Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 178 Let's see how he still refuses!

Chapter 178 Let's see how he still refuses!

Feng Xiaogang heard it in his ears, but he actually understood it in his heart.

Although the tone is different, in fact the meaning of the words is the same.

Let him bow his head, quickly reconcile with that side, and make up for the losses that will be visible to the naked eye with the greatest ability and the lowest price.

Save this building will fall.

Intensified from all sides, the continuous pressure was like a huge but invisible mountain, covering Feng Xiaogang overwhelmingly.

In a day, his thin and old body became more and more emaciated, and the gully on his face was like an abyss, the voice on the other side of the phone continued.

"If our side can reach a settlement with Jiang Yi's side."

"If Jiang Yi is willing to come and speak for us!"

"Maybe his fans don't care about the previous things, but are willing to come and support our movies?"

Listening to every word from the phone, Feng Xiaogang felt bitter and unspeakable.

But the person on the other side of the phone seemed to be shocked, and his tone became more and more excited!
"Although it is true that this year's eleventh film is a fight between gods and gods, but in terms of the quality of the works alone!"

"Could it be that our movie is worse than that Golden Armor?"

Feng Xiaogang was sitting on the chair, and he heard the tone of voice getting more and more passionate, as if anticipating the situation where the box office was far ahead, he continued to cheer him up.

He let out a long sigh.

Hearing the other party's tone getting more and more excited, he said a few perfunctory words before the other party fell silent for a while.

"Okay, old Feng, think about it for yourself."

"Anyway, if you continue to maintain the current situation without making changes, those old guys will definitely not let you go head-to-head with Huang Jinjia."

"At that time, the best result is probably to postpone the schedule."

The other party hung up the phone after saying this, leaving only Feng Xiaogang sitting on the stool slumped.

The best result is to postpone the schedule?
Feng Shao's trendy aesthetics are changing every minute.

What's more, this movie itself is about the eleventh theme, and it will look quite weird whether it is on the Mid-Autumn Festival or the Spring Festival!

The situation will only be worse than it is now! !
One or two are easy to say, but Feng Xiaogang couldn't think of what he said?
The repeated calls to persuade him are because they are afraid that he will lose face?
Feng Xiaogang sneered in his heart!
If you can save the situation, what's the point of losing face for a while?
One or two will come to his side and talk nonsense, as if he just needs to ask Jiang Yi to change his mind, and the current situation will immediately reverse!
But how easy is it to actually do it? !

Although it was said that he acted unintentionally in the previous incident, it was actually a back-and-forth.

Even at that time period, it was considered a step on the back foot. It's strange if people don't say it and don't care about it!
Let alone whether the other party is willing to accept an apology and reconciliation.

Even if it was verbal, in order to make things easier for both parties, they promised to reconcile, but they definitely did not go back on their promises. They posted an article on the Internet calling on the majority of netizens to change the direction of the wind.

After all, those netizens who sneered at him before were actually complaining about Jiang Yi's cold reception.

Then Jiang Yi stepped forward to reconcile now, didn't that slap the fans in the face?
Even if the fans don't say anything now, they must be criticizing in their hearts.

Feng Xiaogang could guess with his toes that Jiang Yi would never do such a criticized thing.


Although Jiang Yi said that he only sang two theme songs for Huang Jinjia, in fact, he has already stood on the opposite side of their movie!
There is prosperity and loss there.

I'm sure one or two would like their side to fall soon!How could it be possible to help? !

Thinking of these Feng Xiaogangs, they are like the first and the second big!
I was struggling and meditating on how to break the situation, when a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in my mind!

Since it was impossible for Jiang Yi to help him when his interests were on the opposite side, what if he tried to find a way to draw the other party into his camp? !
But how to pull people over remains to be studied.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaogang leaned back on the chair behind him!
Thoughts welled up in his eyes.

At this time, the endless chatter of those benefactors came to mind.

"If the other party is hot, you can just invite the other party over too?! Can't you do such a simple thing well?!"

He only felt his temples throbbing!
When something like that happened before, it was almost time to reach the point where the popularity of passers-by was completely ruined!
Although it is not perfect, it is actually just a step away from the door!

He had just made a decision in advance!


The result was an accident!
Feng Xiaogang really didn't expect that Jiang Yi could find a way to discredit the copyright original black material? !
But he didn't think much about Jiang Yi's whitewashing.

Just think that I made a wrong bet, but no one cares until the day the movie starts to be promoted!Feng Xiao realized just now that Jiang Yi's fans would fight back and hold grudges so hard!

The key is that even if you invite the other party now, you may not agree!
His mind was very chaotic, after thinking for a long time to no avail, he had no choice but to treat him as a living horse doctor, and asked someone to contact Jiang Yi.

When Mei Rou received Feng Xiaogang's invitation to sing the theme song again.

She simply scoffed, and she looked down on this kind of people who follow the wind even more.

Informed Jiang Yi, and after saying hello, he refused straight away without any muddling. During the period, he went back and forth for no more than 10 minutes. The efficiency was so high that Feng Xiaogang didn't even think about being rejected so simply and neatly. think.

The other party refused so quickly, without even giving him a chance to discuss, as if he looked down on the movie he was preparing, Feng Xiaogang almost fell down angrily!

Suddenly, evil comes from the guts!

Anyway, seeing that the movie that is being prepared now is almost cold, I am not afraid that the situation will get worse.

Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes!It's better to take a gamble and take a chance.

Maybe there is still a possibility of survival from a desperate situation.

Feng Xiaogang made a decision in his heart and implemented it very quickly.

Immediately, as the chief director of the film, he personally posted a post on Weibo inviting Jiang Yilai to sing the theme song.

As soon as this Weibo was posted, it was scolded by countless netizens!

The speed of rising popularity even surpassed the speed of spending money to buy hot searches during the promotion period!

Feng Xiaogang was very satisfied with the current situation, and no matter how bad the netizens scolded him, he hung up the trending search and watched the changes on Weibo.

He wanted to know that, as the chief producer of Weibo, he sincerely invited Jiang Yi to sing!
With such a large crowd, the enthusiasm was high, and countless people watched.

Let's see how Jiang Yi refuses.

(End of this chapter)

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