Master of life in the last days

Chapter 522: Natural Disaster and War-torn World 70

Chapter 522: Natural Disaster and War-torn World 70
Talented scholars from all over the world came to Yunyang Mansion one after another, and the time for the exam was fixed—October [-]th.

Ling Xue did not participate in the question making, but after the test questions came out, they were handed over to Ling Xue for review, otherwise these people would not dare to make a direct decision.

After reading it, Ling Xue felt that there was no problem, so she made a decision.

Two sets of test questions have been prepared. Since ancient times, major exams have always prepared an extra set of test questions to avoid accidents, and this time is no exception.

As soon as these candidates came to Yunyang Mansion, they felt very at ease. This place was almost the same as in the previous peaceful and prosperous times. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and they could meet children playing on the road from time to time.

Their hearts settled down.

Most of the people secretly made up their minds in their hearts. Regardless of whether they could pass the official examination or not, they decided to take their relatives from their hometown to live in Young Master Shen's territory.

They were all reluctant to leave.

The two prefectures of Chaoyang and Hedong have now received many refugees, and their treatment is the same as that of Yunyang mansion, and these people are no longer obsessed with living in Yunyang mansion.

Because there were more and more people, Ling Xue used the cornucopia more and more frequently, until this day, Ling Xue stayed in the room and shouted: "Ah——"

All the maids and guards standing outside rushed in, only to see Ling Xue's cheeks were flushed with excitement, and her eyes were piercing.

Seeing the maids and guards rushing in, Lingxue coughed twice in embarrassment before softly saying: "It's okay, it's okay, I think things are too preoccupied, and something happened, you guys go out!"

The maid and the guard looked at each other and left Lingxue's room.

After everyone went out, Ling Xue closed the door again.

"Great, the cornucopia has been upgraded, which is really surprising."

Ling Xue looked through all the records about the cornucopia, and there was no mention of the cornucopia being able to be upgraded, but she never expected to encounter it.

Could it be because she used too much?
In any case, the cornucopia has been upgraded from three parental positions to ten female parental positions, and there are seven more positions for items that can be copied, which really makes Ling Xue very excited.

Originally, Ling Xue already felt that even if she kept copying 24 hours a day, she would not be able to keep up with the amount used by the refugees. She did not expect that she was lucky enough to encounter the cornucopia upgrade.

Now the problem is solved.

After getting excited, Lingxue selected a few daily necessities for food, clothing and housing and began to copy them. With more female parent positions, the number and types of copies naturally increased.

Shen Zhen quickly discovered this change, because Ling Xue provided much more supplies than before.

After thinking about it, Shen Zhen understood that the inheritance from the ancestors to the young master must have been more powerful.

Shen Zhen was right to think so, and after he asked, Ling Xue didn't refute.

The reason why Ling Xue was unwilling to refute was because she didn't want to cause too much trouble, otherwise she would have to waste a lot of words to explain.

"That's great!!" Shen Zhenle almost jumped up.

At this time, people's clan concept is still very strong. In his eyes, Ling Xue's inheritance is due to the favor of his ancestors. He and the members of the Shen family must do their best to support Young Master Shen's growth, because the Shen family's inheritance in his hands.

Now that the inheritance has become powerful, it means that the young master must have been studying without sleep and food these days.

(End of this chapter)

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