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Chapter 206 Jiang Yi is not what he imagined!

Chapter 206 Jiang Yi is not what he imagined!
Under the tense and apprehensive eyes of countless people, Jiang Yi directly took the bowl full of plain noodles from Wang Lei's hands with a careless mouth.

"It's just life skills. I didn't need to learn it by myself when I was young, but I would watch the elders busy talking. When I grow up, I am forced to live, and I gradually learn the appearance of the elders."

What he said was true, neither the original owner nor himself had bothered much in life when he was a child.

When I grow up, I have to face the storms of life by myself, although I have to learn everything.

In fact, most people are like this, but in the future life, it depends on their comprehension ability and concentration.

It's just that some people are willing to bother in life, so they do everything well.

After he finished speaking, he began to keep silent, pouring brine into the bowl of plain noodles.

After everyone was silent for a long time, they suddenly reacted.

"Good guy, this is too strong! I often cook at home, and to be honest, my knife skills are not as good as yours!"

"Brother Jiang looks like someone who is good at learning, thinking, and practicing!" Wang Kaikai affirmed.

Teacher He was a little bit emotional: "In the end we all learn from our elders and protect ourselves from wind and rain."

Li Weijia smacked his mouth, and never took his eyes off Jiang Yi's hand that beat the marinade.

Netizens also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Just now, I was really afraid that Teacher Jiang Yi would get angry, and then he would throw a pick and walk away, scaring me."

"It's kind of scary and frightening, but I didn't expect Mr. Jiang to be so calm and let the matter go."

"I can't stand that sentence, we all end up like parents, and it's really tearful to defend ourselves from the wind and rain."

"Obviously learning from the elders and taking care of yourself, isn't this the only way for everyone? There's no surprise."

"Sometimes I really don't know what all these netizens are making a fuss about. Isn't it normal for an adult to be able to cook if he is not an idiot in life?"

"Not normal, not normal at all!"

"No matter from which aspect, our Jiang Yi is very, very good. Whether it is life or work, we have unparalleled patience and concentration."

"I suddenly understood why Jiang Yi was able to succeed, and why he was able to create songs that lead the trend and create cultural innovations of the times. It would be difficult for people who pay attention everywhere not to succeed."

"Ignoring all the other messes, and your sorrowful emotions, the only thing I can be sure of here is that I have been forced by life, so I don't think he is a son of a rich family."

"Is birth so important, my God!"

"Jiang Yi didn't make any hype about the rich second generation and everyone's son when he made his debut, why do you all have this kind of misunderstanding?"

"Musicians who only like young masters from rich families can go out and turn left. I like Jiang Yi from the beginning to the end!"

"Why don't you like it? I like it even more!"

"The young master's filter is because Jiang Yi is really, too unrealistic. We added it ourselves. Now we thought that Tianshangyue would pick up firewood and cook for food, so approachable! This layer of filter is faintly cracked signs."

"Having more common topics is not unattainable, it's simply more love!"

After the topic outside the screen ended, Li Weijia looked at Wang Lei eagerly.

"Brother, should I eat the noodles?" The tone was full of eagerness and impatience.

When he said this, several people in Mushroom House finally came to their senses from the confusion.

Wang Lei waved his spoon and started scooping up the noodles very quickly.

After bowls of plain noodles were started, a few people stood obediently by the desk, waiting for Wang Lei to dig out the marinade.

With two hands, he dug marinade with one hand, and spread cucumbers with the other. After a while, a table of mixed sauce noodles with all colors and flavors appeared vividly in front of the camera.

"Good guy, I didn't plan to have breakfast, I decided to have breakfast before going to bed."

"It's too sinful, I'm already hungry."

"A person who didn't like to eat noodles is drooling crazily in front of the screen at the moment. It's simply too sinful."

"I've decided, I'll have mixed sauce noodles for breakfast today!"

"I already have a hunch that during the few days when Longing for Life is broadcast in the future, Mr. Wang Lei will seduce me to order takeaways crazily."

And off the screen, the five people in Mushroom House were hissing and eating the fried noodles in a bowl.

Maybe I wasn't very hungry when I just woke up, but after working so hard, it's no different from being hungry now.

The most important thing is the feeling of hunger after labor, and you will become extremely satisfied when you eat the food obtained through your own labor.

A few people are obviously like this at the moment.

Wang Kaikai even gave a thumbs up while eating.

"The noodles are chewy and the fried sauce is delicious, it's absolutely amazing!"

Teacher He Jiong also raised his head from the state of burying his head in hard work, and commented: "Compared with those sold outside, the noodles made by Wang Lei have more taste of the food itself."

"That's right, that's right, I think so too!" Li Weijia interjected hastily, "I don't know if it's because the wheat the program crew gave is different, or because the noodles cooked in a wood-burning stove, I feel delicious after eating them!"

Only Jiang Yi and Wang Lei ate their noodles quietly without saying a word.

Although he just ate the noodles quietly, he still made many fans scream.

"Good guy, I'm really convinced. I thought he was elegant when he ate sweet potatoes before, let alone noodles!"

"It's really slow, not too fast!"

"I feel that there is only a shaken red wine glass next to Jiang Yi."

After a few people finished eating, someone consciously cleaned up the dishes and went to wash the camera for a close-up.

After washing the dishes and chopsticks, not only wiped the kitchen well, but also took a rag and carefully wiped the dining table where everyone ate.

"Good guy, I really underestimated these young artists before, they are really careful in their work!"

"It turns out that not all young artists are the kind who just eat and don't work! I killed a whole bunch of people with one shot before."

"Actually, for this kind of thing, I mainly feel that it depends on who you are with. It is obvious that Jiang Yi gave a helping hand to everything before, so that these young people who followed him would not have the habit of being idle."

"I laughed so hard. It seems that it's very important to hang out with someone. I can almost predict that after this episode of the show, the relationship between several guests will rapidly improve."

"It's said that Mr. Jiang Yi promotes a virtuous circle."

"Whether the relationship will get better or not, I don't know. Anyway, I have a good impression of the other people now."

(End of this chapter)

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