Let you broadcast live! But you let the koi go beyond to kill pigs?

Chapter 216 They are like a mountain, the highest mountain


"The highest mountain in the world?"

"What do you mean? How do you feel, is it a little different from before?"

"It's strange, it doesn't feel like an ordinary song."

In the live broadcast room and the auditorium, everyone was very curious and talked a lot.

At the instructor's seat, Hua Yuchen pursed his lips in disdain: "I'm playing tricks again."

Both Wang Fei and Xue Zhiqian ignored him.

Both of them felt that Zhang Chaoyue appeared this time, and his temperament was very different from before.

Not only the instructors, players, and the audience present.

Even the online viewers in the live broadcast room felt this.

Today's Zhang Chaoyue seems particularly solemn.

This kind of solemnity on her body, combined with her white dress at the moment, reflected a kind of glamorousness.

Specifically, they couldn't tell.

If I have to describe it...

On the other hand, Zhang Chaoyue was dressed in white clothes when he was dancing and singing in front of his grandfather's tomb.

For a moment, the live broadcast room fell into a brief calm.

But immediately, the barrage began to explode!
"Wow, is Miss Chaoyue going to have a sword dance?"

"I really like how she dances the sword, as if it's her sword handle, let her hold me in the palm of her hand."

"You still act as the hilt of my young lady's sword, I think you are like a halberd handle."

"Miss, it's been a long time since I danced the sword. I've been looking forward to it for a long time and finally waited until today..."

"Stop talking nonsense, Chao Chao doesn't have a sword in his hand."

"She doesn't look like she can dance today."

As the number of people in the live broadcast room further exploded, Zhang Chaoyue waved his hand, and the band began to accompany him.

The program group invited a mature band, which has a good reputation in China and often performs abroad.

They are all well-known instrument players, even when faced with a brand-new arrangement, they will not be in a hurry, but calmly.

With the sound of the harp, the sound of the flute and the horn, and the chants of the human voice.

The prelude unfolded slowly, and in just a dozen seconds, it brought people into a vast and magnificent world.

Everyone's hearts can't help but expand.

This prelude is too grand, too powerful.

Xue Zhiqian immediately felt that something was wrong.

What kind of voice, what kind of singing voice, can support such a grand prelude?
He asked himself that he would never be able to do it.

He is a singer with a small voice, and he will never be able to sing such a big song.

She couldn't help but turned to look at Wang Fei, only to find that Wang Fei was also shaking her head secretly.

Obviously, Wang Fei also discovered this.

Although she can be called a queen of songs, Wang Fei has never been good at big songs.

Obviously, she couldn't sing such a prelude song.

The auditorium is also wide-eyed, whispering.

Zhang Chaoyue's appearance this time is so different!

At this moment, Zhang Chaoyue's singing sounded.


你 高耸 在 人心 中

你 屹立 在 蓝天下

你 用 爱 阳光 抚育格桑花

You sprinkle the beautiful moonlight all over the Himalayas"

Different from the previous singing, with a magnificent brilliance, it directly hits everyone's eardrums and penetrates into everyone's heart.

In an instant, her voice overwhelmed the prelude and suppressed the accompaniment.

In everyone's ears, there is only Zhang Chaoyue's voice, and in the eyes, there is only this solemn and solemn singer in a white dress Shengxue.

At this moment, she is like a glacier goddess.

"My God, it turned out to be a national singing method!"

"She actually used folk singing, and she's so proficient!"

Xue Zhiqian almost jumped up from the instructor's seat, opened his mouth wide, and his dentures almost fell out.

Wang Fei was also stunned.

She can be regarded as the queen of popular songs, Mandarin and Cantonese, and has achieved outstanding achievements.

But for folk singing, she has always stayed away from it because her own conditions do not allow it.

Although, she can sing ordinary folk songs more beautifully than ordinary folk songs.

But this does not affect her admiration and admiration for top-level national singing singers.

But now, in front of her eyes, the one who sang this kind of singing turned out to be Zhang Chaoyue, an amateur who was not from a major!

Strictly speaking, in Creation 202, Zhang Chaoyue is just a soy saucer in singing, no different from ordinary people.

The so-called practice time is just that.

Because, for national singing, one must have talent, voice condition, and breath control, all must be top-notch.

The other is the real training, allowing one's breathing, one's throat cavity, and one's vocal cords to be fully stretched and expanded to achieve the best and highest state.

And now, Zhang Chaoyue is obviously already in this state!
Her performance was top notch!

For a moment at the scene, a needle could be heard, only the band's accompaniment, only Zhang Chaoyue's singing continued.


我 多 想 弹起 的 弦子
I tell you eternal love words
我 爱 你 珠穆朗玛

"Everest in my heart"

Zhang Chaoyue continued to sing.

Folk song techniques, under her LV4 acting skills, have completely reached the level of a top singer.

Her chest resonance, her vocal cord resonance, and her breath all seemed like a peak singer.

And the audience in the audience, as well as the online audience in the live broadcast room, in the hearts of all of them, in front of their eyes, a picture seemed to appear.

Although most people have never been to the frontiers of the Western Regions, nor have they seen the magnificent herbs, towering snow mountains, and towering peaks.Even, they haven't even read such articles, so they can't form an inherent impression.

However, in Zhang Chaoyue's singing, under the bright and beautiful singing like the sound of nature, the blue sky in the frontier and the snow-white, holy and majestic Mount Everest suddenly appeared in their minds.


你 走进 亲人 梦 中

you laugh at plateau collectors

你 那 堂堂 正气 闪 着 的 光华

你 用 阵阵 清风 大地 妈妈
我 多 想 挑起 的 锅庄
为 你 献 一 条 的 哈达
献给 你 珠穆朗玛

Holy Everest"

There was a strange brilliance in Zhang Chaoyue's eyes.

If you look carefully, you can even faintly see the crystal tears mixed in it.

She just sang like this, with a high-pitched voice, bright but not sharp, sad but not sad.

In her singing, many audiences seemed to see towering mountains.

And these high mountains are not just mountains.

They are one by one, a team, a column of soldiers.

They walked in the boundless grassland, the vast desert, and the extinct snow mountain.

They are the guardians. Wherever they stand, there are mountains and Everest.


When the prelude just sounded.

In front of the TV, Tan Weiwei just took a sip of boiled water and almost choked.

She didn't expect that Zhang Chaoyue's new song this time turned out to be a national singing style.

This touches on her strengths.

She is one of the rare talented female singers in China who has both national singing and popular singing.

She has innate good conditions, coupled with acquired training, her singing skills are so powerful that she can easily control all kinds of folk songs and big songs.

Now, Zhang Chaoyue's new song is actually sung in a national way. In front of her, it's like playing tricks.

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