Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 182 Choice is greater than effort!

Chapter 182 Choice is greater than effort!

The dispute on Weibo didn't stop until sunset, but Jiang Yi didn't see the news on the Internet until that time.

What impressed him the most about Feng Xiaogang was that he would actually come back to cooperate with him in the future.

I thought I would reject it, so I rejected it.

I didn't expect such a big thing to happen later.

Anyway, the matter had calmed down, so Jiang Yi was eating melons in Weibo without any burden.

He didn't expect that someone would be so shameless.

Posting threats on Weibo in a grand manner, I really guess that he will not be able to save his face and come down from the stage?

Jiang Yi thought it was funny looking at it like this, but in the end, he focused all his attention on the public opinion that popped up suddenly in the middle, he asked Mei Rou.

"What's the matter with those people who popped up in the middle to make troubles?"

There was such an uproar on the Internet, and this was actually the only point worthy of Jiang Yi's attention.

The main thing is that they are menacing, and they hit the door directly.

Jiang Yi is almost certain.

As for the menacing momentum before, if Meirou hadn't been staring at her all the time and responded promptly and clarified quickly.

If we still rely on the trend of slander, then Weibo will definitely not be as calm as it is now.

When mentioning this matter, Mei Rou let out a groan: "The tree attracts the wind."

"You are getting more and more popular now, those people behind you can't sit still."

"When I catch this opportunity, I can't wait to step on it."

Jiang Yi is still browsing the Internet, and it is not surprising to hear what Mei Rou said.

"Plus, aren't you going to record a variety show soon?"

"Some people are starting to get nervous again. They are afraid that you will touch their cake. There is an inexplicable sense of crisis." Mei Rou seemed to be busy with something over there, and she said it casually.

"The point is, they don't take the initiative to attack now." Jiang Yi suddenly remembered something, frowned and said: "But they have changed their strategy now, haven't they?"

When Jiang Yi said this, Mei Rou knew what he was going to say next, and her eyebrows relaxed.

"That's right, they are now changing their strategy and starting to wait for an opportunity."

"Started to hide, and then tried to think of killing us at the critical moment."

"For us, it is even more difficult for us to guard against the other party's cleverness. After all, it is impossible to guard against us if it surprises us all at once."

Mei Rou's tone was relaxed, but she obviously didn't take it to heart.

"But in my opinion, they're doing the right thing hahaha."

Jiang Yi's brows twitched: "You're not mistaken, are you? The other party has found our veins, you still hahaha."


"You can't rest assured, you have a sense of crisis, am I right? They have found the right direction." Mei Rou was still talking to herself, but in fact Jiang Yi was not as confused as before up.

"Do you have a solution?" He asked directly, he had a certain understanding of Meirou's tone after getting along with her for so long.

If the other party talks about business in a leisurely tone, then there is a high probability that he has already made up his mind.

Sure enough, as soon as Jiang Yi asked these words, Mei Rou laughed.

"Boss, we really have a tacit understanding after getting along for so long."

"That's right, how can there be a thousand days to guard against thieves if you only have to be a thief for a thousand days?"

"The opponent made the first shot, and he will definitely keep an eye on us and wait for the opportunity."

"As long as they make a move, the opponent will show their feet sooner or later."

Listening to Meirou's words, it was full of certainty, so Jiang Yi didn't ask any more.

"What's more, if you want to find out who is behind the trip, don't you have a good opportunity right now?"

Her tone was full of meaning and a little malicious.

"Have it?"

"what chance?"

Mei Rou chuckled lightly: "Aren't you going to record a variety show soon?"

"Didn't Zhang Yimou say that he wanted to make a movie with you?"

"I don't know who exposed the latter incident on the Internet. I don't think it's a negative comment, so I didn't deal with it. Now that this incident comes out, we can just make use of it."

Mei Rou's tone was full of unfathomable, but Jiang Yi didn't quite understand it.

"How to say?"

Mei Rou didn't say much, but left a sentence: "You will know later, just wait and see."

What she said was meaningful, but Jiang Yi was aroused by her, as if he had a feeling in his heart, and then he began to pay attention to the trend on the Internet.

Sure enough, not long after that, the variety show Jiang Yi airborne on Weibo began to be actively marketed.

Netizens laughed and laughed at the scene.

"Looking at this posture, I know that the new episode is about to start broadcasting."

"Who said it wasn't? You don't need to be so active in marketing, right? After all, didn't you say that Jiang Yi would be airborne and longing for it?"

"That's right! This alone has killed a large number of variety shows in the same period!"

"It's not like I said, Longing for Life has already invited Jiang Yi, the big boss, so just lie down in the follow-up publicity! After all, the gimmick of Mr. Jiang Yi's variety show debut can attract countless fans. And flock to it, don't you?"

"Jiang Yi is invited for the new episode! Successfully beat 90.00% of domestic entertainment variety shows!"

"You don't have to work so hard to yearn, okay? How does this make other variety shows live?"

"My God, the variety show is also introverted like this now?"

"Choice is greater than effort, this sentence is very true!"

"I've already set up my rice bowl, waiting for Xiangqian to feed us."

"Why do you pursue Jiang Yi so much? He is a singer, but not a resident star of variety shows? It's really strange for you to do this."

"That's right, and the yearning for the new episode is not only Jiang Yi, but also other stars."

"Jiang Yi has enough fans to not worry about ratings, but is it possible that Yearning's active promotion is for the attention of other guests. After all, Yearning is not just for him, and it's not a variety show just for him."

"It's certainly worth looking forward to his first show, not to mention that Zhang Yimou himself said that he wanted to praise him before?"

"At that time, it was said that he would tailor a role for him, right? This is even more worth looking forward to."

"That's right, although it's not an orthodox screen, at least you can see Jiang Yi in the show, right?"

"Maybe Jiang Yi can not only shine on the stage, but also show a different style on the big screen!?"

"Damn it? Wouldn't it be my own play in the future, and I would switch between various timbres and sing all the OST?"

"For TV dramas that have participated in the show, the emotions and feelings that are substituted will be more profound, right?!"

"From a certain point of view, the super high quality of the film and television OST has been guaranteed!"

(End of this chapter)

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