Let you broadcast live! But you let the koi go beyond to kill pigs?

Chapter 34 The whole network apologizes to Zhang Chaoyue!

Chapter 34 The whole network apologizes to Zhang Chaoyue!

The film crew's camera shifted to focus on Zhang Chaoyue in front of the tombstone and the tombstone next to her.

The woman in white is more beautiful than snow.

The tombstone is green and simple, with meaningful writing.

After a while, it is clear at a glance.

The martyrs and heroes that the government comes to pay homage to are the names on the tombstones, the people in the tombs!
All the online viewers in the live broadcast room could hardly believe their eyes.

Whether it was black fans or passers-by, the disgust and criticism of Zhang Chaoyue basically came from the paper-cuts of those airplanes and cannons.

They felt that Zhang Chaoyue was showing off his paper-cutting skills.

They felt that Zhang Chaoyue's cutting of these aircraft and cannons was ingenious and grandstanding.

They feel that the people in this tomb are not worthy at all!

But now, there are actually some official people who come to commemorate and rectify the name.

So, are those in the tomb really all martyrs?Is it a battle hero?

So, Zhang Chaoyue made it so grand and formal, and even cut planes and cannons to burn, did he do anything wrong?

She already knew that her great-grandfather was a fighting hero?

That's right, how could her great-granddaughter not know what kind of person her great-grandfather was!
Then why didn't she speak out?

For a while, the number of online viewers in the live broadcast room went further, reaching a peak of 25 people.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room has everything.

The crew members also noticed something was wrong.

The crew leader's cell phone rang, and the chief director's urgent voice came from inside:
"Everyone get nervous, set up the camera well..."

The team leader was stunned: "The camera is ready? Isn't it going to stop immediately?"

"Stop broadcasting your head! Let me move, this part is the most important!"

The team leader was pleasantly surprised. He had faintly felt the reversal of the situation since the group came to pay homage, but he didn't expect the director's team to react so quickly.

In the phone call from the chief director just now, didn't the leader of Optoelectronics ask to stop the broadcast?

Did you notice something was wrong so quickly?

This efficiency is a bit high.

But he immediately replied excitedly: "Okay, chief director, I will never lose the chain!"

The crew of several film crews all tensed up.

Lighting, sound recording, camera scheduling.

Strive to give clear and complete feedback of the situation on the spot to the live broadcast room.


This brigade came from leaders at all levels of the county, township and township.

They were paying homage at the cemetery in the old district nearby, and they rushed over immediately after receiving a call from Mr. Li's assistant.

Fortunately, it was just a few minutes of delay in temporarily printing the banners and elegiac couplets.

They also don't know that there is a cemetery for combat heroes and martyrs in the jurisdiction they belong to!
Such an important matter, the Zhang family has never said anything about it!

This made them both puzzled and scared.

What is puzzling is why the Zhang family did not receive the qualifications of martyrs.

Of course, what I am afraid of is the accountability of the big leaders.

But no matter what, we must condolences to the family members and pay homage to the martyrs.

Therefore, in Zhang Chaoyue's live broadcast room, what appeared in the camera was the worship of local leaders at all levels.

Faced with this sudden situation, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded!

"what's going on?"

"Why is this live broadcast that promotes feudal superstition not only not blocked, but also officially sealed?"

"Why doesn't Zhang Chaoyue just say that her great-grandfather is a fighting hero?"

"It turns out that the reason why she runs so many youth leagues is because the underground martyrs all had different tastes..."

"Is this the reason? That's really thoughtful!"

"In this way, it is very reasonable for her to engage in those paper-cuts."

In the camera, Zhang Chaoyue's family of three was a little dazed in the face of such a situation.

Grandpa returned from the battlefield and brought back three widows, orphans and disabled comrades.

In order not to cause trouble to the country, they have never reported their deeds.

The old people passed away one by one, and they never showed off their achievements until they were buried together under this earthen grave.

Only the names engraved on the bluestone tombstone erected by Grandpa Zhang Chaoyue prove that they have been to this world and paid for this country.

Zhang Chaoyue's family also followed this wish and never made a statement.

But I didn't expect that today, during the sacrifice, it would be leaked out, known by the local people, and they would come to pay respects.

This occasion is not suitable for chatting.

Until the members of the brigade left, Zhang Chaoyue's parents were in a daze.

Zhang Chaoyue guessed that it should be when his show was broadcast live that some clues were discovered by interested people.

In this regard, Zhang Chaoyue is also very calm.

This can only be regarded as unintentional insertion.

Just in time to fight back against those rumor makers who blackmailed themselves and even slandered their ancestors for no reason.

But in front of the camera in the live broadcast room, Zhang Chaoyue didn't say anything.

Facts are the best counterattack!

"What's the situation, I just came in, can anyone tell me?"

"The Shura field where the members of the Goka girl group fight against black fans, it's worth knowing about it."

"My grandfather is a great hero to resist US aggression and aid Korea."

"Those little blacks get out and accept the whip corpse."

"I'm sorry, Miss Chaoyue, I misunderstood you just now, I apologize to you!"

In the live broadcast room, dense barrages of apologies floated by.

"The hero defends us, and what we can give back is to protect his descendants."

"Heizi, come out if you have the guts!"

"I just came back from the light that was stealing, and found that he was actually eating Xiang."

"It's really disgusting fucking cooking for disgusting - disgusting vomiting."

"Swear to the death to defend the hero, salute!"

Zhang Chaoyue's parents couldn't help choking up when they saw the tribute on the screen.

Zhang Chaoyue couldn't help but turn red when he saw this.

This frenzy of apologies doesn't stop there.

On Weibo, the hot search that slandered Zhang Chaoyue was still high above.

However, at the top of this Weibo, there is an even hotter one.

[30 people apologized to Zhang Chaoyue! 】

Yes, at the moment Zhang Chaoyue live broadcast room, the number of people online has reached 30.

Even now, Zhang Chaoyue's family has packed up their things and rushed back.

Along the way, even Zhang Chaoyue kept a straight face and didn't speak.

But the number of people in the live broadcast room is still increasing.

Almost, it is already the sum of the other guests in the program group!
"It's all a script!"

"This is the script that the program team discussed with Zhang Chaoyue!"

"Zhang Chaoyue has been silent all the time, just to pursue the reversal of this script. This method is too disgusting!"

Although there are still sunspots who wantonly slander, but it will only attract rebuttals and scolding from other people.

"Script, everything is a script! Why don't other guests have scripts?"

"Zhang Chaoyue's scandals are all true. If there is anything good, it's all scripts. It's a double standard!"

"This is really a mouthful of rumors, beyond running and breaking a leg!"

"Return the script? Obviously, Zhang Chaoyue's family didn't plan to publicize this matter. Didn't see the people from the county, and Chaoyue's parents were all ignorant?"

"If you say that Zhang Chaoyue is acting and has good acting skills, are her parents also acting? Are they also good at acting?"

"These old couple are not actors!"

In the midst of controversy.

This day's live broadcast is over.

Zhang Chaoyue's performance on this day surpassed other guests.

However, other guests were not convinced either.

After all, Qingming can only go to the grave once.

Daily is the main battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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