Master of life in the last days

Chapter 526: Natural Disaster and War-torn World 74

Chapter 526: Natural Disaster and War-torn World 74
Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Ling Xue is now putting all her energy into spring plowing.

She couldn't help but ignore the reality. It was obvious that this year was a year of severe drought.

There have not been a few heavy snowfalls in winter, and there is very little rainfall. It is obvious that there is a serious water shortage here, which may affect this year's harvest.

There are only a few light rains in the spring, and I am afraid that they will not be able to support the wheat harvest.

There is still one or two months before the wheat grows to harvest time, Lingxue doesn't plan to wait any longer.

She started to give birth to wheat from south to north, because the wheat itself had grown to flowering time, so it didn't take Lingxue too much power.

With a wave of hands, large areas of wheat have matured.

A gust of wind blows, and there are golden waves of wheat in the wheat field.

Anyone with a little bit of ability knows that Young Master Shen has been inherited from the Shen family, so everyone accepts the fact that the wheat is ripening ahead of schedule.

For the common people nowadays, as long as there is food, other things are nothing.

It took Ling Xue a week to ripen the crops in their three mansions.

Now it's all right, those people started to harvest wheat according to the previous group.

This is all good food!

They have been planting for a lifetime, but they have never grown such good wheat. If you grab a handful and take a look, the grains are so plump!
Many officials have gone to collect wheat, knowing that there will be a shortage of food this year, and everyone here attaches great importance to food production.

Men, women, old people, children, as long as they are active, they basically grow in the ground.

Ling Xue is not idle either, she is giving birth to sweet potato vines and potato pieces, and after the wheat is harvested, she will immediately plant sweet potatoes and potatoes, otherwise many people will starve to death this year.

It's not that she can't use the cornucopia to copy, but she is afraid that Zhao Weiqing and the old general will have too much territory and the copied food will not be enough.

Therefore, Ling Xue can gain as much as she can now.

As for the upcoming drought, Lingxue is not afraid. She has the flower spring and the fragments of the water spirit beads in her hands, so what is there to be afraid of?

Because the field where the wheat had just been harvested was also very dry, there was no way to cut sweet potato seedlings immediately, so Ling Xue specially selected some young and strong to dig ditches.

At that time, she will be able to water the fields. The good news is that there are ditches beside the fields, only the newly reclaimed wasteland does not.

So these people only need to dig the places without ditches, which can be regarded as saving a lot of engineering.

More people work faster, especially when the weather is hot.

The harvested wheat was quickly dried by the sun and put into bags. The people felt very at ease looking at the piles of grain.

With so much grain harvested, they shouldn't be hungry this year, right?
Everyone who participates in the labor can get a certain amount of wheat. This is something that everyone knows.

After the wheat was harvested, everyone waited with bags of grain for the team leader to distribute grain to them. Everyone's face was beaming.

There were a lot of children looking around in the wheat field, everyone trying to find the ears of wheat that slipped through the net.

They don't dislike the wheat grains even if they can't find the ears of wheat.Some sharp-eyed children can pick up the scattered wheat grains one by one into the bag, and after returning home, washing and drying them is still good food.

Don't look down on these, children with quick hands and feet can pick up four or five catties of wheat grains a day and go back!

Those orphans are also very diligent, carrying small bags to search everywhere, and they can find a lot of wheat every day, which makes them very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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