Master of life in the last days

Chapter 556 Little Ice World 13

Chapter 556 Little Ice World 13
This Li Lele is better than before, and even took the initiative to talk to Ling Xue: "Xiaoxue, when did you come back? Isn't it good to be abroad? Why are you back?"

Ling Xue replied with a smile: "Uncle Wu contacted me to come back. I just broke up with my boyfriend, so I came back."

Ling Xue was making an excuse for her sudden return to China. Others might not care about this reason, but this Li Lele would definitely pay more attention to it.

After all, Ling Xue was different from what Li Lele saw in his previous life, and Li Lele might suspect that Ling Xue was also reborn.

But now that Lingxue has closed the gap of sudden return in advance, Li Lele shouldn't doubt anything, even if he doubts, he won't suspect her first.

At this time, the delivery man just arrived, and several people loaded all the ordered items into the car and tied them up, waiting for the next wave of delivery men to come.

Li Lele also helped. Aunt Liao looked very happy. Li Lele was not so sensible in the past, so it's good if you don't say a few words when we meet.

"Lele, if you have something to do, go get busy first, and come back to the village to play with Xiaoxue at home. You young people have something to talk about."

Li Lele smiled when she heard Aunt Liao's words, "Okay, I'll play with Xiaoxue when I get back."

Since childhood, Lingxue and Li Lele have been the control group of sisters next door, and the two are often compared by neighbors.

Lingxue has big watery eyes, fair and translucent skin, and a good personality, which is very popular among neighbors.

Li Lele is different, this girl has a strong character, she has to compare with Ling Xue in everything, but her popularity is still not as popular as Ling Xue, so she doesn't look good every time she sees Ling Xue.

That is to say, Lingxue went abroad in the past two years after her parents passed away, otherwise, what happened every day between the two of them could support the entertainment and gossip business in the village.

Two months ago, Li Lele's personality changed drastically. She no longer had the arrogant appearance of a little girl, and the neighbors around her gradually liked her.

Every time I talk about Li Lele, I have to praise her, saying that she has grown up and so on.

This is what made Aunt Liao happy the most. Li Lele didn't show her face when she saw Ling Xue this time. This was the first time in the world. Aunt Liao was so happy.

Aunt Liao is in such a good mood for no other reason than because Ling Xue has a friend to play with.

Now Aunt Liao still thinks that Ling Xue has not come out of love, and playing with little sisters of the same age can make Ling Xue come out sooner.

Ling Xue knew what Aunt Liao meant, but it was difficult for her to explain, otherwise the character design would collapse.

"Okay, then I'll go to the market first, my family is also shopping for supplies!"

Li Lele greeted Ling Xue and the others one by one, and left. It seemed that she had matured a lot.

"Take care of the affairs in the city and return to the village as soon as possible!"

Aunt Liao also reminded her that in her eyes, there is nowhere as good as their Houshan Village.

When Ling Xue met Li Lele, a reborn person, she didn't talk much with her this time, and there was no need to get involved with people who hadn't played with her very much before.

Besides, Li Lele, a reborn person, doesn't seem like an honest and stable owner, and it must be a lot of trouble to walk in with her.Ling Xue, who is afraid of trouble, avoids Li Lele early, maybe it can save a lot of trouble!

Of course, she can follow her when she leads the team out to find the good things hidden in the snow. After all, Li Lele has experienced it once, and she knows best where there are good things.

(End of this chapter)

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