Master of life in the last days

Chapter 671 Little Ice World 128

Chapter 671 Little Ice World 128
She is also worried about mutated ants entering the house. If something slips through the net, her future life will be unstable.

When the mutant ants entered the attack range, Ling Xue turned on the flamethrower switch, and the ferocious fire snake suddenly rushed out. The mutant ants surrounding Ling Xue suddenly burst into flames.

The strange thing is that the fire on the burning mutant ants did not ignite other mutant ants, but it also blocked the mutant ants from approaching Ling Xue.

Ling Xue felt strange, and after careful observation, it turned out that Ling Xue had ignited the mutated ants in front, but the mutated ants in the back sprayed a stream of transparent mucus from their mouths, which prevented the fire from spreading.

Seeing this scene, Ling Xue sighed inwardly. Although these mutant ants were not benign mutations, they still evolved abilities that were beneficial to themselves.

Ling Xue fired the flame gun around while carefully observing whether any mutant ants broke through the flame blockade. She was only here, but several mutant ants around Liao Er quietly broke through behind him.

Ling Xue immediately reminded loudly: "Second brother, be careful behind you, there are a few ants running past."

When Liao Er heard Ling Xue's reminder, he immediately turned back to check. Sure enough, there were a few fish that slipped through the net. Liao Er unceremoniously sprayed them with a flame gun, and several mutant ants were instantly wiped out.

Mutated creatures living in groups can protect each other. The larger the number, the easier it is to survive. A few mutant ants cannot get the mucus from their companions and can only be destroyed silently.

Aunt Liao was very dissatisfied with Liao Er's carelessness, and she also cursed loudly: "You bastard, can't you be more careful? Your sister needs to remind you, you really deserve a beating!"

Liao Er also knew that he was in the wrong and replied: "I know!"

Ling Xue looked over and found that he was making faces at her, but Ling Xue didn't say much. She just smiled at Liao Er and turned her attention to the mutated ants around her.

These mutant ants did not stop except for some of them attacking the villagers on the roadside. Most of the mutant ants were still following the large army and did not know where they were going.

It can be seen that the village is not their target, but the village is on their way.

It took 10 minutes for the mutant ant army to all leave the village, but Ling Xue, the others and the villagers did not stop their attack.

Some are chasing the mutant ant army behind, hoping that they will not return, and some are looking for fish that have slipped through the net everywhere in the village.

Don't think that all the mutant ants are gone. There are always some mutant ants that disobey instructions and stay in the village. These ants are quite harmful!
Although they don't have much attack power individually, they carry poison themselves, and if they bite someone, it will be really painful.

Of course, these mutant ants are not completely without benefits. At least the transparent mucus sprayed by these mutant ants is a good thing. If you study it, it is a good fire-proof substance.

While Ling Xue was looking for mutant ants that had slipped through the net, she used collecting techniques to collect transparent substances from these mutant ants. If she handed over the collected transparent mucus to the research institute, she could also exchange it for some good mutant plants.

Of course, she would definitely keep some of it and bring it back to Blue Star.

Speaking of which, Ling Xue collected some of the mutated ant corpses and put them in an empty box in the safe house. These mutated ants are also a good research material and can be brought back to Blue Star for research by the institute.

(End of this chapter)

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