Master of life in the last days

Chapter 549 Little Ice World 6

Chapter 549 Little Ice World 6
"I heard from your aunt that you want to build a house?" Uncle Liao looked at Ling Xue and asked.

Ling Xue nodded, and said to Uncle Liao: "It's going to be built, and you've seen it. My old house can't be lived in anymore."

Brother Liao interrupted when he heard it, "It's going to be rebuilt. You see, your old house doesn't match this house."

Before he finished speaking, Second Brother Liao was slapped aside by Uncle Liao.

Then he said to Ling Xue: "Don't pay attention to your second brother, those two idiots!"

Brother Liao dare not speak out!

Ling Xue knew that Brother Liao had such a personality, how could she get angry just because of a word.

"What kind of building do you want to build?" Uncle Liao lit a cigarette and asked after taking a puff slowly.

Ling Xue thought for a while and said: "I heard from my aunt that Lele built a house. I heard it's pretty good. If it doesn't work, I'll build it according to her."

Lele's house has just been built, among other things, following her construction can save a lot of trouble.

Uncle Liao nodded, neither agreeing nor disapproving.His idea is that it is of course good to build it according to Li Lele's house. Her house has no problems, it is very good, but it is the same, expensive!
He doesn't know how much money Ling Xue has now, and whether it's enough to build a house, if he can't, he will add some.If it is much worse, it will not work, and his ability is also here.

After dinner, the family followed Ling Xue to Li Lele's house to look at the house.

From the inside to the outside, from top to bottom, I looked at it carefully. It is a good house, it has everything you need, and the earthquake resistance level is high. Ling Xue took a fancy to it at a glance.

When they came to see the house, they didn't see Li Lele in person, but chatted with her mother for a while. It is said that it cost her family 200 million yuan to build the house.

After thinking about it, Ling Xue felt that it would not take that much. With an area of ​​150 square meters and a total of three floors, it would cost at most 60 to [-] yuan to build it with ordinary materials in the countryside.

Even with the best materials, it will never exceed 100 million.

How did she spend the 200 million yuan?

Uncle Liao saw Ling Xue was bewildered, and explained to her in a funny way:

"The price that Lele's mother said is inflated, it's only 60-[-]."

Ling Xue felt that 60 million was less, and it would look like 80 million, plus 100 million for decoration and it would be enough to get it.

"not only!"

Uncle Liao knew what the problem was when Ling Xue disagreed, and he explained to Ling Xue in a low voice: "The material is made by that fat man Wu in our village, and he basically doesn't make any money, so I said five or six million yuan is too much." Woolen cloth!"

That's it!

Ling Xue suddenly realized, what a good thing!

She looked at Uncle Liao with glowing eyes and asked, "Then we can also ask him for help?"

Aunt Liao took it for granted: "That's right, why don't we build small villas in our village?"

What Aunt Liao didn't say is that the materials used in these small villas are very solid, much better than those bought outside.

Several people discussed the style of the villa, and the second brother Liao asked Lingxue interestedly: "Is the money enough? If it is enough, we can build something like Lelejia! If it is not enough, we can only change the style!"

Brother Liao also interjected: "100 million is enough!"

Aunt Liao and Uncle Liao nodded one after another!
Ling Xue still has 200 million yuan left in her hand, which she specially kept for herself, enough for building a house.

Ling Xue made a final decision: "Just like Jianlelejia, the third floor is usually a glass greenhouse, where you can grow a lot of things. She can save a lot of trouble by copying it directly when preparing for a reborn girl."

(End of this chapter)

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