262 Arid World 64
Xiaobao stretched out his hand to play with the water in the basin, the spring water gave people a feeling of ice cold, and it felt very comfortable to stretch his hands into it.

Seeing that most of the basin of the flower spring has been released, Ling Xue took out another large basin and put the flower spring in it.

Zhou Kai and the others each took out a normal-sized washbasin, scooped out half a basin of water from the big basin, and began to wash on the side.

"It's so comfortable!" Wang Bo shouted comfortably while washing.

Although Wang Kai didn't yell, but seeing his enjoyment, it can be seen that he also agrees with Wang Bo's words.

A group of people washed while receiving water. The men washed their heads while scrubbing, and they all looked energetic.

In order to save water, they usually don't dare to waste water like this. Now that there is a flower spring to use, they can wash one by one very happily.

However, the only downside is that the water flow of this flower spring is too small, otherwise it can be hung up and used as a shower.

Thinking of this, Zhou Kai said the same thing, and Wang Bo also agreed: "Good idea! It's also good to use it as a shower, but the water flow is too small, and a bigger flower spring is needed!"

A group of people imagined one hundred and eight uses of this flower spring together, and everyone was very excited.God knows that they have been worrying about the lack of water recently, and now they have solved this problem.

Everyone seems to have lifted a big rock from their hearts!
It is so difficult for people like them with abundant water storage to use water. How can those people with insufficient water storage live?
Zhou Kai and the others also mentioned this issue, but they are well-informed and know the government's solution: "People who are short of water can go to the place where the government is located to get water. Each person can receive one liter of water per day, which can also meet the needs of the human body. moisture."

"Surely not enough?" Xie Yunyun couldn't imagine how to use a liter of water, maybe it wasn't enough to drink?
Aunt Zhang sighed, and said, "That's definitely not enough, there is a shortage of water everywhere, and it can't be used by people!"

"That's right, the river has stopped flowing, and the wells are no longer producing water. Now everyone uses the water stored in the past." Uncle Zhang felt heavy when he thought of this.

Xie Yunyun is also very emotional: "Many digging caves late have no energy to dig, and they dare not let go of the little water they received, and they sweat too much when digging caves, so they are unwilling to dig, or Gather in spare cave dwellings dug by the government, or dig a barely-suffering place with relatives and friends, and just stay there."

Hearing the heavy tone of these adults, Xiaobao also sighed: "Fortunately, we made an early move!"

The appearance of his little adult made everyone laugh at once, and the heavy atmosphere dissipated all of a sudden, yes, they are lucky!

Lingxue watered the vegetables with the water they washed, and she wanted to see if there was anything wrong with the spring water.She didn't dare to ask Zhang Enhui, even if she asked, Zhang Enhui might not give her the answer, so forget it, it's okay to try it yourself!
But seeing her watering Zhang Enhui didn't say anything, Ling Xue reckoned that the flower spring should not do any harm to the plants, otherwise Zhang Enhui wouldn't object silently.

That's good, Ling Xue remembers that there seems to be some flower springs that can promote the growth of plants, so pay attention to it in the future!
Seeing that the sun is about to come out, a group of people went back to their respective homes.

Ling Xue also closed the door and drew the curtains, ready to wash and go to sleep.

She knew that from tonight onwards Zhang Enhui would definitely go out to look for Huaquan, and she also planned to do so, a group of people would definitely not be able to act together, otherwise the efficiency would be too low.

If they are scattered and searched, the harvest should be greater.

(End of this chapter)

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