Master of life in the last days

Chapter 673 Little Ice World 130

The two took out two bags of white flour and two bags of white rice from the basement, and loaded five or six bags of Chinese cabbage before moving them up one by one.

The things were not put anywhere else, but placed in the living room. When the person who came to collect the things arrived, they could be moved directly to the car and taken away.

Ling Xue felt that these things were not too much, but Aunt Liao saw what she meant. Although she took good care of Ling Xue, she would not coddle her in such matters:,

"Don't think that there is a shortage of food. Let's not talk about rice and flour. Let's just say that these cabbages are selling for sky-high prices outside.

Besides, if you donate too much, how much do others think you have?Once the news spreads, those evil-hearted people will come to snatch it! "

Although Ling Xue was not worried about those people who came to rob her, she finally accepted Aunt Liao's reminder.

In fact, Ling Xue also knew in her heart that Aunt Liao was not wrong. She was now more powerful than ordinary practitioners, but what if someone more powerful appeared?
After all, we are in a different world, our home field, and anything can happen.

Seeing that Ling Xue accepted her argument, Aunt Liao went back to her house next door with great momentum.

Ling Xue looked at Aunt Liao's back, smiled and shook her head. She still hadn't really integrated into the world, and she found that she had been a lot more impetuous recently.

It wasn't for any other reason, but Ling Xue found that she couldn't contact the outside world now, and she tried to send a message to the world consciousness of this world, but got no reply.

In other words, she has no way to leave this world now.

Although Ling Xue couldn't feel the malice of this world, it was still troubling that she couldn't leave at any time.

Ling Xue has no other choice but to stay in this world temporarily and wait for her world consciousness to recover, or for the people from Blue Star to find a way to get her out.

"Xiaoxue, are you at home?"

The village chief's voice came from outside. Ling Xue quickly put back her thoughts that had spread to unknown places, got up and opened the door. "Village chief, you are here, please come in!"

Ling Xue opened the door and saw the village chief and several young men waiting at the door, and quickly let them in.

As soon as they entered the living room of Ling Xue's house, the village chief and the others discovered a pile of sacks neatly arranged in the living room.

Time was urgent, and Ling Xue had no ink. She pointed to the sacks in the living room and said to the village chief: "These are the things I want to donate. One hundred catties of white flour, one hundred catties of white rice, and one hundred catties of cabbage!"

Hearing what Ling Xue donated, the village chief did not feel that Ling Xue’s donation was small. Instead, he immediately asked with concern: “It’s too much. You are the only one in your family. Donate so much and you can keep enough for yourself.” Is that so? We donate things according to our ability and there is no force. Don’t you end up not having enough to eat by then?”

Ling Xue smiled and replied: "That's enough! I'm just one person, I don't eat much, don't worry, village chief!"

Seeing that Ling Xue really wanted to donate so many supplies, the village chief nodded and registered her.

Before leaving, the village chief warned: "If you are missing something, remember to tell the village, don't keep it all in your heart!"

"I know!"

Although there are everyone in their village, the village does treat its own people well. At least no one in their village froze to death and starved to death.

Don't think that people's lives are easy now. Many people who lack food and clothing are living on receiving a small amount of disaster relief supplies.

Although the state has given notice in advance, asking people to store as much food, clothing and housing as possible, there are always some people who are lucky and do not prepare. As a result, they can no longer buy things at high prices with money. .

Even if someone is willing to sell, it will be difficult for the transaction to be successful due to inconvenient transportation. In the end, they can only live on the disaster relief materials distributed by the state. (End of chapter)

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