Master of life in the last days

Chapter 646 Little Ice World 103

Chapter 646 Little Ice World 103
Ling Xue sneered and said, "So our trip was in vain?"

Ling Xue's voice sounded very gentle, but Xiao Gourd trembled all over after hearing it. Is this the suppression of the hierarchy?
This boss wouldn't slap himself to pieces, would he?
It can't move now. If the boss tries to attack it, it won't even be able to escape.

Thinking of this, Xiao Gourd suddenly had an idea. If he gives some benefits to these people, they should be able to let him go, right?
Ling Xue's eyes were fixed on Xiao Gourd. Before she could say anything, three rays of light quickly shot towards Ling Xue and Xiao Hu Lu.

Ling Xue already knew the reason through the small speaker, and she immediately retracted her blocking hand.

Big and small tigers also saw the light shining towards them, but their movements were too slow, and the light had penetrated into their foreheads before they had time to move.

what happened?

Ling Xue's spiritual power explored the spiritual sea and found a delicate little gourd floating in the spiritual sea. It was so cute.

Ling Xue took out a bit of mental energy to explore the small gourd and found that it was a storage device.

After taking a closer look, Ling Xue discovered that although this storage equipment only contained one hundred cubic meters, it was a rare treasure for people in this world.

Ling Xue didn't care, she didn't lack storage equipment, but she just prepared one for the Liao family.

Strictly speaking, this kind of storage equipment is much easier to use than the storage pearls she got before. At least it is not easy to be discovered and not easy to be snatched, which is just right for the Liao family's situation.

Big and small tigers are now happily exploring the new toys that appeared in their minds. Ling Xue was afraid that they would not understand and explained it to them.

These two boys are very smart. Even though they are less than ten years old, they know a lot of things.

Dahu even stared at Ling Xue quietly: "Sister Xiaoxue, this is a good treasure. It must be kept secret, otherwise someone will definitely come to snatch it away."

Not to be outdone, Xiaohu said: "Yes, you know, seeking wealth and killing people? Be careful!"

Ling Xue looked at them funny and promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely keep it a secret, and so will you. You must keep it a secret, otherwise you will definitely be captured by the bad guys."

After the three of them agreed to keep the matter about the little gourd a secret, Ling Xue suddenly saw the little horn with its head hanging motionless nestled in the snow not far away.

Ling Xue asked curiously: "What's wrong, trumpet? What's the matter?"

Ling Xue didn't pay attention at first, but the frustrated look on the little speaker was so pitiful that Ling Xue had no choice but to step forward and ask.

Seeing that their good friend Xiao Xiaoxiao was unhappy, Big Tiger went over to comfort him.

It was fine at first, but when Ling Xue and Big Big Tiger asked, Little Trumpet started crying.

The big and small tigers couldn't hear its cry, but Ling Xue's head felt like it was exploding, and the whole head was filled with the cry of the small trumpet.

"What's going on? Tell me quickly?" Ling Xue asked anxiously, mainly because the cry from the small speaker was too noisy.

Xiao Xiaoxiao saw that Ling Xue was really anxious, so she cried and said: "You all have little gourds, but I don't. Little gourds bully others, wow——"

It was so!
Ling Xue and Big Big Tiger's eyes suddenly turned from Little Horn to Little Calabash.

The little gourd's pressure increased greatly, and his body couldn't help but tremble.

It was also a little scared, but of course it was more aggrieved.

The trumpet is a mutated plant just like it, so why do you want its little gourd?
(End of this chapter)

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