Master of life in the last days

Chapter 543 Blue Star 5

Chapter 543 Blue Star 5
Feng Shishi sent a message to Ling Xue that she had returned to Feng Xing.

After that, Ling Xue never saw her again.

Although Feng Shishi felt that what he did was wrong, it was impossible to apologize to Ling Xue, at most she would stop targeting her in the future.

As soon as Feng Shishi left, Lingxue felt light all over, this annoying ghost finally left.

According to Feng Shisi's performance in Blue Star, everyone thinks that she is a proud young lady, not the kind of vicious person, and they don't know what she thought at the beginning, and she actually dragged Ling Xue into the mission world.

After Ling Xue and the senior management of the base had a meeting to report on their work, they stayed at home to rest all day.Occasionally, she would go to the material warehouse, at least to fill up the storage grids in her five hundred task collectors.

Although the number has increased, only one item can still be placed in the storage grid, and the size is not limited, and I don't know why.

However, Ling Xue is already very happy that the number can increase. In this way, she can put those high-tech vehicles and various products in it.

As the chief tasker of Blue Star, Ling Xue has very high authority. She can apply for everything here, so she can take away a lot of things.

After the [-] grids are filled with things, Ling Xue also plans to continue entering the mission world to do missions.

This time, the mission collector provided Ling Xue with three mission worlds to choose from.

little ice world

earthquake world
troubled world
Ling Xue thought about it carefully, and she planned to choose the Little Ice River World, because she has a constant temperature clothing in her hand, and it is relatively easy to survive safely in the Little Ice River World, a world that is only cold.

The Earthquake World is no good, but she has asked Blue Star's scientific research unit to study the tools for surviving in the Earthquake World, maybe she will be able to enter the Earthquake World next time.

As for the disaster-prone world, it is even more difficult. You can tell from the name that this is a world where various disasters occur frequently. It is more difficult for Ling Xue now, so let’s talk about it later.

Entering the Little Ice River World this time, Ling Xue also plans to enter in person, so that Ling Xue can avoid the integration period when she just entered the mission world, which can save a lot of time.

"Uncle Yong, I'm planning to enter the mission world!" Although she was reluctant to leave Blue Star, Ling Xue was not willful after all, and she also wanted to contribute to Blue Star in her heart.

This time Feng Xing gave the ten planet promotion crystals to their base and kept five, and the remaining five were handed over to the Kyoto base to see how they divided them.

The base where Ling Xue is located has made a fortune, and he has taken the majority, and the leaders of the base are not greedy for power, so let's fight for those bases based on their ability!

Ayong started a new round of food production, he prepared cooked food as much as possible according to Ling Xue's taste.Of course, Ling Xue will also help, otherwise the food will be ordinary food.

"You still need to prepare some common food, otherwise you won't be able to treat others to dinner in the mission world." A Yong smiled and took care of some delicious food by himself, not letting Ling Xue do it.

Ling Xue thought about it, and she still needs to prepare some ordinary food, which may be used at any time.

"Okay, then you can do the rest, Uncle Yong!"

Ayong smiled and got busy. Although he couldn't help Ling Xue with things in the mission world, he still had no problem with cooking.

Ah Yong not only prepared cooked food, but also gave Ling Xue all the high-grade ingredients.It was originally collected for Ling Xue, and he didn't need them himself.

Ling Xue looked at a large batch of cooked food in her space, and rushed to her exclusive studio happily.

(End of this chapter)

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