The pregnant woman was quite cooperative and took a few deep breaths to calm down her emotions.

Xu Shengxia asked her:
"How many times are you giving birth?"

Pregnant woman: "The third time..."

"Shunsheng the first two times?"

The pregnant woman nodded painfully:
"Doctor... I seem to be... ah!... I'm going to give birth!"

Xu Sheng Xia Meng circled: "..."

I am not a doctor.

And... is this going to happen?
What should I do if I feel a little flustered and flustered?
Finally, Xu Shengxia closed the car door, took off her pants, and helped her into a posture that was convenient for childbirth.

Then, she got out of the car on the side where no one was there, ran to Jianghuai quickly, and asked him:
"Doctor Jiang, Doctor Jiang! The pregnant woman said she was about to give birth, what should I do?"

Jiang Huai was working with a few enthusiastic people who later joined the ranks of rescuers to save the middle-aged man who was stuck in the chest by a steel frame.

The middle-aged man's injury was extremely serious, and if he was not careful, he might have injured his heart a second time and died directly.

So Jiang Huai's face was serious, and he didn't have time to get away to look at the pregnant woman. When Xu Shengxia asked him, he told her what he knew:
"See if she has a dilated cervix. If the cervix is ​​fully dilated, look for disinfectants, sterile gloves and scissors in the medicine box. After adequate disinfection, deliver the baby and cut the umbilical cord after the placenta is delivered..."

Jiang Huai spoke very quickly, and said a lot, if it were an ordinary person, he would definitely not be able to remember it.

But Xu Shengxia is not an ordinary person, so she wrote down his words verbatim.

"Do you need to repeat?" Jiang Huai, who realized that he was speaking too fast, took a deep breath and asked Xu Shengxia patiently.

Xu Shengxia shook his head quickly: "No, I will remember."

After speaking, she turned around and prepared to go back.

But after walking a few steps, she turned back and said to the few people who were afraid because of the steel frame:
"I have a super sharp little chainsaw over there, do you want it?"

Jiang Huai turned to look at her and replied:
"Need, find someone to get it from you."


Because Xu Shengxia had all the tools, the person in the car was saved.

The person in the van was slightly injured and came out by himself.

The private car with the broken fuel tank was a family of three. The child and his wife were basically uninjured, but were just frightened. The husband in the driver’s seat hit his head, and there was blood on his forehead, but it was not serious. After a short period of dizziness and trance , with the help of others, also left the danger zone and moved to a safe place.

After 10 minutes of racing against time, the private car with a broken fuel tank caught fire and exploded.

But thankfully, no one lost their lives because of this thrilling car accident.

And the pregnant woman in Xu Shengxia's car gave birth to a chubby little boy with the loud noise.

The pregnant woman knew that her husband was seriously injured, and was afraid that although he was saved temporarily, he would not be able to survive the critical period and would not be able to see their son.

So he asked Xu Shengxia to take the child out and let his husband take a look at the child while he was awake.

Xu Shengxia did not refuse pregnant women.

Gently wiped off the suet on the little milk baby who was crying loudly, took a soft blanket, wrapped him up, and walked out.

The seriously injured middle-aged man's vision was a little blurred. Because of the limited medical conditions at the scene, the sawn steel frame on his chest was not pulled out, but a simple hemostasis was done.

But after hearing the cry of the child, his eyes opened slightly with excitement.

Xu Shengxia quickly bent down and showed him the crying baby:
"Mother and baby are safe, a little boy crying loudly."

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled happily while shedding happy tears.

He couldn't speak, but he could guess from the slow opening and closing of his lips that he said "thank you" to Xu Shengxia.

Xu Shengxia replied with a smile: "You're welcome."

Jiang Huai also urged and encouraged him:
"Stop talking, save your energy. Although your injury is dangerous, you didn't hurt your internal organs, but if you are not careful, you may injure your heart a second time. For your wife and your newborn child, you must work hard. Hold on, wait for the ambulance to come, there is a high possibility that you will be saved, and you will definitely be able to save yourself from danger."

The man pursed his lips and blinked his eyes slowly, expressing his understanding.

There were many people around the scene, but almost no one spoke, only the cry of the child represented the birth of life and hope.

After seeing the seriously injured man interacting with Jiang Huai and Xu Shengxia, some people unknowingly followed the injured man and shed tears.

Why cry, they don't know.

I just found this scene very touching.

Especially when I saw the beautiful girl holding the baby, but she was covered in blood and filth because of the delivery, and Jiang Huai was covered in blood, and she was even injured in the process of saving others, but she didn't know it. , While still helping the other party to stop the bleeding carefully, and at the same time telling the patient to pay attention...

They suddenly felt very deeply that doctors are really great!

They are heroes, fearless heroes!
It is the escort of people's life safety!
In the end, I don’t know who clapped their hands in the air first, and soon there were more and more applause on the scene, and the applause became louder and louder, and lasted for a long time!
Not long after the inspiring applause, police cars, fire trucks and ambulances arrived at the same time.

The firefighters rushed to the scene with fire-fighting equipment and carried out fire-fighting and explosive-discharge operations. Police cars were directing traffic, evacuating the traffic jams, and clearing a way for the ambulance. Injured people, pregnant women and children were transferred to ambulances.

A doctor recognized Jiang Huai and ran over to understand the situation with him.

Jiang Huai responsibly described the situation of the seriously injured person, as well as some situations during the delivery of the pregnant woman.

Xu Shengxia was packing up the things that Linlin had scattered on the ground.

After packing away the tools, she couldn't bear the smell of blood on her body, so she took off her coat and only put on a thin white underwear underneath.

Opening the car door... the strong smell of blood and the smell of a pregnant woman giving birth rushed towards her face.

Another very sad thing was that Xu Shengxia found out that the two front tires of her car were blown because she was the closest to it during the explosion.

Xu Shengxia: "..."

It's cool being a hero who saves lives.

But it's too sad to have your rented car parked halfway on the highway, right?

She had no choice but to call the rental company to explain the situation, tell them the address, and ask them if they could come and pick up the car by themselves if they paid more.

Now is the Internet age, people in the rental company have posted a video of Xu Shengxia and a doctor rescuing someone in a car accident.

When they heard that the girl who rescued people on the scene rented their car, they immediately expressed their high respect to her excitedly. After the salute was over, they paid her compensation according to the procedure.

After finishing the calculation, he told her kindly that the insurance company would be there soon, and that she could just hand over the car keys to them after the insurance company passed by.

As for the next thing, Xu Shengxia doesn't have to worry about it.

Xu Shengxia only needs to pack up his things and find a way to find a car to go back.

So Xu Shengxia paid them money and started to pack up and get out of the car...

After getting out of the car, it became difficult again...

Where can I find a car to take her and her stuff back on this shitty highway?

How about rubbing against the police car for a while?
Just as she was thinking, the police came to look for her.

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