Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 171 Don't panic, don't panic at all

Chapter 171 Don't panic, don't panic at all
It took a long time before a sentence was left.

"It can only be said that this person has no foresight and cannot bear any risks. A small profit can be lured away."

Mei Rou silently listened to Jiang Yi's unsalty words, and silently lit a piece of wax for that surnamed Guo.

Relying on her understanding of Jiang Yi, the calmer her attitude was, the more she took it to heart.

Seeing that Jiang Yi is hot now.

But maybe there will be no chance to cooperate with that surnamed Guo in this life.

She clicked tut in her heart, but she didn't regret it.

"What about the other two?"

"Looking at your posture, it seems that you don't reject it?"

Jiang Yi lay back on the sofa: "The singer's show is about to end, there is still a lot of time behind, don't worry."

"Okay." Mei Rou didn't say much anymore, "I'll contact you when there's news from those two."

After she finished saying this, she took out her phone and looked at it again, and after thinking twice, she still spoke with a little hesitation.

"Recently, your schedule here is temporarily free, if you don't have any personal arrangements."

"Why don't I push some harmless announcements for you?"

There was a bit of probing in her tone, and Jiang Yi looked over after hearing the words.

"What type of announcement?"

Mei Rou pondered for a while: "In the domestic market, as long as you are interested in variety shows for entertainment and leisure, I can recommend them to you."

After saying these words, the other party's response was flat, as if she had no desire, Mei Rou racked her brains to list the benefits of being on a variety show and participating in various programs for Jiang Yi.

"There's actually no need to be on variety shows, but."

"However, it can increase fan stickiness in a short period of time, maintain popularity, and let your fans understand you on a deeper level."

Mei Rou talked a lot, her mouth was almost parched, and then she looked at Jiang Yi anxiously.

Of course, there is one more thing that hasn't been said, in general, for ordinary artists.

Being on a variety show is a pretty good opportunity to set up a character.

Netizens are attracted by the fabricated characters that stars can represent on variety shows on major platforms.

Mei Rou had tried this method before.

Under the artist's own achievements and remarkable construction, the enthusiasm that has been echoed in the variety show can be said to be tried and tested.

That's why Mei Rou tried so hard to persuade Jiang Yi to join the variety show.

The strength is strong enough, but the fan stickiness is still a little bit less. That's why so many fans defected when the previous incident happened.

The stickiness of fans usually comes from the interaction under the stage.

That's why Mei Rou is looking forward to it.

"Send me the variety shows you think are not bad, and I'll watch them again myself." Jiang Yi rubbed his brows, his tone low.

"it is good!"

Seeing the other party let go, Mei Rou climbed up the pole almost immediately, agreeing quickly.

A picture of mountains and rivers caused an uproar on the Internet.

First, the post-[-]s and post-[-]s laid down their burdens and prepared to resign to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

Later, the bosses of major companies complained about their suffering.

In the past, wage earners were crying and begging to go to work, no matter how much they cursed in their hearts, they were unwilling to fail.

But he is still honestly burdened with pressure and hard work, and the relationship between superiors and subordinates has always been in a balanced state.

Bosses have also remained firmly on the throne of exploiters.

But since this resignation march came out!

Everything has changed! !
The wage earners who worked hard before suddenly rose together!
The young main force can't persuade them to resign and travel!

There are also local bureaus of culture and tourism who are doing things, so it is really a big deal to watch the excitement!

One by one, taking advantage of this wind, they all offered olive branches to tourists from all over the world.

This time it was even more incredible!
Tourists from all over the world played the soul-stirring pictures of mountains and rivers in their earphones, and they were on their way to all parts of the country.

This phenomenon can be said to be rare in a hundred years.

There are times when some people are happy and some are sad.

The joy is that the directors of the major cultural and tourism bureaus, the performance at the end of the year is so bright that the naked eye can see it!
And the ones who are worried are of course those company bosses, the young elite backbones under their hands can be called serfs, turn over and sing, and they almost ran away!

There are countless netizens making fun of it.

"The last time the station was so lively was during the Spring Festival."

"No matter how scary the Spring Festival travel season is, the tickets are not sold out, right?"

"Is this the extent of human migration?!"

"I'm dying of laughter, who dares to say that Jiang Yi isn't the original singer when a new song comes out?"

"Last night, I went to a disco, and the show was actually a picture of mountains and rivers!!"

"This song is also very popular in bars! It's much more exciting than those birds who don't understand!"

"It's really rare to have this kind of awareness! Before, Chinese people seemed to succumb to foreign culture unconditionally."

"This is true cultural confidence!"

"Why aren't you confident? Brother Jiang writes a rap so well-educated! It's not me, even if I translate it to foreigners, those uneducated may not understand the meaning of our great country's cultural treasure!"

"What is there to stand upright in front of them!?"

"Their lyrics are written, it's not that I'm really hard to say, but because it's in a foreign language, it seems to have a filter of high knowledge and fashion in the hearts of Chinese people. Could it be that I said, I don't like this kind of guy who praises foreigners' stinky feet. Always scoffed at!"

"Who would have thought?! The cause of this series of chain reactions is actually from a song?!"

"If I were killed two years ago, I would never believe that I would embark on the journey of XZ just because I listened to a song!"

"This was all planned long ago, but it was pushed back and forth by work and life!"

"I, who have already been on the high-speed rail, feel that the song Mountains and Rivers has brought me great courage to set foot on the north and south of the river again!"

"Damn it, when this song first came out, you said you were going to quit this class for a day. I thought you guys were joking, but it turned out that all of you are on the road now??"

"What is going on the road? Say it nicely!"

"Wuuuuuu feeling, you are just talking about being poor when you say you are poor, but I am the only one who is really poor?!"

"Jiang Yi is the only one with such appeal in the whole network, right?"

"It's unimaginable to mobilize a large migration of people after releasing a song."

"But isn't the singer's season coming to an end?"

"Damn, is it so fast?"

"Come on, I haven't heard enough of Teacher Jiang Yi's singing!"

"Please, Mr. Jiang Yi, hurry up and join more stable programs, woo woo woo."

"It's okay, it's okay. During the Chinese New Year, there is another song Wan Jiang will definitely hear, and the three directors, don't they each have a theme song?"

"In this way, there are almost four scheduled songs, so don't panic, don't panic at all!"

(End of this chapter)

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