Chapter 180 The Oriole Is Behind!

"It's really disgusting. What I can't let go of is that Feng Xiaogang has already selected the theme song and promotional song before. Now that Jiang Yi is here, for the sake of traffic and popularity, he abandons it as relentlessly as before. Just like Jiang Yi, abandon that singer!"

"Does he know what it means to respect people and what it means to respect the fruits of other people's labor? I can hardly bear it!!"

"Feng Xiaogang is very similar to him. He obviously already has a wife, but he still wants to publicize his status as single to deceive young girls who have not experienced much in the world."

"Heaven and earth conscience, I didn't have a deep impression of Feng Xiaogang, or even every director in the circle, but now I remember Feng Xiaogang, and I guess I will never forget him in this life."

"I still don't understand what Feng Xiaogang is trying to do with this?!"

"It's not doing any good, and you're making a show of yourself??"

"You think you are stupid, and others are as stupid as you."

"He invited Jiang Yi on Weibo with great fanfare, and he said so earnestly, if Mr. Zhang Yimou didn't end up messing up this pool of water today and put the matter in front of us."

"I can almost guarantee that those netizens who don't know the truth will definitely be moved by this and start to speak for Feng Xiaogang."

"In this way, the invisible pressure of public opinion will be placed on Jiang Yi?"

"Once Jiang Yi compromises, it can be said that Feng Xiaogang will make a lot of money!"

"After all, what Jiang Yi represents is far more than just two high-quality OSTs. He also represents super high traffic and popularity."

"And now Feng Xiaogang's upcoming movie, which was so cold before it started broadcasting, lacks these two things?!"

"Damn, when you guys mentioned this, I just cut out and looked at the current popularity of that movie. It's already on the rise!"

"??? How did this happen, why do I feel like we've been tricked?"

"That's what the other party is calling attention to. As long as things are making a fuss, no matter whether it's good or bad, it will drive the popularity of the new movie, or the sentence that black red is also red."

"Black and red are far better than nobody cares about, isn't it?!"

"Damn it, it's really heart-wrenching."

"Everyone, don't search for that movie, help, don't give such a person heat."

"What if you don't really want him to get what he wants?"

"Actually, I was thinking, did he fall into some kind of misunderstanding? This is a movie and not a TV series, and the popularity of the movie is useless, mainly depends on the box office."

"Even if the popularity is high now, no matter how many people pay attention to the search, it is useless to wait until the day when no one goes to see the movie."

"It's just a dying struggle!"

"How do you know that the Weibo that Feng Xiaogang is posting now is not intended to be a step down for Jiang Yi?!"

"That's right, Feng Xiaogang is a well-known director of internal entertainment, how could he apologize to Jiang Yi so licking his face?"

"Is it possible that the two sides have already discussed it, and then Jiang Yi was afraid that he would be spurned by the fans, so he deliberately asked Feng Xiaogang to do this for us to see?"

"It's really possible. After all, I've seen so many fans complaining about Jiang Yi in Weibo, but Jiang Yi himself hasn't stopped to say anything."

"In the final analysis, fans and fans are willing to be played around by others in the routine of others."

"Why is Jiang Yi pretending to be lofty? Isn't he playing around with the internal entertainment, laughing to death."

"Laughing to death, maybe it's part of their discussion to make a fuss now, hype, let's make a fuss first!"

"The two sides negotiated, and then Feng Xiaogang compromised for Jiang Yi's face, and then posted such a Weibo for everyone to see, taking all the infamy on himself, and taking advantage of the trend to stir up a wave of enthusiasm."

"Hahahaha and if it doesn't go as expected, Jiang Yi will have no choice but to accept Feng Xiaogang's invitation, and Feng Xiaogang will be blamed all the time!"

"On the other hand, Jiang Yi is clean, and from the perspective of fans, audience, and passers-by, he is the one who has been wronged. I really laughed to death."

"It's very possible. As expected of the big boss of the national team, he is also a group of six when it comes to public opinion!!!"

"Fortunately, I have reacted, otherwise I will be used as a gun by others again."

And Feng Xiaogang didn't expect that Zhang Yimou would be provoked by himself.

Although he was not very clear about the attitude of the other party, he clearly understood one thing.

After Zhang Yimou's words came out, the already not good form became even worse.

But seeing the increasingly uncertain situation, he didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, what Zhang Yimou said on Weibo is true.

Just when he was silent and didn't know how to respond, the public opinion on the Internet began to go to a place that no one expected!

Big deviation!It was completely unexpected by Feng Xiaogang!

Looking at the overall situation, Mei Rou never thought that things would develop in this direction, and she was a little caught off guard.

I scolded the instigator who caused this incident in my heart, and while I was thinking about the solution to the incident, I felt vaguely that something was wrong.

If these follow-up matters were led by Feng Xiaogang, Jiang Yi's side would be severely offended and pushed to the point of no return.

He was also cast aside by netizens, and he couldn't get any benefit from this matter.

So what is the purpose of doing this? !

Already vaguely understood in my heart that someone was behind and wanted to catch them all.

And the only thing that can be done now is self-proof.

"When director Feng sent me an invitation privately this morning to discuss with me, I had already sternly rejected it, and listed the reasons in the rejection. Now that I think about it carefully, it should be regarded as rigorously worded and clear-cut. I think that anyone who accepts seriously It is impossible for anyone who has completed nine years of compulsory education to understand the rejection in my reply, and there is no room for negotiation [attached]; [attached]"

"That's why, I don't quite understand that there is no room for negotiation. You still need to go to Weibo to occupy public resources to invite me? Do you not understand people's language?"

The last sentence of Jiang Yi's Weibo was unceremonious, sweeping away the gentleness and indifference before, the words were full of unceremonious criticism and sharpness, once this Weibo was sent.

Whether it is the fans who have been squatting and watching, or the passers-by who came to watch, they even opened their eyes!
"In my impression, Jiang Yi has always been gentle and powerful. He has never been so merciless. It seems that what Feng Xiaogang did this time really touched the low line of others."

(End of this chapter)

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