Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 164 Big Boss Ending Team Building? !

Chapter 164 Big Boss Ending Team Building? !
After Mei Rou cleared her throat, she began to vividly describe the whole process she witnessed while surfing the Internet.

"Mr. Liu just started posting a Weibo, clarifying his righteous words, and his tone of voice is provocative and generous, but unfortunately that Weibo has just been registered, and no identity verification has been carried out."

"It is conceivable that there was no enthusiasm when it was first posted, and no one even noticed."

Speaking of this, Mei Rou started to hold back her laughter.

"Then the old man didn't know what he was thinking, so he went directly to recruit a lot of respected musicians!"

When she said this, she finally couldn't help but burst out laughing!

In the description at this time, Jiang Yi could almost imagine the scene at that time, and the corners of his mouth curved into an arc.

He could almost imagine that after the old man bragged about him, he finally sent Weibo, but the response was mediocre.

The look of scratching his head and jumping his feet anxiously, finally had no choice but to think suddenly.

Start calling, shaking people one by one.

Jiang Yi opened the Weibo by himself while listening to Mei Rou.

There is no need for him to actively search, the hot search terms pop up almost as soon as he opens it.

#刘鹁神人! ##
#刘鹤 personally defends the students! #

## Big Guys Gathered##
#Big Brothers Gathering on Weibo#
"I really cried to death, I have never seen so many big bosses in my life!"

"I just want to ask, is the boss so worthless now?!"

"Usually all the high-spirited ones are now crowded into the comment area of ​​a new account, crazily echoing??! I'm so fucking eye-opening!"

"What's so good about Wei Bo's kid!"

"Really, the accounts of those big bosses are all business-like tweets!!!"

"It should be me, He De He Neng! I can actually be on the same network as the boss!!"

"How can I be able to let a group of bigwigs personally analyze Jiang Yi and Liu He's composition style for me in the comment area!! It's an honor!"

"Whoa! Who knows, there is a teacher I really like!!"

"This mediocre new Weibo account, the comments and likes at the bottom of the comment section are all golden! It really opened my eyes by stabbing my ass with a knife!"

"I've never seen a big guy active in the comment area in this life!"

"How should I put it, at first I thought it was a new account of an ordinary netizen, but the string of golden signs in the comment area below is very inconsistent! It's very weird!!"

"Don't feel weird, even this ordinary new account you thought was a big boss among big bosses."

"Is this the only possibility that can cause this phenomenon?!"

"I knew Liu He was very powerful before, but today's wave of encounters is true and refreshed my understanding of him again!! This is too strong!"

"Looking through his information before, the shining honors, medals and titles came to my eyes again, which aroused my deep thinking."

"Liu He is so convincing that he posted an article in person, and invited a bunch of big shots to testify online, so his songs should be written by himself, right?"

"Are you so defensive? I suddenly feel a little guilty! I seem to have said something I shouldn't have said before?"

"What's protection? It's confidence, it's righteousness!"

"They didn't plagiarize, and they didn't have a chorus, why didn't they dare to stand up and speak out?!"

"That's right, I don't even have anything to do with his teacher, and I haven't even had any guidance in the creation of new songs!"

"Is this too strong?!"

"Not only Jiang Yi is very strong, but even the master standing behind him is very strong!"

"Do you think he just recognized a teacher? Oh no, he made friends with the big guys in the entire music circle in disguise!"

"I have learned 666! I will worship a powerful master when I go out!"

"You guys are really dying of laughter! You don't have two skills yourself, do you think you can recognize powerful people? If Jiang Yi didn't have any real skills, how could Liu He call him a student?!"

"So why do you think Liu He only has Jiang Yi as a student? Use your smart toes to think about it!"

"With Liu He's current status and strength, as long as he wants to, students can probably start a class! But he is nearly sixty years old, and he only has one apprentice, which can only prove that he is picky and that Jiang Yi is good enough!"

"Actually, when this incident first broke out, I felt something was wrong."

"That's right. After all, what is Liu He's identity, and what industry has he been engaged in these years? The other party can't say whether he likes the big dye tank of the entertainment industry!"

I have to say that this netizen is indeed the truth.

"Don't really think that the entertainment industry is such a sweet spot. Teacher Liu probably doesn't like it, and how can it be possible that Teacher Liu's apprentice can't compose a song by himself, and needs the teacher's guidance?? Isn't this a joke!"

Jiang Yi looked down at this reversal of public opinion, although he had expected it, he still found it a bit funny.

Sure enough, in the minds of the Huaxia people, the experts personally certified it, which really has credibility!

What's more, there are still so many big men.

Those comments with the golden tag have long been pushed to the front row by netizens.

Just such a slippery circle is shocking just looking at it, let alone looking at the content carefully.

“@复松燕: Lao Liu and Xiao Jiang’s music style, one is majestic and atmospheric, but upon closer inspection, it is full of resignation to the vicissitudes of life, and the other, although the artistic conception is far-reaching, is facing the sun, singing and dancing are peaceful, and the people are full of hope to live and work in peace and contentment. Lao Liu's lyrics are quite researched, so I can conclude that this Wan Jiang is absolutely impossible to be written by Lao Liu!"

"@孙成海: This Wan Jiang and Lao Liu's music style is only similar in shape, but there is no cross-resonance point, and apart from Wan Jiang, any song composed by Jiang Yi, IMHO, does not have any shadow of Lao Liu! About this I can vouch for it with my reputation!"

"@李升平: Unless it's something important, even I wouldn't necessarily meddle in a student's song! Let alone Lao Liu?!"

“@谢运成: Lao Liu usually pays great attention to copyright issues! And he pays great attention to cultivating the other party’s creative thinking and creative independence in terms of guidance to the younger generation, not to mention the reason for the creation of Wanjiang’s song... It’s not a competition It doesn't judge awards, it's just a song created for an entertainment program, in my opinion, there is no need for Lao Liu to end it in person!"

"@江碧春: Relying on my understanding of Lao Liu! Most of his entertainment circles are kept at a respectful distance, let alone instructing students to compose songs and sing on entertainment shows, don't even think about it!!"

"@江如娥: Seeing Lao Liu jumping in such a hurry, I can almost imagine the anger when he was wronged by netizens [covering his mouth and laughing]"

(End of this chapter)

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