Chapter 212 The Eloquent Jiang Yi

Jiang Yi stood beside him, watching him like this, and kindly reminded him.

"Stand still, carrying corn on your back is exhausting."

Li Weijia was already excited at this time, but he just nodded when he heard the words, and didn't take it seriously. Jiang Yi looked so excited that he couldn't bear to interrupt his beautiful imagination.

Netizens breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought picking corn was a very hard job, but it seems to be okay!"

"Before I saw that they owed more and more corn, and they were almost owed three thousand and five, and I was shocked!"

"Based on this progress, if they can work hard, they can finish picking the corn today."

"What are you worried about? After all, it's a variety show. It's impossible to really kill these stars."

"It's just a gimmick to do farm work in person, but I have to say they are very successful."

"Jiang Yi is really handsome with a knife in his hand!"

"A man who works quickly is really handsome!"

"Why are you wearing such tight clothes when you see foreigners doing work like that! Can you loosen it up a bit!"

"Be careful upstairs, the abacus beads are about to collapse on my face!"

"Hahahaha, you are so scary, I really want to escape but I can't."

However, the ease at the beginning of the cornfield made many people who had been waiting for the battle relax their vigilance. Everyone was scattered around the cornfield, but they couldn't help but relax a lot.

Many people were still humming, and the atmosphere was relaxed and joyful.

"The atmosphere is here, why don't we set a small goal? Today we worked hard, and everyone picked four boxes in three hours. Let's work hard to achieve this KPI??"

Wang Lei made an extremely excited proposal, shouting hard in the cornfield.

"I think it's okay, the first day is full of freshness and the most motivation!" He Jiong responded loudly at the other end, and he also felt very good.

And some people have already counted.

"Each person has four baskets, that's two thousand pieces of corn!" Wang Kaikai's mind was running fast, and his mouth was speaking fast.

"Then the corn we owed has already paid off more than half of it today!! Then wouldn't we be debt-free from now on?!"

With corn in his hand, he hammered the corn stalk next to him heavily, his tone extremely excited.

His last sentence was highly agreed by several other people in the cornfield: "It's so right!"

"I don't want to live a life like this ever again!"

"It's so overwhelming that I can't breathe, who knows!"

Not only the few people in the cornfield laughed, but also the netizens laughed together!
"It can be seen that it is really aggrieved."

"Especially if you don't want to eat it, but you have to pay the fruits of your labor for it, it's even more embarrassing to think about it."

"Or if you look at it from another angle, think about a family that used to live frugally, but suddenly have a large amount of expenses, but it is to serve others, but the hole has to be filled by yourself, do you want to chop that person up?" I'm in the mood."

"No, if they pay back the bill now, then the resentment towards that guest will probably not be so serious after that. This is not what I want to see. I still prefer variety shows where tit-for-tat fights happen."

"Some things can be done in moderation. This variety show is life-oriented. It focuses on relaxation and pleasure. Adults don't care about villains."

"I don't know why, seeing them smiling so happily now, I always feel that they will definitely be slapped in the face later."

"That's right, that's right, I finally found someone who thinks the same as me! When things go too well, I feel a little weird!"

"Maybe there is a bit of conspiracy theory, but isn't there a saying that the face-slapping may be late, but it will never be absent."

However, the fact is true, not only they have this idea, but also Jiang Yi who is in the cornfield.

Listening to the laughter in the cornfield, Jiang Yi glanced at the sun that was fading away in the distance.

"Don't laugh, you still have to pick four baskets of corn in three hours, do you want to guess how long it has been?"

When he said this, everyone was taken aback.

In order to save time and convenience, I put all my mobile phones in a bag before going to the cornfield, and I didn’t have a watch on my body. I really don’t know how long it has been while wandering around the cornfield.

Seeing their stupid looks and silent attitude, Jiang Yi already guessed that they were probably in a bad mood. After sighing, he glanced at the sky again, thinking about what to say.

"Look at the weather from 05:30 to [-] o'clock."

"One and a half hours passed, and we only picked one basket of corn."

"And it's fresh at the beginning, but as time goes by, our physical strength will be less and less able to keep up."

Jiang Yi calmly analyzed the current situation, but Wang Kaikai, who was not far away from him, didn't take it seriously.

"Brother Jiang, are you too cautious, too cautious?? It's just harvesting corn. We've been harvesting it for so long just now, how did we waste so much energy!"

"And it doesn't matter even if it consumes energy, my body is great!"

He raised his arms to show off as he spoke, his tone was full of indifference.

"I rely on Wang Kaikai, why do you listen to people's persuasion and eat enough?"

"I feel like Brother Jiang is speechless, and he doesn't even want to speak anymore."

"It's not that I said that people still like to draw big pies for themselves and imagine the future and the future."

"That's right, on the contrary, I resist those who calmly analyze the current situation and make rational arrangements for the future. I feel that they are too cautious and make a fuss out of a molehill."

"I also think they took it for granted before. How could the show crew be so kind?"

"I feel that Jiang Yi is a little tired and doesn't want to talk anymore."

"Being dazzled by a short-lived victory is no different from a pig teammate."

However, in the cornfield, I will take a breath of my life still reminded.

"You have to carry corn baskets?!"

"When picking corn, such a heavy sickle has to be lifted high, and then pick the corn?"

Jiang Yi spoke with sincerity and sincerity.

"It might be okay at the beginning, but later on, when I carry such a heavy basket on my back for a long time, I won't be able to support it, and my hands will be so weak that I can't lift it."

Seeing that they didn't refute for a long time, as if they had listened, he finally said.

"My suggestion is, don't try to be brave on the first day of the day, and exhaust your physical strength and energy all at once. The future will be long."

Everyone's originally indifferent attitude, after hearing Jiang Yi's serious and rational analysis, they all corrected their attitude and began to think seriously.

"It seems to be true. I haven't done this kind of work much before. Now I can feel it a little bit..." Wang Lei waved his shoulders, feeling the pain in his shoulders, his expression twisted, and he muttered to himself.

"It seems really sour!"

(End of this chapter)

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