Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 173 Zhang Yimou: Sure enough, I found the wrong person!

Chapter 173 Zhang Yimou: Sure enough, I found the wrong person!

Contrary to what Mei Rou had expected, Jiang Yi's answer was quite straightforward and natural.

"I must go, I'm not a fool, didn't I say it before?"

"I'm not so impulsive, not to mention that they don't owe me anything, just patiently observe and wait for the opportunity when necessary."

"Zen is a smart person!"

"By the way, do you know the style of the movie?"

Jiang Yi's tone was pleasant to the naked eye, and quite positive, two completely different states from before.

Mei Rou obviously wasn't used to Jiang Yi who was so active in his work, so she spoke after a few moments of silence.

"It seems to be a blockbuster costume movie. I've watched it for a while, and I'll send you the brief introduction later, so you can take a look."

When Mei Rou said the words "Big Costume Movie", Jiang Yi already knew what kind of movie it was, and he responded lightly.

Afterwards, she received the file forwarded by Mei Rou.

Jiang Yi casually opened it and took a look, not only the background of the movie but also the specific arrangement of the song.

He slid his fingers, browsing the tracks from the production team, Chrysanthemum Terrace.

"The sound audition is arranged in a hurry. It will be tomorrow afternoon, will you be in time?" Meirou asked worriedly.

"It's mainly because I glanced at the arrangement before."

"Although I am not an expert, I feel that the difficulty is quite high."

Jiang Yi laughed when he heard this.

"You are quite prophetic, but the difficulty is very high."

After a brief mouthful, he changed the subject.

"As expected of a great director, he's in a hurry. Did he know that I'm going to record a variety show in two days and deliberately got stuck?" He teased in a relaxed tone. Although Mei Rou laughed, she still didn't forget the previous topic.

"Hahahaha, it's really possible. These elderly directors are all good people. They were probably judging the situation before." She spoke while thinking, and then smiled.

"Now it seems that I can't drag it any longer, why don't I make a move?"

"If the difficulty is high."

"How about it, do you want me to help you buy more time, so you can prepare well?"

"After all, you still have to record a variety show in the future. After you get to know the general idea first, you can directly record songs for him after recording the variety show. You don't have to worry too much about it half-heartedly."

Mei Rou knew that Jiang Yi was on vacation during this time, and his professional ability would not be used in the subsequent variety shows, and she was afraid that he would be too relaxed and make mistakes in the subsequent sound audition.

"No need at all." But he didn't care much: "It's fine at any time, you don't have to worry about me, I'm sure."

The other party has said so, presumably he has some feelings for me.

Mei Rou didn't say any more.

"Okay, then I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon."

Jiang Yi didn't refuse, and after hanging up the phone, he began to browse the score carefully again.

This chrysanthemum stage is not a small difficulty, but it is not an insurmountable gap for Jiang Yi, the key point is.

Grasp the artistic conception of this song.

Jiang Yi studied this song repeatedly at home, and the time soon came to the next afternoon.

On the way to the audition, Jiang Yi was still thinking about the artistic conception of the song in his heart, and the golden armor described by the accumulation of words kept appearing in his mind.

Jiang Yi didn't stop his thoughts until the car was parked in the underground parking lot of Star Picture Film and Television Company.

When he came to the recording studio on the eleventh floor according to the location given by the other party.

Only then did Jiang Yi realize that there were quite a lot of people in this audition.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved, after all, the movie directed by Zhang Yimou.

Just because of this title, countless people flock to him.

In short, Zhang Yimou is also a golden sign in the director circle.

After waiting for a while, it was finally time for Jiang Yi to go in and audition.

One second before putting on the headset, he turned his head and glanced at the glass window at the door.

Immediately stunned.

The man standing with his mouth full is nearly seventy years old, but his eyes are clear and sharp, and the gaze he casts towards the recording studio has a sense of scrutiny.

I only glanced at it, and then sat down to the director's position.

Jiang Yi knew who the other party was, and he didn't have any emotion in his heart when he sat down in person. He withdrew his eyes and thoughts at the same time.Put your mind on the audition in front of you.

Although it was an audition, it was straightforward and clear.

The prelude is played directly from the beginning.

He was still a little dazed when he heard the prelude melody.

This is not intercepting a segment of a cappella?

Instead, start from scratch?
He was speechless in his heart.

No wonder I posted the score of this song before.

This difficulty can be described as not too high.

No wonder those who went out before all had mournful faces.

You must know that even auditions for other crews are at best casting a wide net when they can't find suitable candidates.

Try out the tone.

See if you like it.

In the end, the crew was fine.

Straight to the point.

Don't engage in those bells and whistles, it depends on how well you master the theme song!
But you must know that the rhythm of this song "Chrysanthemum Terrace" is not easy to master at all.

Whether it is rhythm, melody or artistic conception.

There is no one to handle.

What's more, most people probably didn't expect Zhang Yimou to audition like this, and they probably weren't ready before.

It is conceivable that those individuals came in full of confidence, and then they were beaten out by surprise.

But fortunately, even with his current status and fame, Jiang Yi's serious attitude towards music has never changed.

Almost as soon as I got the score, I studied it seriously, and I had a score in my heart for the rhythm of the whole song.

Plus the prelude sounded.

The artistic conception that he could not bring in before, and the emotions that are always connected.

At the moment when the accompaniment sounded, all the melodies and notes were enveloped and combined together.

Coupled with the previous sporadic memory of this song.

At the second when the prelude was about to end, Jiang Yi sang the first line.

"Your tears are weak and hurt~"

"The pale crescent moon hooks the past~"

"Night~~too long and condensed into frost~"

"Who is in the cold despair in the attic~"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Na Wanwan said, the emotions of love and loneliness mixed with sadness can be seen at a glance.

With a sad tone, just listening to the first two sentences, you can feel the loneliness of autumn, and the classical atmosphere that belongs to China is almost overwhelming!

Zhang Yimou, who was also wearing a headset, widened his old eyes!

Eyes are amazing, but also unbelievable!

What followed was ecstasy!
Just listening to the first two lines of the lyrics, he felt stable!
This sense of control over the rhythm, atmosphere and artistic conception is superb! !
Sure enough, he found the right person!
(End of this chapter)

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