Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 210 You have to bear the price of sitting on the floor!

Chapter 210 You have to bear the price of sitting on the floor!

Everyone didn't expect that Wang Lei could hold back such a sentence endlessly without surprise! !
His eyes widened in an instant, full of disbelief!
"Let them break the corn?? Brother, are you serious?!" Wang Kaikai only felt a little horrified, but at the same time, he wanted to laugh a little. God's evil is forgiven, but self-inflicted evil cannot live.

If you try to make things difficult for them before you come, then what to do after you come is not up to them!

The rest of the people obviously thought of this too, and the expressions on their faces became a little unfathomable.

The originally heavy and depressing atmosphere in the mushroom house suddenly became clear after this proposal came out.

All the gloom in everyone's hearts was swept away, and they all looked forward to the future life.

Wang Lei nodded arrogantly.

"Buddha jumped the wall and ate it. He deserved it. He can't just eat without work!"

"I didn't go anywhere, isn't that the truth?!"

"Since you want to eat, earn back the money you spent in these few days!"

The words he said now echoed a hundred echoes!
Every word and every sentence touched the hearts of several people!

Almost as soon as the words fell to the ground, everyone applauded in unison!

Li Weijia howled even more: "That's great!"

The previous grievances were swept away, everyone had expectations for a new life, and they became more motivated to do things. The five began to bargain with the program group excitedly.

Netizens who witnessed the whole process were dumbfounded, "So you can still do this!"

"This is too relieved!"

"Although I have been preaching the Chinese way of hospitality before, I always feel that it is really like a big injustice! Brother Lei is really happy to do this!"

"The five people in Mushroom House are much easier to see with the naked eye!"

"It's just playing me! If you suffer a loss, you will have trouble day and night!"

"I can already predict what will happen after that guest comes!"

"Just like Teacher Wang Lei said, he deserves it!! Who made him be so indifferent!"

"Hahahaha, this is called self-inflicted evil!"

"But it's conceivable that when the guests first came, they must be full of enthusiasm! Otherwise, how would you coax the lamb into a trap hahaha!"

"Already looking forward to the follow-up."

"Every minute and every second they did after that was preparing for the revenge coming back in the future."

"I am more and more looking forward to who will come hahahaha!"

"Just a single Buddha jumping over the wall is not an ordinary person! What's more, there will be a battle of wits between the guests and the host!"

"Actually, in a certain way, I think enthusiasm, generosity and preoccupation are the essence of Chinese people. Don't hate me, these two qualities do not conflict."

"That's right, that's right. When things go well, you are warm and generous, and when your own interests are violated, you start to haggle over every detail. This is not just the essence of Chinese people, it is simply the human nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages!"

"It was originally. After all, no one's money comes from a strong wind. When it comes to your own interests, you must be careful, otherwise, wouldn't it be a big injustice!"

"No matter what, I still can't understand the spirit of self-sacrifice! It runs counter to my thinking!"

"The loss is to the extent that I, an outsider, can't sleep at night watching it! I like to be happy, I like revenge, I like to care about everything, and it is a blessing to refuse anything."

Netizens were very happy after watching the show, and they had a little more expectation for this show. However, several people outside the screen discussed with the show team for a long time.

Of course, those red deficits on the bills are also very distressing.

Because more and more corn was owed, Mr. He Jiong also specially found a small discarded book and started to keep accounts.

Of course, at the beginning, I remembered that it was all negative numbers.

It stands to reason that there should be an account on the program team, so there is no need to record it here, but!
Avoid being confused when changing corn at that time, and being cheated if you have no money in your hand!

Therefore, it is still very necessary to record properly so that you have a spectrum in your heart!
Teacher He was sitting on the table with a pen in his hand, writing something.

Several other people sat around and listened with their chins propped up.

And Jiang Yi, relying on his super-high memory, kept recalling the amount negotiated with the program team before.

He closed his eyes and thought for a while, then said.

"Ducks are more expensive, 420 for two corns."

Even though this was already the result of bargaining and discussion, everyone still couldn't hold back their breath.

Wang Lei's face was full of pain and sadness, and only Mr. He recorded it without changing his face.

"Pigeon 220 nine pieces of corn."

The corner of Wang Kaikai's mouth twitched, and he gestured the size of the pigeon with his hand.

"A pigeon is so small, a chicken is so fat and so big! Why do pigeons and chickens cost the same price!"

He didn't understand, but He Jiong wrote down the series of numbers slowly, not indifferently enough, but relieved.

Jiang Yi still raised his head, glanced at him, and explained expressionlessly.

"The program team said that pigeons have high nutritional value and high market value."

Wang Kaikai sighed: "A profiteer is a profiteer!"

"What's the difference between this and sitting on the ground?!"

"You boy! The dishes have already been brought back, and this price is already a figure after bargaining." Wang Lei said with a numb face, but he didn't know what tone he thought of, and suddenly became a little vicious: "What's more Even if you sit on the ground and raise the price, you have to accept it!"

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Netizens in the live broadcast room felt chilly.

"Good guy, why do you feel that Brother Lei is a little angry?"

"The established facts can't be resisted. It's really annoying to be brought out all the time."

"What's more, I remember that the offer from the program group was higher before, and it was Mr. Jiang who cut through the mess and asked the program group to give a discount, otherwise the situation will only be worse than it is now!"

"It's very annoying and can't solve the problem. What's the use of a teammate who can only scream. The only function is to disturb the mood of the teammate. I'm already impatient without seeing Brother Lei."

"I think, Brother Lei's last sentence is a bit meaningful hahaha!"

"Damn it, I've come to my senses when you say that, now they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and the show crew has to accept whatever demands they make, but when the so-called guest comes over, won't the situation be reversed in an instant?!"

"I laughed so hard, it's like 'You have to bear the price if you sit on the ground!'"

"However, Jiang Yi's memory is really good. He actually remembers the price we negotiated just now!"

"I always feel that his brain seems to be easier to use than ours, and there is a little sadness."

"It's more than that, he can still bargain!!"

(End of this chapter)

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