Master of life in the last days

Chapter 677 Little Ice World 134

Liao Da continued: "Although these three pigs are benign mutations, their attack power is not weak. After the conflict with them, it took a lot of effort to deal with them. These mutants were all brought back to the village. If you are interested, you can go to the village committee and have a look."

Ling Xue nodded and replied, "Okay, I'll go over and have a look later!"

While talking, they returned to Liao's house.

The two brothers went upstairs to wash up and change clothes, while Aunt Liao started to pack the food and wait for the brothers to finish it and eat it after they came down.

The two brothers, who looked as dirty as beggars when they first came back, immediately became two handsome and handsome men after washing themselves up.

Aunt Liao smiled and prepared food for the two brothers. Uncle Liao and Ling Xue could only watch with smiles as they couldn't get involved.

Looking at the steaming food, the two brothers had a great appetite, and one by one they wolfed down the food on the table.

The two of them ate well. Ling Xue and Aunt Liao were chatting while adding food to them, and Liao Da and Liao Er also chimed in from time to time.

"You don't know what the mutated pigs have become. It's simply shocking. Each of them has mutated to the size of a cow. If it weren't for the fact that the pig's head and nose had not changed, we wouldn't believe it was a pig. ."

"Why did it mutate so much?"

"you do not say!"

"Then how much food will this pig have to eat in the future? I'm afraid it will be difficult to raise pigs in the future!"

"Why are they difficult to raise? It's not the same as before, it's just bigger. If the people transporting supplies hadn't provoked them first, maybe they might not attack people?"

"It's not because I'm afraid that they will attack humans, but because food is so valuable now. This pig ate so much before it mutated. After the mutation, its body became so big, so it ate more. Who else has that much? Feed them something?"

"Yes, the possibility of this mutated animal being bred in captivity is not high!"

"You are so considerate. Not all of these pigs have mutated. People who want to raise pigs can still keep raising them!?"

A few people were chatting together, talking about whatever they thought of, and Ling Xue suddenly thought of a question, and asked abruptly: "Brother, the mutated wild boar they brought back is also a benign mutation. It has no toxins, so it should be edible, right? Give it to us. Divide?"

Ling Xue's words suddenly had the effect of dominating the entire audience. Everyone became quiet. One by one, you looked at me and I looked at you.

After a while, Aunt Liao slapped her thigh and said in a high voice: "Yes, how could we forget such an important thing? I heard that these mutated animals contain a lot of energy and play a great role in cultivation." Da, we have to ask, right? If this is all handed over to the Association of Superpowers, then we will suffer a big loss!"

Yes, handing over mutated animals to the Superpower Association at this time is just to give more money. This kind of transaction is very cost-effective for ordinary people, but it is a big loss for cultivators.

After all, for cultivators these days, there is no way to obtain cultivation materials, unless they form a team to hunt benign mutant animals or collect mutant plants in the wild.

Otherwise, there would be no place to buy these cultivation materials. As long as you are a cultivator, who doesn’t need these good things?If you have cultivation materials in hand, it’s too late to hide them. Who would be stupid enough to spread the word about them?
Everyone knows this truth. Uncle Liao stood up and said hello: "I'll go to the village chief and ask, don't wait until the end and drag away the things!" (End of Chapter)

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