Let you broadcast live! But you let the koi go beyond to kill pigs?

Chapter 211 Don't believe in evil?Zhang Liangying also overturned!

Almost every anchor in the live singing room is trying to cover "Take All You Want"!
Zhang Liangying is also on the live broadcast.

She learned the news of the concert site through the barrage of netizens, and couldn't help but become curious.

"Even Lin Junjie can't sing [Take All You Want]?"

Zhang Liangying was very surprised.

After all, Lin Junjie's singing skills are obvious to all, and she herself admires Lin Junjie very much.

Lin Junjie's repeated attempts failed, but instead aroused her competitive spirit.

Isn't it just a song?
As a professional singer, how could she be afraid!
Zhang Jingying cleared her throat, and announced in the live broadcast room: "Brothers and sisters, I will also challenge the song [Take All You Want] tonight."

"Wow! Sister Liangying is going to make a move!"

"look forward to!"

"Princess Dolphin must be fine!"

"Don't talk big, what if the car overturns?"

"What are you afraid of? Lin Junjie didn't say anything when he overturned his car in front of tens of thousands of spectators."

"Yes, we just want to hear sister Liangying sing this song!"

Seeing that the audience responded well, and the popularity of the live broadcast room has also risen a lot, Zhang Liangying feels more and more that she must sing this song well today!

She first found the lyrics of "Take All You Want", and recited it silently several times, memorizing the lyrics in her mind.

Then I opened the webpage and searched for Zhang Chaoyue's singing video in the competition. After watching it repeatedly, I finally got the feeling!
Professional singers are like this. After finding the feeling, they can sing a song accurately.

The tune of "Take All You Want" was not difficult, and Zhang Liangying hummed it smoothly.

It only took about 15 minutes in total.

Zhang Liangying thinks she can do it!
"Attention everyone, I will sing [Take All You Want] next."

Zhang Liangying got ready and announced in the live broadcast room.

"Sister, come on!"

"As expected of the Dolphin Princess, she learned to sing this song in such a short period of time!"

"Can it break the record? No celebrity has posted a cover video on the Internet yet!"

"Yes, our sister Liangying must grab the first prize!"

"Become the No. 1 who slaps Zhang Chaoyue!"

"Zhang Chaoyue, look after you! Our sister Liangying is going to make a move!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was full of anticipation, and some people even started to record the screen. They waited for Zhang Jingying to complete the cover of "Take All You Want", and put the video on the Internet!

Zhang Liangying sang directly without a soundtrack!
"In the beginning, you were always asking, but in the end, I was always waiting."

"Speak with restraint, but the atmosphere doesn't warm up."

"Love is out of stock, you said it so seriously."

"It seems that I am deliberately perfunctory, the plot of these routines..."

The beautiful singing voice resounded in the live broadcast room.

Like Lin Junjie, Zhang Jingying also added her own style when she sang "Take All You Want", using her unique dolphin sound to distinguish it from the original song, which made the audience listen to it and have a special taste !
"Compared with the slightly hoarse voice of the original singer, each has its own merits!"

"I like both styles!"

"Sister Liangying's voice is really nice!"

"I still prefer the style of the original song, which makes me more sad."

"I guess Sister Liangying can weaken the grief in the song."

"It makes sense. She sang that to take care of us."

Netizens in the live broadcast room lamented Zhang Liangying's amazing singing skills, and dared to modify the original version for the first time.

When it came to the fast song part, the netizens in the live broadcast subconsciously held their breath, worrying whether Zhang Liangying would overturn on this line of lyrics!
After all, with Lin Junjie's lessons learned, Zhang Liangying sang extremely cautiously.

She had already been brewing in her mind for a long time before she sang the fast-paced lyrics.

"Everything you see is for entertainment, and it's sold at a special price...it doesn't matter how expensive it is."

not good!Mouth it!

Zhang Jingying was stunned in the live broadcast room, the picture seemed to be stagnant.

"Why don't you move?"

"Sister Liangying, are you okay?"

"Damn it! Sister Liangying also overturned!"

"Hahaha, this is the first time I've seen Zhang Liangying roll over!"

"It seems that netizens are not lying, this lyrics is really hot!"

"Sister Liangying's mouth was also burned!"

Zhang Liangying was extremely embarrassed.

Obviously I was ready, but why did it fail once I sang it?
This song is poisonous!
Zhang Liangying was not convinced, and sang the lyrics again: "Everything you see is for entertainment, and it is sold at a special price...sell...no matter how expensive it is."

Tried several times, failed!
She wanted to slap herself a few times, why did she have to challenge this song?
Now it's all right, she will be on the hot search with Lin Junjie tonight!
Zhang Liangying wants to cry but has no tears.

Fortunately, a fan reminded: "Lin Junjie asked Zhang Chaoyue for advice on singing this song at the concert!"

Zhang Liangying's eyes lit up when she saw the barrage: "Is there a video?"

Before the netizen could reply, she found the related video on the scarf.

"Just stress first and let your tongue relax...that's it!"

Zhang Jingying didn't watch the entire video, but just listened to Zhang Chaoyue's tricks and pressed the pause button without watching the rest.

As long as you follow the method Zhang Chaoyue said, you can successfully sing the most difficult line of lyrics.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Jingying tried to sing a few lines of the lyrics in a low voice, and found that there was no major problem.

"nailed it!"

Zhang Jingying clenched her fists, confident that she would be able to sing this song well.

"As expected of sister Liangying, she has mastered the skills so quickly!"

"That's great, Sister Liangying is the first star to have a successful cover song!"

"Sister, come on!"

Some netizens who don't know the situation at the concert are full of confidence in Zhang Liangying.

However, some netizens who have watched the full video are skeptical.

"I seem to see Lin Junjie's figure!"

"Lin Junjie's singing skills are better than Zhang Liangying's. Even if he can't, how can Zhang Liangying succeed?"

"That's hard to say. There is still a difference between male singers and female singers. Some songs are easier for female singers to sing."

Everyone waited and watched, waiting for Zhang Jingying to sing.

This time, Zhang Liangying was more cautious, for fear that she would sing out of tune, she specially opened the original song as the soundtrack.

The prelude sounded, and Zhang Liangying quickly entered the state.

There was still no problem with the first half of the song, and Zhang Jingying successfully sang the lyrics of the verse.

When it came to the chorus, she took a deep breath: "Everything you see is just for fun, it doesn't matter if it's sold at a special price...it doesn't matter how expensive it is."

I go!

Talking again!

"Hahaha, the lyrics are indeed poisonous!"

"Sister Liangying is also burning her mouth!"

"The second victim has appeared!"

"I'm a fan of Sister Liangying, but I can't help it, it's so funny!"

"Sure enough, I can't try to sing this song lightly, it's too easy to overturn!"

Zhang Liangying's whole body is not well!

A few minutes later, Zhang Liangying's live broadcast video of the overturned car also appeared on the scarf...

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