Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 184 Which good family's variety show will start broadcasting at night?

Chapter 184 Which good family's variety show will start broadcasting at night?
"So I have a question, when is this show going to air! I'm running out of time, okay?!"

"It's only now that the actors are officially announced. According to my experience, it's estimated that the filming hasn't started yet. Wait slowly."

"Darling, I suggest you broadcast while filming."

"Why are you so troublesome? Isn't it good to broadcast directly?!"

"Damn it, how dare you think about it!"

"Focus on one, everything is possible @: Longing for life"

"Live broadcast variety shows are not uncommon in foreign countries. If you yearn for life, just be a lone brave man in China!"

"Live variety shows are obviously more attractive than post-edited ones!"

"@: Longing for life, in the form of live broadcast, I can't wait!"

The program crew obviously didn't expect that they were just planning to get a wave of enthusiasm to promote the program, but in the end, the fire would actually burn on themselves? !
Netizens are all groaning under Weibo. This message is to watch a variety show in the form of live broadcast, which makes them very confused!
Because this is not the same as the previously prepared playback format.

But as soon as they launched the promotion, netizens gave positive feedback. This is a very good phenomenon, which proves that the program is highly concerned.

But as soon as the feedback was made, they couldn't realize it and couldn't give an explanation, which was obviously disappointing.

But if you follow the requirements of netizens.

For the live broadcast format... the requirements for all aspects are very high, and many things have to be measured again.

The producers of variety shows were very big for a while.

I don't know how to reply, and I can't blatantly refuse, the only thing I can do is.

Play dead!

Just like this, even though the netizens yelled under Weibo for many days, the program team did not give any response!
Seeing that the past few days have passed, netizens have begun to die down.

But right now!
Longing for life official blog issued a notice! !
Longing for life: "Ding! The train to Nanyun is about to leave. Friends, please get on the small train at 18:00 tomorrow night, fasten your seat belts, we will leave on time!"

I rely on!

Once this Weibo was sent out, the netizens went into a frenzy!

"The broadcast will start on time at six o'clock tomorrow night?? Isn't it recorded yet? Why did it start?"

"Isn't it really what I thought it was?"

"He can't really live broadcast!"

"Damn, longing for life, are you serious?! You are really responsive!!"

"The first variety show in the form of live broadcast in China! I am sure! It is indeed a potential stock that Mr. Jiang Yi is looking for! Just let it go! Awesome!!"

"Who knows, family members, he has been pretending to be dead before, and I thought he was really dead! If he doesn't make a sound, he will become a blockbuster, right?"

"I have tears in my eyes, I can see my dear teacher Jiang Yi again at eight o'clock tomorrow night!!"

"The key is...it's alive! And it still appears on variety shows!"

"No matter what the content of this variety show is, ghosts and snakes! It's all about Teacher Jiang Yi, I must finish this episode!!!"

"He De He Neng, the new variety show just finished its first episode, and Teacher Jiang Yi joined him before he knew what the future would be like!"

"If you want to say that he is very strong, the previous guests are very ordinary. If you say that he is not strong, he was chosen by Teacher Jiang Yi to participate in the first round."

"My feeling is that I yearn for life, and I'm lucky. I bumped into Teacher Jiang Yi who was picking a variety show when I was just preparing, and I happened to run into Teacher Jiang's hand!"

"I also want to bump into Teacher Jiang's hand!"

"It is simply the existence of the Chosen One."

Longing for Life received requests from netizens at the beginning, and was ready to pretend to be dead, but in the end the chief director hesitated and asked Jiang Yi for his opinion.

The reason why most of the domestic variety shows are recorded and broadcast is because the artists of the domestic entertainment have lost their positions.

I'm even more afraid that if there is no post-editing, it will easily collapse the character design.

So most of them will choose the recording and broadcasting with a little guarantee.

After all, if the filming is not good at that time, it can be edited later. If it is broadcast live, it will be like pouring water and cannot be recovered.

However, it was obvious that Jiang Yi didn't have much opinion on whether the variety show should be live broadcast or edited and recorded.

To be honest, this is the first time the producer contacted Jiang Yi after Jiang Yi agreed to the invitation of Longing for Life.

Asking if it can be broadcast live is just a voice on the Internet to give netizens an explanation.

But he didn't expect Jiang Yi to be so eloquent!
This is simply the surprise of surprises!
After that, the producer tentatively asked several other actors.

Originally, when I heard that there was going to be a live broadcast, I was a little unhappy, but the producer tentatively mentioned it, and Jiang Yi had no objections and agreed.

The other guests were all silent, and then they agreed! !
Yearning's producers are almost sure that Yearning is the first domestic variety show that unanimously agrees to be broadcast live!
It was unbelievably smooth.

The production cost of live broadcast is much lower than that of recorded broadcast, and the gimmick of being the first domestic variety show broadcast in the form of live broadcast is enough to attract a large number of people.

What's more, live broadcast, in addition to timeliness, can catch the heat as quickly as possible.

The second is to be able to show the artist's first reaction in the face of various emergencies in the most clear, intuitive and profound way!Feature a stimulus!

Domestic netizens are used to watching the same editing and recording before, and they can't pick a variety show that can't go wrong. This kind of thing that is prone to emergencies is more appetizing and attractive! !
The most important thing is that since the most difficult guests in the session all agreed!

Is there any reason for the program team not to be satisfied?
Ever since, there is the preview time of the live broadcast that netizens saw on the Internet.

Everything is ready, the only thing that needs to be done is Dongfeng. At 59:[-] p.m. the next day, there will be a large group of people live on the official broadcast, and the supervisor is waiting for another large group of people to squat on the TV broadcasting platform.

Before the show even started, tens of thousands of people flooded into the studio.

The scene was spectacular and lively.

Many fans who just entered the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Damn it, it's like Chinese New Year!"

"I thought I was early enough! Looks like I'm still a little behind!"

"Isn't this broadcast yet? Why are you all squatting here! I'm not even in the front row!"

"You don't understand, when I think of our brother Jiang going live, I'm already impatient at 05:30!"

"I can't bear to miss every minute and every second of our brother Jiang on the screen!"

"What type of variety show? Will Brother Jiang sing tonight?"

"Which good family's variety show will be broadcast at night? It's still in the form of live broadcast."

"Ye Shi just wants to hear our teacher Jiang Yi play the piano! It really fits the occasion!"

"Does Teacher Jiang know how to play the piano? Why don't I know?"

(End of this chapter)

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