Master of life in the last days

Chapter 641 Little Ice World 98

Chapter 641 Little Ice World 98
"That's okay, we're all our own, I can't cheat you!"

The young man jumped three feet high with joy and immediately finalized the deal: "Uncle, don't worry, you will never act rogue when dealing with me. My name is Shi Kai, and I am Shi Yuanbao's son."

Uncle Liao had a look of surprise on his face: "It turns out he is Lao Shi's son. That's okay. Let's not talk about the rent of five fishes. We are not outsiders and can't do this."

Uncle Liao finally knew why his eldest son gave up the ice cave to this boy. Speaking of which, the Shi family was also a well-known family in Qianshan Village, comparable to Fatty Wu's family in their village.

Uncle Liao gave him face, and Shi Kai would definitely not take advantage of it.

Besides, the Shi family doesn’t have this style of doing things.

Shi Kai immediately rejected Uncle Liao's decision: "What should we do? We can't do things like this, otherwise my dad will break my legs when I go back? Besides, we will have to deal with each other a lot in the future, so doing things like this is not okay!"

"Okay, do as you say!" Uncle Liao no longer shied away.

"Well, let's catch another wave of fish. You go back and prepare first, so as not to take over in a hurry." Uncle Liao ordered.

"Okay, uncle, you are busy first!" Shi Kai said hello to Aunt Liao and Ling Xue respectively, then went back to greet people and prepare tools.

Ling Xue secretly dripped two drops of energy spring water into the ice cave. This time it was much less than before, but it did not attract the attention of Uncle Liao and Aunt Liao.

As soon as Shi Kai left, the nearby fish were also attracted by the energy spring water.

Aunt Liao and Ling Xue stopped resting and continued to fish.

When the Liao brothers sent fish back again, Ling Xue and Aunt Liao had accumulated a lot of big fish.

Liao Da and Liao Er looked at each other. Come on, they two brothers have to continue to be porters.

After saving enough fish to load into the car, Aunt Liao and Ling Xue stopped.

At this time, there were not many fish in the ice caves, and they were much smaller.

Ling Xue and the others' appetites had been whetted, and they looked down upon these 1.1-meter fish, but Shi Kai and the people they brought regarded them as treasures.

Ling Xue and Aunt Liao gave up their seats next to the ice cave, greeted Uncle Liao and went back.

Shi Kai simply said goodbye to the Liao family and Ling Xue and then turned his attention to fishing. He and the people he brought over couldn't wait to gather around the ice cave and start fishing.

They don't care whether the fish is big or small, as long as they catch some, it's good.

Besides, even the smallest fish at this time are much bigger than the biggest ones before. Moreover, these fish taste more delicious. Who would dislike it? Of course, the more the merrier.

No matter how excited they were about catching fish, Ling Xue and the Liao family had already returned home.

They were extremely tired on this day, especially the three masters of the Liao family. They had never practiced and their physical strength was not as good as that of Aunt Liao and Ling Xue.

If you don't usually compare, you wouldn't know. This comparison has deeply affected their manliness. How can they not be as good as the women at home?

You must find a way to develop a set of exercises that suit you, otherwise you will be pushed to the bottom, which is not a good feeling.

Aunt Liao and Ling Xue were speechless when they saw the three masters of the Liao family looking frustrated. Maybe it is a man's nature to pursue power?

Ling Xue decided to give the Five Elements Jue to the three masters of the Liao family to try and see if they could practice it.However, now is not the right opportunity. She can't just take it out of thin air, right?
(End of this chapter)

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