Master of life in the last days

Chapter 617 Little Ice World 74

Chapter 617 Little Ice World 74
Liao Er cut for a while and finally gave up impatiently. How long will it take to break the ice?
Several people nearby saw Liao Er stop and immediately gathered around.

Liao Da moved the fastest. He thought Liao Er was injured, so he immediately stepped forward to check:
"What's wrong? Why did you stop? You're not hurt, are you?"

Li Lele and Cui Feng next to them also became attentive, looking closely at Liao Er who was still holding the cutting machine.

Liao Er Yaoyao said: "There is no injury, but this ice layer is too difficult to cut. When can we cut it?"

Seeing Liao Er's impatient look, Liao Da comforted him: "Sooner or later it will be able to be cut. I said I won't let you do it, but you insist on doing it, but you get impatient again, please change!"

Liao Er was embarrassed by what Liao Da said, but he did not hand the cutting machine to Liao Da, but handed it in the direction of Cui Feng.

"Brother, you are too stingy. Brother Cui hasn't played with it yet. He just told me that he would cut it for a while. Be more generous!"

Liao Da retracted his outstretched hand and said in a low voice: "Okay then!"

Cui Feng looked at the enthusiastic Liao Er and really didn't know what to say. It seemed like he was working and thanked his boss for giving him this opportunity. This really made people don't know what to say?
But when Liao Er started cutting, he didn't refute Liao Er's point of view. At this time, he couldn't say anything, so he could only smile and the cutting machine started to work.

What could he say? ,

Could it be that he didn't want to cut the ice?
Li Lele saw Cui Feng starting to work, and there was no one to chat with her at this time, so she had no choice but to walk over to Ling Xue and the Liao brothers.

She also wanted to find out what Ling Xue and the others had gained, maybe she could find something out!
Li Lele smiled and talked about the gossip with Liao Er: "Brother Liao, I saw the news on the short video. Mutated plants and animals have appeared in many places. I wonder if we have any here?"

Liao Er usually likes to watch short videos. There are indeed many mutated animals and plants on them, but he doesn't think he can find one. After all, mutated animals and plants are not that easy to appear.

He curled his lips and said to Li Lele: "How can such a good thing happen? Mutated animals and plants are not so easy to appear. You see, there are only a few cases in our country. This is even harder than winning a lottery ticket! "

Looking at Liao Er's indifferent eyes, Li Lele knew that their family and Ling Xue must have nothing to gain, otherwise Liao Er would definitely not be able to hold back and say it. ,

Li Lele's impression of Liao Er is still stuck in the past, but he doesn't know that people will also improve. Can't they always speak openly?
This is Li Lele's habitual thinking. You must know that Liao Er has become much stricter since he learned Ling Xue's secret.

In terms of keeping secrets, he is completely different from before.

If it was his own business, he might still talk loosely, but when it came to Ling Xue, he didn't dare to talk too much for fear of bringing trouble to Ling Xue.

However, Li Lele did not give up. You must know that many mutated animals and plants appeared here in their previous life.

Although she couldn't remember exactly when these mutated animals and plants appeared, she still remembered the approximate time, but she didn't know whether those mutated animals and plants had been recognized first.

(End of this chapter)

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