The Nine Zero Jiaojiao girl found the fiercest rough guy in the whole village

Chapter 116 Leaving is the best way to get rid of the weirdness

Chapter 116 Leaving is the best way to get rid of the weirdness


Shui Huaizhu shook her head honestly: "No way."

The old lady and the second uncle's family wanted to live here, otherwise Shui Weishi would not have performed a big show in person in the end, the purpose was to prevent them from being kicked out by gaining sympathy.

"Then why don't you live together?"

Ye Meiying continued to wipe away her tears, "We can't just move out, can we?"

Giving up the house that I worked so hard to build to those disgusting people, I feel very uncomfortable when I think about it.

"Yes," Shui Huaizhu answered quickly, as if it had been decided long ago, "Let's move out."

Ye Meiying replied, don't tease me.

After a while, Shui Huaizhu didn't respond, the room was very quiet, only the sound of insects coming in from outside the window from time to time, Ye Meiying suddenly turned around, her eyes widened in surprise, "Huaizhu, aren't you joking?"

"Why am I joking with you?"

Shui Huaizhu had a very serious expression, "Mom, we must move out, we can't stay in Gaopo Town for the rest of our lives."

If she really wanted to stay in the town for the rest of her life, why would she spend so much time in the garment factory every day?
It's not as good as being peaceful, earning enough food and clothing for two meals.

"But, but..."

Ye Meiying was so frightened that she was a little incoherent, "Our roots are here, this house was built by me and your father saving wages for more than a year, how can we just say no? "

"Mom," Shui Huaizhu asked her back, "then you want to continue to endure living with grandma and second aunt?"

Ye Meiying shut her mouth quickly, then shook her head vigorously.

Just thinking about what happened tonight makes me sick to the core. If I continue to live, the life of a healthy person will be shortened for a few years, let alone her, who will be pissed off to death sooner or later.

"Leaving aside Second Aunt and the others," Shui Huaizhu continued to ask her, "Do you think it's easy to drive the milk out?"

Ye Meiying pursed her lips and remained silent for a while, even though she didn't want to admit it, she shook her head, "No."

No matter how wrong the old lady has done, she will always be Shui Weishan's biological mother, the kind who breaks bones and connects tendons.

Shui Weishan is obliged to support the old wife until the end of her life!
Even for future generations, if children want to be separated from their parents, it is definitely a traumatic thing!

It is easy to say something, but it is difficult to do it in practice, and it is not that the person concerned cannot understand it at all.

In particular, it is necessary to cut off the blood relationship, otherwise there will not be so many embarrassing and irritating things in the world, and the inseparable family relationship is one of them.

This is one reason, and there is another.

Shui Huaizhu added: "Even if Dad is determined to send Nai back to the countryside, but according to Nai Nai's indomitable character, she will definitely come to the door every day, crying and cursing, making troubles upside down. Mom, are you willing to face that kind of situation every day?" Breaking things?"

Ye Meiying just imagined the picture of the old lady rolling and crying at the door every day, and she was already shaking her head repeatedly, "I don't want to, I don't want to."

"That's right. It's very difficult for us to get rid of them here."

After analyzing the situation, Shui Huaizhu changed her voice, "But we can move out, far away from these people."

Leaving is the best way to get rid of weirdness.

It was also because of this that Shui Huaizhu didn't care about those people tonight, otherwise she would get serious... Hehe, if they refused to get out, she would have to take off a layer of skin by her!

But tonight's lesson is enough for them to drink a pot. The old lady Shui and Tian Guifeng lost face in front of everyone, and the latter was beaten up by Shui Weishi. The bonus is estimated to be enough for them to jump for a long time.

"Where are we going to move?"

Ye Meiying was a little moved by the talk, but still hesitated, "Although there are still many open spaces in the town, it seems that they are all owned by others... Ah, by the way, there is also open space near the garment factory. Let's save money to build a house?"

"No," Shui Huaizhu shook her head, "Mom, we're moving to the city."

Since they want to move away, of course they have to develop in a better place, what's the point of staying in the same place all the time.

"Huh? Move to the city?!"

Ye Meiying was taken aback by Shui Huaizhu's words, subconsciously thought it was impossible, "Huaizhu, we only have a place to build a house in the town, how can we go to the city?"

"Why not?"

Shui Huaizhu said: "Mom, there is land in the city that can be bought and sold now. Let's go buy a piece of land and build a house by ourselves."

This is her early plan. In the future, she will buy many, many houses before the real estate market rises, a few in this city, and a few in that city... To realize her dream of being a happy renter in the second half of her life!
"Where do we have money?"

Ye Meiying is not as optimistic as her daughter, "I heard that the things in the city are very valuable."

"Leave the money to me."

Regarding this point, Shui Huaizhu dared to promise, "Mom, you are in charge of looking at the land. Tell me which location in the city you like, and I will buy it for you and build a house!"

When she said this, her face and eyes were full of high-spirited self-confidence, Ye Meiying couldn't help being a little stunned, and felt for the first time that her daughter had become a completely different person from before.

"If you want to throw away the old house and go to the city, your father doesn't know whether he agrees or not."

"Mom, where our family is, our roots are there. Dad can figure it out."

Ye Meiying was more than half convinced, nodded frequently, and said yes, as long as our family can stay together and stay away from those disgusting people, it would be nice to live in the city.

Ye Meiying suddenly worried about another thing.

"Huaizhu, it's more than ten kilometers away from the city to the town. If we move to the city, it will be very inconvenient for you and your father to meet in the factory."

Shui Huaizhu was stunned.

Yes, she didn't think about it.Cars are not popular now, unlike later generations, a distance of more than ten kilometers is about ten minutes. If you ride a bicycle back and forth, you have to pedal at least twice a day... Tsk, just thinking about it, my toes hurt.

"Mom, we're not moving to the city right away." Shui Huaizhu pondered for a moment, "There's still time to figure out a solution."
She is an activist, and since she decides the direction of the future, she must pave the way for it.

And her first step in paving the way was straightforward and brutal.

"Huaizhu, what did you drag me here for?"

A few days later, when the garment factory was almost busy with shipments, Shui Huaizhu took Shui Weishan to the only driving school in Dongzhou City.

At the same time, Qin Ao was also dragged by her.

Seeing Qin Ao, Shui Weishan's expression was a little subtle, and he didn't greet him warmly like before.

Qin Ao is such a sensitive person, he immediately sensed Shui Weishan's guard against him, frowned slightly, and was about to ask clearly.

"You two will take the driver's license test with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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