Master of life in the last days

Chapter 272 Arid World 75

Chapter 272 Arid World 75
There are a lot of short videos on the phone that are about fires. After watching a few, Ling Xue doesn’t want to watch any more.

Lingxue feels uncomfortable in her heart, because of the disaster this world has suffered.

A large number of plants died, the environment on the planet was greatly damaged, the ecological balance was also broken, and human survival was severely tested.

Ling Xue has the wood-type ability that can stimulate the growth of plants, and she can also do something for this world within her power. She wants to grow some plants.

Ling Xue doesn't remember anything about the later period, but she remembers one thing very clearly, that is, individuals can contract land to start a farm.

Of course, this kind of contracted farm is set up for those who have flower springs or special flower springs in their hands. Many people with flower springs have contracted, and there are many successful cases.

Ling Xue also plans to contract a piece of land to start a farm when the policy is opened. She will definitely be able to successfully grow a lot of plants, so that the planet will not deteriorate so quickly.

In this way, it is not in vain for her to come to this world for a while.

If she wants to open a farm, the flower spring in her hand is not enough.

Therefore, she still needs to stock up on more flower springs.

After resting for a day, Lingxue walked towards the snow mountain again.

Passing by the place where the melee was fought last night, Ling Xue took a special look at it. There were a lot of dried blood on the ground, which looked very shocking.

Don't think about it, those people must have robbed Huaquan yesterday, and they don't know what the final situation will be.In Ling Xue's heart, no matter who is the winner, it is not a good thing.

Get on the tricycle and continue on the road.

This time it went smoothly, without encountering any obstacles in the way, Lingxue soon came to the foot of the snow-capped mountain.

Packing up the tricycle, Lingxue headed in a different direction to collect useful supplies up the mountain.

This time, Lingxue found a red flower spring on this mountain. After opening it, the water flowing out of the flower spring was actually hot. Ling Xue thought, could this flower spring be a hot spring?
It would be great if it was a hot spring, she can take a hot spring anytime and anywhere.

Of course, hot springs are not used in this world, and cold springs are almost the same, at least they can cool down!

Lingxue had a good harvest in the past two days. The people in Xiaogouzi had some harvests, but some harvested a lot while others harvested a little. Even Xiaobao found a small flower spring the size of a beer bottle cap.

Although the amount of water produced is very small and cannot help his family's life much, it is indeed the first flower spring that Xiaobao found.

Xiaobao was overjoyed, he finally had a spring of flowers too.Among other things, at least his own fresh water consumption is enough.

This harvest boosted Xiaobao's confidence. He will definitely find a big flower spring, and his family will be able to contract the farm by then.

Yes, the high level of the country is now discussing the matter of allowing private farmers to open farms, but there are not many results yet.

Many people have found flower springs outside, and some lucky people have found a flower spring in their own homes. Although the quality of these flower springs varies in size, this is not the point. The point is that the matter of flower springs is almost impossible to hide up.

The government's current attitude is to avoid talking about it, neither encouraging nor opposing it. To put it bluntly, it is just luck.

People who have flower springs in their hands are qualified to open up farms, and the fresh water in flower springs is also a necessary condition for plant growth, so the country's top officials can't sit still.

Both Zhou Kai and Zhang Enhui have been running outside these days, in order to test the medicinal spring in Zhang Enhui's hands, and also for their work.

Ling Xue has never met the two of them, and she doesn't know if they have made any progress.

(End of this chapter)

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