Master of life in the last days

Chapter 547 Little Ice World 4

Chapter 547 Little Ice World 4
When the purchases are almost done, Lingxue plans to return to China.

The Little Ice Age was mainly cold. Of course, there may also be other natural disasters, such as drought, locust plagues, and earthquakes. Therefore, Lingxue has to go back and prepare for disasters.

After saying goodbye to BOB and ANNIE, Lingxue hastily booked a ticket back to her hometown. BOB personally drove Ling Xue to the airport. Under Ling Xue's nagging, BOB, a natural disaster expert, also promised to prepare various preparations for natural disasters.

After sleeping, Lingxue got off the plane at her hometown, Jin City Airport.

After calling a taxi, Lingxue went straight back to her hometown, Houshan Village.

It was three o'clock in the morning when Ling Xue got into the taxi and drove all the way, and it was already six twenty in the morning when she arrived at her hometown.

In summer, the dawn is relatively early, and at this time the sky is already bright.

When Ling Xue got out of the car with her luggage, there were already people walking around in the village.

Because the people living in the village are all old neighbors, entering the village in a strange car will still arouse everyone's curiosity, and of course there is a little bit of vigilance.

Lingxue was a little disappointed looking at her dilapidated old house, surrounded by newly built buildings, only theirs was still a dilapidated old house, it seemed that she had to rebuild the house.

"Are you Xiaoxue?" The neighbor aunt on the left came over and asked.

Ling Xue thought for a while, and found out the information of this aunt from the information.

The aunt's name is Liao Dahua. Lingxue's family had a good relationship with her when they were alive, and Aunt Liao took good care of her after her grandparents passed away.

She didn't have a name at first, but was lost and adopted by the grandmother of the Liao family. She was named Liao Dahua, and later married Uncle Liao when she grew up.

It's just that Ling Xue graduated from high school and went abroad to study with her rich second-generation boyfriend, so she stopped contacting her. Ling Xue's current dress is still very different from the image of the little local girl before. Aunt Liao really doesn't dare to recognize her. .

Ling Xue hurriedly stepped forward to say hello: "I'm Ling Xue, long time no see, Aunt Liao, how are you?"

Aunt Liao slapped her thigh and laughed loudly: "Xiaoxue is getting more and more beautiful, I don't dare to admit it anymore, I'm doing fine, are you back for summer vacation?"

Lingxue nodded, and replied: "Yes, I'll come back and take a look, the air in our hometown is better!"

Aunt Liao agreed with Ling Xue's words: "No, there are quite a lot of young people who came back this year. You know that Li Lele, the girl on the right of your house has asked for leave from university. When she comes back, she will take care of her family. The house was pushed to be rebuilt, and it was said that it was built to prevent an earthquake of magnitude [-], and the basement was repaired. Many people in the village went to see it, and it was very high-end.”

Ling Xue was taken aback, this Li Lele must have been reborn, right?It's not a problem to come back to build a house without taking leave from university!
"Really? I'll go and have a look when I settle down, maybe I want to build a house like that? Look at my house, it's almost collapsed!" Ling Xue took advantage of the opportunity to propose the idea of ​​building a house.

Aunt Liao nodded in agreement, "Isn't it? If you build it, I will let your uncle and your brothers go over to help, and there will be a lot of work left!"

Distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, Ling Xue immediately laughed happily: "That's great, when the house is built, invite my uncle and the others to drink and eat meat!"

"Come, come, come to my house to settle down, your room is still there, I'm afraid you can't live in that old house." As she spoke, she couldn't help but pull Ling Xue home.

Ling Xue didn't refuse either. One was that Ling Xue used to eat at her house often, and sometimes she would sleep in her house. It was basically no different from her own house. The other was that her old house was really not suitable for living in.

(End of this chapter)

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