Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 188 Is it necessary to entertain guests? ?

Chapter 188 The house is empty and you have to entertain guests? ?
Chapter 186 You have to entertain guests? ?

"I think this kind of way of earning living expenses by working entirely on your own is quite special. This is life."

"That's right, the real idyllic atmosphere is hard-earned for every penny."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha , If they were all earned by labor, then these guests will suffer old crimes!"

"When the camera came in with them just now, I seemed to take a look. Except for a bed and basic furniture, it was no different from the bare walls."

"Wow, that's even more exciting!"

"I'm already rubbing my palms, waiting for them to break the corn."

"It seems that when I was very young, I saw someone selling corn at my grandmother's house and I haven't seen it much. I didn't expect that the last variety show could still make me nostalgic."

"It's no wonder that Jiang Yi chose to yearn for life in so many variety shows. It's really unique."

"If you can make money by singing, dancing and rapping, how is it different from other variety shows?"

"Longing for life? Can singing and dancing in your life be able to make money?"

"That way at least you can show off your talents. What is he earning through labor? When the time comes, he will cheat and trick us audience into fools."

"There's no need to be so overwhelmed upstairs. It hasn't even started yet. How can you predict the future?"

"Don't think about those who have or don't have, I'm looking forward to what they get from their labor."

"I didn't hear from the director team, they all said: Is that what you think?"

Off the screen, after Wang Lei finished reading the note, several people fell into deep thought.

Wang Lei's expression became even more indescribable, and his breathing became a little heavier.

Li Weijia took a few steps forward and turned over the little note. He was surprised: "There are words on the back!"

The attention of several people was attracted to him for a while.

Li Weijia stared at the note, and quickly read the words on it.

"At the end of each issue, a mysterious guest will arrive."

"Mushroom house owners, do your best to entertain guests and treat them well."

When he read the last line, his tone was full of disbelief, not to mention the faces of the other people, Wang Lei even burst out with a foul language.

"Damn, I almost can't get enough to eat, and I still want to entertain guests?"

"Who will the mysterious guest be!" Wang Kaikai frowned, a little curious.

"I looked around just now, not to mention the ingredients, there is not even a stove." Only Jiang Yi looked around, and finally said.

He succeeded in saying this, and diverted the attention of the other people. The five people began to check the existing equipment in the house, and finally Wang Kaikai clicked his tongue.

"Except for the bed and the cabinet, the furniture in this room is as clean as if it had been swept away!"

Wang Lei groped his chin: "It's not an exaggeration to say that the family is destitute."

"The guests are here, can I treat them to corn?" Jiang Yi suddenly said.

The others burst out laughing without holding back.

The tense atmosphere caused by the difficult living conditions dissipated without a trace!

Wang Lei laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up: "Hahahaha, you are right, we won't be able to eat good food ourselves, and the guests will be able to feed them corn at most."

The audience who are watching the live broadcast can't help but laugh too.

"I can only say that there is something about this thing, and it stumped a few guests on the first day."

"Mysterious guest: I came all the way to be a guest, so you just feed me corn?!"

"Mysterious guest: Who knows, the family members can't hold back anymore."

However, off-screen, when the five guests asked this question, the director team vehemently denied it.

"Guests will call Mushroom in advance when they come to the door, and they will ask for it."

"The five guests should try their best to meet the requirements of the guests and entertain them well."

As soon as these two sentences came out, the five people who were still laughing happily were stunned.

This news is no less than five thunderbolts.

Wang Lei and Wang Kaikai were full of disbelief, and they all looked in the direction of the director team.

"I don't even know where my own food is, and I want to spend all I have on entertaining guests?"

"And they can still ask?? We have to try our best?"

In the pictures of netizens, after all the members of the director team were covered with mosaics, they could only be seen nodding their heads indifferently, and then spoke righteously.

"The way of hospitality in ancient China has always been like this, I hope the five guests can strictly abide by it."

"And I didn't ask you to take out all your best to entertain now. It's said that this period is coming to an end."

As soon as the director's team finished speaking, the camera cut to the faces of the five guests very quickly, so the expressions on their faces that turned from blue to purple were clearly visible.

Netizens couldn't help it anymore, and complained one after another.

"Damn, what is the director team doing? This is too indifferent, I laughed so loudly hahahaha."

"Those words from the director team seem to be saying, you can't even pay a fart now, how can there be guests willing to come to the door? You must wait for you to accumulate a certain amount of wealth and tidy up the house before anyone will come to the door. Then you spend everything to entertain them."

"Too bad, too bad!"

"What is the ancient way of hospitality in China? Is there any origin?"

"I'm afraid the upstairs is not a fake Chinese person. It seems to be like this when I was young. Even if my family is poor and can't even afford food, as long as there are guests, grandma will go to chop a piece of meat even if she sells everything."

"I don't understand. Is this the way of hospitality? Isn't this just a swollen face to make a fat man??"

"That's right, is this kind of culture worth promoting? It's not good to be pragmatic. If you can't get it out, don't force it out. I think Teacher Jiang Yi's suggestion is very good. If there is anything I can be generous with, I will give it all to you." .”

"Hahahahahaha, when I mentioned this, I remembered that Mr. Jiang Yi said that I can treat them to eat corn. This sentence really makes me rich."

And off the screen, when they know that there will be guests and make requests, they have to try their best to meet them.

Jiang Yi pondered for a long time, and then choked out a sentence.

"If they ask for anything, I have to satisfy them. If he orders a dish before coming and says he wants to eat Buddha Jumping Wall, then I will go to the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire to make Buddha Jumping Wall for him."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

The others all looked at Jiang Yi in disbelief, as if they had never thought about this possibility.

But now that I think about it, that would be too frightening!
The expressions of the five people all stunned successfully made the netizens who watched the live broadcast burst into laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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