Master of life in the last days

Chapter 266 Arid World 68

Chapter 266 Arid World 68
Zhang Enhui and the others searched more seriously, but they didn't find anything when they reached the door.

But they were not discouraged, they all knew how rare this thing was, otherwise it wouldn't be called a treasure.

After returning home, Lingxue rode her tricycle into the firewood shed. This shed was a small cave dwelling she dug next to the cave dwelling. It could store some firewood, and of course it would be no problem to store the tricycle.

Over there, Wang Bo's excitement has not passed. He has been telling Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang how he discovered Huaquan. Zhang Enhui and the others next to him have listened to it five or six times, and they are still listening very seriously.

It seems that this flower spring has a great influence on everyone!

Everyone is thinking in their hearts how big the flower spring they will get in the future. People like Wang Bo can find the flower spring, of course they can, and they firmly believe that the flower spring they find will definitely be better than the one in Wang Bo's hands.

So, there is nothing wrong with listening to his experience.Let Wang Bo be proud first, otherwise he will be sad in the future.

After putting away the tricycle, the first thing Lingxue did was to move the flower stand into the house.

Just when she was about to pull the flower stand on the side, Ling Xue was stunned by a green flower in her eyes, "Ah—" With a cry of surprise, Ling Xue felt her heart beating rapidly.

Before she could react, Aunt Zhang rushed in first, followed by all the residents in the ditch: "What's the matter? What's the matter, Xiaoxue?"

Seeing Xiaoxue standing there blankly, everyone thought she must be frightened, wouldn't she not move without looking at her?
Lingxue was awakened by Aunt Zhang's soothing voice, and quickly explained to everyone: "It's okay, it's okay, I just found another flower spring!"


"Found another one?"

"Flower spring? Where is it?"

Everyone was amazed that the Huaquan could be found even after arriving at home, which only means that the Huaquan was found at home!

Ling Xue pointed at the flower shelf inside, "Look, it's there!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Ling Xue's finger, and a green flower the size of a bowl was blooming.

"It's so beautiful!" Xie Yunyun couldn't help admiring.

"This flower spring is bigger, so it must produce more water than the original one!" Aunt Zhang always paid attention to the size of the flower spring. In his opinion, a large flower spring is definitely better than a small one.

Of course, under normal circumstances, her thinking is definitely correct, but sometimes it depends on the type of flower spring.

But at this time, the bigger the flower spring, the better.At least a large flower spring has a large amount of water and can provide more water.

"Green?" Zhang Enhui's focus is different from Aunt Zhang's. What she values ​​is the efficacy of Huaquan.

Lingxue's luck is also very good. Could it be that she is the child of luck in this world?

Zhou Kai and Wang Bo are also envious of Ling Xue, Ling Xue is so lucky!
I don't know when they will be able to find such a big flower spring. At this time, Wang Bo feels that the ordinary small flower spring in his hand is no longer fragrant. He still has to work hard to find a bigger one.

Everyone thinks so, although everyone is more envious of Ling Xueren sitting at home and the flower spring coming from the sky, but no one has bad thoughts, Ling Xue thinks this is enough.

Wang Bo sighed endlessly: "It's true that people compare themselves to others, and it's so maddening!"

Look at Ling Xue, she didn't have to do anything, the flower spring fell directly into her hands, what kind of luck is this?
Although they didn't have such good luck, they should be able to find Huaquan if they went outside more often.

Don't say anything, let's start looking for it at night!

(End of this chapter)

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