Chapter 222

At this time in the live broadcast room, I heard clearly.

Zhang Chaoyue's "Everest" was selected by the army as a festival promotional song?
My God, what an honor is this?

But how could such an honor fall on Zhang Chaoyue?
"I don't believe it, everything must go through a process, especially the army, it's too fast, it's unreal."

"I think it was written by Zhang Chaoyue's agent to put pressure on Manguotai."

"It's too naive. This kind of thing will be broken as soon as it is stabbed, and it will be investigated. It's too courageous."

"It's okay to be blocked, but false propaganda to the troops is a big problem."

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, and most of them were doubts.

Some fans of other singers, as well as Zhang Chaoyue's black fans, swiped the screen frantically, wanting to admit the crimes of Zhang Chaoyue and his manager.

At this moment, a more violent wave of barrage hit the live broadcast room!
"Go to the official website, the official announcement!"

"[Qomolangma] has become a festival promotional song, and it has already been launched. On the day of the festival, it will be released together with the promotional video."

"My God, is this actually true?"

"Amazing, my transcendence!"

"Whose general is this, so brave?"

"I thought [Moonlight] and [Take All You Want] were brave enough, but I didn't expect [Everest] to be the fiercest one!"

"My transcendence, so brave, will be banned..."

At this time, the center of gravity of the barrage in the live broadcast room had already concentrated on the Mango stage.

The festival promotional songs are all created by Zhang Chaoyue, and most of them are also Zhang Chaoyue's original songs.

Such Zhang Chaoyue, how dare Manguotai block her?
Is this going to confront the troops?

Zhang Chaoyue was immersed in the excitement and never closed the live broadcast room.

And the number of people in her live broadcast room is also increasing, and they are all inviting friends to watch the excitement.

In less than 10 minutes, the number of people exceeded 100 million!
It is almost tied with the highest record of [Who is the Big Singer]!

At the same time, no one can compare!

With the announcement on the official website coming out at the speed of light, and the number of people in Zhang Chaoyue's live broadcast room exploded.

Two places were drained, and Weibo subsequently exploded.

The number one most searched item [The Deputy Director of Manguo Station said in a rage that Zhang Chaoyue is suspected to be banned! ], was instantly squeezed out, and fell to the second place.

And the first place is also Zhang Chaoyue's!

[Zhang Chaoyue's new song [Qomolangma] was selected as a festival promotional song! 】

The popularity exploded, and the number of participants in the comment area below also exploded.

And the second trending search, where Zhang Chaoyue was blocked, has also been topped. In the second place, it is as stable as Mount Tai, and the comment area is even more explosive.

At this moment, the high-level executives of Manguotai are also bursting in their hearts.

Especially the deputy director Guo Jianguo, he felt very bad, and his whole body was about to crack.

All the higher-ups frowned.

The gazes cast over him were all cold and angry.

Especially the head of the station, he was waiting for Guo Jianguo, wishing he could eat him raw!
The phone rang, and the director quickly picked it up.

"What? On Weibo, won't you remove the trending search?"

The director of the station was furious, he slapped the table with a slap:
"Don't be sympathetic, right? We'll give you money!

How much money do others pay for withdrawing hot searches, we will give double copies, is this finally over?

What?Or not? "

The chief of the station gritted his teeth, and all the high-level people around Manguotai lowered their heads and remained silent.

Guo Jianguo, on the other hand, had an earthy face and didn't dare to look up at all.

His heart was trembling, confused, resentful, and regretful.

Resentment at the attitude of the people around, including the head of the station.

Banning Zhang Chaoyue was certainly his decision, Guo Jianguo, but those present also agreed.

Even, buying the headlines of the hot search that was blocked was originally the intention of Taili.

Kill chickens to make an example to monkeys?

Zhang Chaoyue is extremely popular, but his background is extremely poor, so he is the best candidate to be that "chicken".

Tackling her can not only deter others, but also avoid backlash.

After all, Zhang Chaoyue's family background in "Qingming There Are Stars" is clear and true.

Guo Jianguo was at a loss again.

He didn't know why in less than a day, the song "Qomolangma" was still hot when it was released, so it would be selected by the army.

This speed is a bit scary.

This efficiency is frighteningly high.

It shouldn't be, and it shouldn't be.

But now, those who blocked hot searches couldn't be withdrawn, making Guo Jianguo, who bowed his head like a chicken, tremble uneasy.

Manguotai has always had a good relationship with the Weibo official, and has many business contacts.

But now, the Weibo official actually made a stumbling block and refused to remove the trending search, which is so intriguing.

Over there, the director continued to make calls.

"Old Chen, tell me what's going on?"

The voice over there is transmitted to everyone's ears through hands-free.

"It's from the top, the top won't allow it..."


The head of the station was taken aback for a moment, and then the sweat came down.

"You mean, it's Optoelectronics? It's because they won't let you remove the trending searches?"

The opposite party smiled vaguely: "It's good that you understand, don't blame us."

"Okay then, if there is no additional order from Optoelectronics tomorrow, please remove our blocked hot search as soon as possible, be sure!"

The head of the station hung up the phone and wiped his sweat.

Turning his head, his eyes were fierce, and he stared at Deputy Director Guo Jianguo:

"You resign, official announcement, and then put the trending search to the third place.

This is the best solution I can think of. "


So that day, a piece of freshly released news, Airborne at the Speed ​​of Light, ranked third on the hot search list.

First place: [Zhang Chaoyue, [Everest], festival promotional song! 】

Second place: [Deputy director of Manguotai said in a rage that Zhang Chaoyue is suspected to be banned! 】

Third place: [Manguo Taiwan Deputy Director Guo Jianguo resigned due to work negligence]

Anyone with a little knowledge can understand the causal relationship between these three hot searches.

The third article seems to be without Zhang Chaoyue, but it is more shocking than Zhang Chaoyue.

Especially when comparing the second and third articles together, this is blatantly flogging corpses!
This is lifting the mango table and slapping the face.

And the third trending search was obviously done by Manguotai himself, just to show weakness, just to admit cowardice.

Clearly said: Please slap me in the face, don't take pity on me.

Everyone understood that Manguotai's ban on Zhang Chaoyue had become a joke.

That night, Sister Gao received a call from the program group of [Times Music Meeting].

Ask Zhang Chaoyue if he can continue to participate in the first singer of "Time Music Festival".

Sister Gao didn't expect the wind to turn so quickly.

She couldn't believe her ears, and quickly called Zhang Chaoyue.

"Beyond, over there at 【Times Music Club】..."

Zhang Chaoyue didn't have any bad feelings towards 【Time Music Exchange】. Even if he was forced to give up on her, he didn't do everything right. Instead, he gave everything that should be given and fought for everything that should be fought for.

No, just leave the incense.

Zhang Chaoyue said, "Of course I'm going."

Sister Gao smiled from ear to ear, and couldn't help asking: "Chao Chao, is your family really from the village?"

(End of this chapter)

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