Master of life in the last days

Chapter 627 Little Ice World 84

Chapter 627 Little Ice World 84
Brother Liao immediately became unhappy. Why wasn't he so damn popular in front of the trumpet?

Shouldn't it be?

After introducing Aunt Liao, Ling Xue walked up to Uncle Liao again: "Come on, Xiaoxiao, this is Uncle Liao. He is a very nice person. You can also play with him when you have time. Let him take you out to the wild to find friends and find a If we leave it to the state, we will get rich!”

Xiao Xiaoxiao also knew about handing over mutated animals and plants to the country, and Ling Xue did not hide this information from it.

When I heard that the trumpet could make me rich, I wanted to follow Uncle Liao to the wild right now.

It was impossible to go when I went, at least it is impossible to go now.

Ling Xue just said that he went to the wild to find mutated animals and plants, but obviously Uncle Liao and Xiaoxiao took it seriously.

Both of them became excited at once. The little speaker could sense traces of mutated animals and plants, but it couldn't bring them back by itself, so it needed a reliable partner.

Unfortunately, the Uncle Liao introduced by Ling Xue looked honest and reliable, and Xiao Xiaoxiao accepted him immediately.

Uncle Liao and Xiao Xiaoxiao had the same idea. He was willing to go outside to look for mutated animals and plants. This undertaking was now a national undertaking, but he didn't have the ability to find mutated animals and plants under the thick white snow.

Now, Xiaoxue has brought the trumpet, so can he still refuse?
"Okay, I'll go out with Xiao Xiaoxiao when I'm ready!"

Uncle Liao looked like he was about to set off, and Ling Xue was shocked by his resolute appearance.

It seems that Uncle Liao has become impatient after staying at home all day. Forget it, if they want to go, they can go, maybe they will gain something.

Liao Er watched from the side as several people were about to go out for activities. He didn't want to be left behind, so he immediately raised his hand and asked to participate: "I want to go too."

But Uncle Liao didn't even look at him, and just kept packing the things he needed to take out.

Having no other choice, Liao Er began to beg Xiao Xiaoxiao again: "Xiao Xiaoxiao, we are good friends who have just met. My good friends also want to go with us. What do you think?"

When Little Trumpet saw that his good friend also wanted to play with it, of course he had no objection. The big leaf on its head swayed and clicked a few times, obviously agreeing.

Liao Er jumped three feet high with joy. He could finally participate in the event together.

At this time, Liao Da also came down from upstairs. He walked to Ling Xue, looked at the small speaker on her shoulder and asked: "This mutant plant is good, it is much stronger than ordinary mutant plants!"

As soon as Little Trumpet heard this, he knew it was a compliment to him, and he happily waved his leaf to say hello to Liao Da.

A smile appeared on Liao Da's calm face, and he responded with a smile: "Hello, Xiaoxiao, I am your brother Liao. I will come over to play often in the future. I can also take you to do tasks together, and we can make a fortune together."

After Liao Da's output, the small speaker had no backhand power. It was very happy. This Liao Da is also a good person, and he can benefit from it in the future.

Ling Xue and others watched Liao Da fooling Xiao Xiao, and they all suppressed their laughter. Not to mention, Xiao Xiao really liked this trick.

When Liao Er saw everything in front of him, he suddenly felt that he had not performed well just now, and he was about to do it again according to Liao Da's tricks.

Liao Da didn't want Liao Er to ruin his good impression in Xiao Xiaoxiao's heart, so he immediately took Liao Er to help Uncle Liao pack his things.

(End of this chapter)

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