Master of life in the last days

Chapter 655 Little Ice World 112

Xiaohu also looked at Lingxue pitifully and begged for mercy along with Dahu: "Sister Xiaoxue, I want to play with them! Is that okay?"

Ling Xue smiled and said: "Of course!"

Ling Xue loosened the restraints of the little water polo, and the four-leaf clover rushed towards the big and small tigers with a "swish--", one person at a time, impartially.

Ling Xue knew their strength, so she wasn't worried about them escaping at all.

In fact, Clover did not dare to offend Ling Xue. Even if they had just opened their spiritual intelligence, the coercion exuded by Ling Xue could still suppress them.

Still, they are not very intelligent. If existences like Little Gourd and Little Trumpet dare not provoke the big and small tigers, it is not like they only want to play with the big and small tigers.

However, Clover's choice of objects is still very correct. They just play together, very suitable!
After solving the problem, Ling Xue took Big and Little Tiger back together.

After getting into the RV, Lingxue and Big Tiger both lay down on the sofa to rest. Lingxue didn't care, but Big Tiger was exhausted.

Lingxue rested for a while and then went to get some food and drink for the big and small tigers. When the big and small tigers saw the delicious food, they immediately became excited.

After eating and drinking, Ling Xue drove Xiaohu to lie down on the bed and go to sleep, while she began to practice.

After all, they were tired, and the big and small tigers quickly fell asleep.

Ling Xue practiced the cycle of heaven and earth for a few times and then stopped. She planned to go to the nearby mountains to have a look.

Just as she was about to leave, Ling Xue left a trace of mental energy on Big and Little Tigers and set off.

Without any big or small tigers to stumble, Ling Xue quickly reached the foot of the mountain.

Which direction should we go?

After thinking about it, Ling Xue finally chose to go up the mountain from the trail.

Most people don't dare to go up the mountain at this time. There may be a big pit underneath a seemingly flat place. As long as you walk up, you can be transferred to the pit immediately.Ling Xue no longer had this worry. With a sweep of her mental energy, she could see clearly where there was any problem.

However, Ling Xue did not walk step by step honestly. She directly took out a small motorcycle, got on it and slowly started looking around.

Of course, her mental power is also sweeping around, not only looking for mutated new species, but also checking to see if there are other humans nearby.

I don't know what's going on. Ling Xue has been shopping for almost half an hour, but she didn't find anything.

This is impossible?Why haven't you found anything good in such a huge mountain?
Unable to figure out this problem, Ling Xue stopped thinking about it and just focused on looking for good things.

Is there any big BOSS nearby?

It's not impossible.

Ling Xue lowered the flying height of the flying motorcycle and moved it to about one meter above the ground, so that it would be easier for her to find things on the ground.

Ling Xue couldn't afford to consume her mental power after using it for a long time. In this case, it was better to observe with sight.

When Ling Xue's eyes hurt a little, something suddenly flashed her eyes.

Is there something good here?
Lingxue mentally scanned the area and found it. It turned out to be a transparent mushroom. It was not easy!

Obviously, this mushroom has mutated. In terms of the properties of mushrooms, it is impossible for it to be just this one. Since there is a first one, there is a second one, or even the Nth one.

She has checked it, five poisons, benign mutations.

If this is the case, then her gains today will be much greater.

Ling Xue stopped searching and directly activated the collecting technique, collecting as much as possible on the snow surface. (End of chapter)

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