in the villa.

Han Lei and Naying sat on the sofa, looking at the screen with ugly faces.

"Hmph, young people these days really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

Naying casually took a sip of the warm water in the thermos and sneered.

Han Lei's face was ashen, and he folded his arms.

"It looks like I'm going to teach these little guys a lesson this time."

"Otherwise, these young people think that anyone can be a singer."

Naying nodded slightly, staring at the photo on the screen and sharpening her sword.

In fact, the two of them are not very popular in their own circles. They both have the kind of personality with their eyes above the top, and they are not liked by others.

It may be because of this that these two people got together.

Na Ying continued to fight.

"I won't talk about Tan Weiwei and Li Keqin, anyway, their strength and qualifications are all there."

"Xiao Jingteng and Zhan Wenting can barely catch the eye, but what's going on with Zhang Chaoyue?"

"A vase that has become popular in the draft, why is it eligible for admission?"

Although Naying didn't say it directly, the disdain on her face had already expressed her attitude very clearly.

In Naying's view, Zhang Chaoyue is not worthy of stepping into the gate of Times Music.

But Naying didn't know that Zhang Chaoyue was actually the most difficult one to invite.

Han Lei nodded in agreement.

"That's the reason. The threshold for the program group is really too low."

Both of them thought that Zhang Chaoyue, who had recently exploded in popularity, was temporarily invited by the program group for the sake of ratings.

The more Naying talked, the angrier she became, and she simply cursed.

"It's not like you don't know the level of people that can be selected in the draft, Han Lei, what the hell is that?"

"When I was a judge back then, I didn't see anyone. They were all rotten fish and shrimp."

"Same stage with this kind of person is simply an insult to you and me."

Han Lei said with a dark face.

"Those grassroots singing are not much better than ducks."

"It's really child's play to be on stage at this level."

"However, you should have an idea about this?"

Naying smiled, and didn't care about the other party's straightforwardness.

"To put it bluntly, the competition on the stage is still a singing skill."

"Even if the program team invites her to make up for it, we can just use hard power to eliminate Zhang Chaoyue directly within the rules."

"As long as you and I are in the stage of original songs, we will directly cover one or two, and then give a bad review when evaluating Zhang Chaoyue."

"Other people will definitely be influenced by your and my guidance, and Zhang Chaoyue will leave without you and me."

Han Lei's eyes lit up and he smiled.

"This is not bad, a round of tour, hehe, I'm afraid it's better not to participate in this program."

"At that time, I will organize others, maybe everyone can work together."

Naying hastily stopped her.

"Don't, other people can't rely on this matter, you and I are enough, if there are too many people, it might be self-defeating."

Han Lei was startled, glanced at Naying and nodded.

The plan of the two to eliminate Zhang Chaoyue in the first round was decided directly.


The Times Music Festival started on the day.

The live broadcast room and major platforms have fully absorbed the experience and lessons of the bib, and directly used the most cutting-edge equipment to prevent the server from being directly overwhelmed.

The Propaganda Department is also intensively preparing for the program, and the audience has been waiting in the live broadcast room early.

Zhang Chaoyue, one of the protagonists, had just landed at this time.

"what happened?"

As soon as Zhang Chaoyue landed, he saw a group gathered together. These people were stopped outside, as if they were chasing stars.

Zhang Chaoyue took a few glances and stopped reading.

This kind of thing is too common at the airport, and there are even studios or companies that release news schedules to increase the traffic and popularity of their stars.

It is not uncommon to use this kind of thing to hype, and it has long been commonplace.

Quite a few fresh meats are eager to spread the news about their itinerary early so as to show their popularity.

Zhang Chaoyue looked away, pushed the sunglasses on his face, and walked towards the airport in a low-key manner.

This is what Sister Gao insisted on dressing her up before leaving, so as not to be recognized directly.

Xiao Fang had already been waiting at the airport to pick him up, and Zhang Chaoyue could just meet up directly.

At this moment, a female voice suddenly came from the side.

"Beauty, let's discuss it, can I borrow some sunglasses?"

Zhang Chaoyue turned his head and saw a sneaky figure standing behind her, as if hiding something.

Zhang Chaoyue said lightly.

"Next time, my sunglasses are a gift from a friend."

The gift from a friend was just a cover, and Zhang Chaoyue didn't know the person in front of him, so he didn't want to lend her the sunglasses.

This person covered himself tightly during the day and looked a little suspicious.

The woman was a little embarrassed, and seemed to realize that something was wrong with her words.

"Well, why don't you lend me 100 yuan so I can buy some sunglasses."

"I'll give it back to you later."

Zhang Chaoyue glanced at her, unmoved.

"Then it's the same if you buy it later."

Zhang Chaoyue turned around and left after saying that, not wanting to get entangled with the other party.

The woman followed up, speaking a little anxiously.

"Really, I'm in a hurry now, can you help me?"

Zhang Chaoyue paused, and suddenly let go.

"Okay, but I've run out of cash, how about I take you to my friend to get it?"

The woman did not suspect him, she nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you so much, let's hurry over then."

Zhang Chaoyue ignored the woman's question about how to pay back the money, and took her to the airport security office while perfunctory.

The woman seemed to be avoiding someone, and Zhang Chaoyue pulled her in without paying attention.

Even if the woman was pulled into the security office of the airport by Zhang Chaoyue, she still kept her face covered.

"You lied to me? Didn't you say you asked a friend to withdraw money?"

Zhang Chaoyue glanced at her and said casually.

"Aren't you telling the truth here?"

"Tell me, how many people have you cheated at the airport? I'm afraid it's not the first time you've been so proficient?"

The woman was stunned and stared blankly at Zhang Chaoyue.

Zhang Chaoyue frowned when he saw that she was silent.

The staff in the security room heard the conversation between the two and came over to inquire.

Zhang Chaoyue explained.

"This man should be a liar, and a habitual offender."

"I brought people here for you."

When the staff member heard this, his face sank immediately, and another staff member went straight to the door without saying a word and blocked the door.

There are many things like this in the airport, and they are repeatedly banned every year. Now that they are delivered to your door, they will naturally not let people run away.

The staff asked with narrowed eyes.

"Tell me, where is your partner?"

"Leniency for confession and strictness for resistance. If you confess now, maybe I can get you leniency."

The woman panicked and hurriedly explained.

"I'm not a liar, you misunderstood."

The staff didn't care so much and grabbed the woman.

"Misunderstanding? I have seen many such misunderstandings."

"In broad daylight, what are you doing so tightly, don't you dare to see people?"

"Are you afraid that your face will be photographed by surveillance?"

The woman couldn't dodge in time, and was directly caught by the staff, who tore off the mask on her face.

For a moment, the woman's face was exposed in front of everyone.

The security room fell silent for a moment, the staff were dumbfounded, and Zhang Chaoyue was also dumbfounded.

Looking at this familiar face, Zhang Chaoyue said in astonishment.

"Tan Weiwei? Why are you?"

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