Master of life in the last days

Chapter 295 Arid World 97

Chapter 295 Arid World 97
After a week, Ling Xue's new home on the farm has been completed.

The furniture inside were all given by Zhang Enhui and others, and the home appliances were provided by Liu Feng.

The reason why Liu Feng behaved so aggressively was because he found that Ling Xue's flowerpot vegetables were another important source of money for him.

Although the profit is not as big as that given by his second brother, the transaction between him and Ling Xue is relatively simple. He doesn't need to do anything, just be a middleman.

This girl Ling Xue was afraid of trouble, so she basically didn't interfere in anything, and she didn't need to have relations with those powerful people, she almost left the whole power to Liu Feng.

But Liu Feng was overjoyed, ever since he heard that Ling Xue was building a new cave dwelling, he began to search for high-tech appliances for Ling Xue non-stop.These electrical appliances were all newly developed after the drought, and they can withstand the damage of sunlight. He didn't have some of them himself, but he still tried his best to collect them for Ling Xue.

He actively contributed to Ling Xue, and Ling Xue naturally wanted to show something, and he took away all the ripe vegetables from the small ditch.

Liu Feng was very happy with this move, sending out these flowerpot vegetables solved his big problem.Among them, Liu Feng gave his second elder brother Liu Zhaoli two exquisitely shaped flower pots of vegetables, and they were placed on the dining table where he often ate.

Liu Zhao fell in love with it immediately: "You still have this ability?"

The words are relatively simple, how could Liu Feng, as a brother, not know what he meant, didn't he just look down on him?

"What do you mean? Don't be jealous, I still have a lot of this kind of thing, my friend is an expert in this field, as much as you want!"

I still don't believe it. According to common sense, this guy's friends are all second-generation ancestors who are similar to him. Can he still have friends in technology?

With a glance in Liu Zhao's eyes, Liu Feng knew what he meant, but he was so angry that he smoked!
"Second brother, you are not authentic. I have brought you all the good things, and you think of me so much, it's too much!"

Liu Zhao thought about it, yes, there is something wrong with his attitude, but he can't be blamed, right?Who made this guy have too many records in the past!
He glanced at the assistant beside him, and immediately took out a card from the group and handed it to Liu Feng.


Liu Feng's complaints stopped immediately, and before his mind could react, his hand had already stretched out to get the result of the card.

"Forget it, I will forgive you this time, and I can't do this again in the future!"

Liu Zhao didn't even give him a wink, and ate his lunch calmly.

Liu Feng didn't mind either, as long as the money was in place, he didn't mind asking his good second brother to make some sarcasm.

"My friend is good at planting. She recently contracted a farm and needs some new farming machinery. I remember that your research institute seems to have just produced a batch?"

Liu Zhao thought about it, and it seemed that there was, but it wasn't his responsibility, and it had nothing to do with him, did it?

"do not know!"

Liu Feng became anxious all of a sudden: "No, second brother, your potted plant is still here, so you turned your face and denied you so soon?"

"Just two potted plants and you want to change to a new set of agricultural machinery? What good things do you want?" Liu Zhao gave Liu Feng a sentence without raising his head.

Liu Feng was a little anxious: "My Zheng friend is different from other people. She doesn't understand anything, so she spends all day planting her vegetables and fruits. If I don't help her, how can her farm continue?"

Liu Zhao looked at his silly brother in surprise: "Are you sure you are that important?"

Liu Feng suddenly became proud: "You don't know how stupid she is. If she didn't know me, the fruits and vegetables in her hands would just be eaten by herself and her neighbors. She doesn't even know how to exchange them. Don't mention how stupid you are if you order something good!"

(End of this chapter)

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