Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 215 Jiang Yi: Suffering?impossible

Chapter 215 Jiang Yi: Suffering?impossible

"It's more than that! It's simply alarmist! How did the last variety show get mixed up like this!"

"Actually, I feel that there is no harm without comparison. Compared with the sweet potato that I was tired of looking at before, this plate of chicken looks much more pleasing to the eye."

"It's such a miserable life, I hope they can get out of this predicament soon."

"Actually, the main thing is that we are not on the right track. Now we have started to return the corn, and it should get better later."

"Jiang Yi is really clever, so many people don't remember that there are leftover dishes in the kitchen."

"Who knows, I was on the verge of my compliments before, but he said let's eat leftovers!"

"I'm dying of laughter. He's a bit clever."

"After watching the variety show for two days, I figured it out. Jiang Yi is definitely not someone who will make him suffer."

"Yes, yes, yes! Buddha Jumping over the Wall is not easy to make, so let's make a simple version. We can kill the remaining ingredients by ourselves. When people come, they can help with the work. The main one is value for money, and we can't eat it at all. Little loss."

"Help, I like his personality so much! The super-annoying kind of man who talks about suffering is a blessing, is actually a useless idiot."

"It's still the same sentence, smart people will not let themselves suffer."

Seeing the five people in the mushroom house, they tore the chicken for the soup into strips and served it cold, and cut the duck meat into pieces for dipping.

Adhering to the spirit of insisting on not wasting food, the staple food is the sweet potato that was baked before.

I was satisfied after a meal, and the previous resentment was long gone, which made the netizens laugh again and again.

"Sure enough, eating a good meal is the lifelong pursuit of Chinese people."

"As long as the three meals a day are settled, and the food is comfortable, life will become promising."

"I thought I was the only one who lived from nine to five day after day, and three meals a day were my only solace."

"Visible to the naked eye, they all had smiles on their faces after eating what they wanted to eat."

After eating, several people sat under the small thatched pavilion in the yard to enjoy the cool air.

Wang Kaikai held Little H in his arms, "This little guy has a special ration, so don't we have to worry about his food?"

These words stopped everyone from asking, and they all looked over with unison.

"It should probably be like this." Wang Lei looked around, his eyes flickering.

"After all, we haven't fed him since we came yesterday."

Only Jiang Yi scratched his forehead, and seemed to have some headaches.

"To feed, we forgot."

Everyone looked over in astonishment, Jiang Yi had a worse headache.

"Don't you think little h is very anxious?"

Everyone's eyes were on Xiao H again!

It was only then that I was surprised to find that it seemed that there was indeed a little bit of irritability!
Wang Kaikai was even more shocked, and stood up from his seat, muttering: "Sin, sin, I forgot you!"

Wang Lei didn't expect this to be the case, and scratched his forehead, not knowing what to do.

"There is no dog food in this place. I have the ability to reach the sky, and I don't know the process of making dog food!"

His mind was muddled, "This program group is not reliable at all. I thought Xiao H was in charge of the program NPC. It's really a sin. The little guy was hungry all day today."

His tone was full of apology, but he glared viciously at the program crew above, his angry look was really funny.

Netizens were also amused by his two sides.

"Program group: I don't take the blame for this!"

"A member of the mushroom house, how could it be me who feeds me!"

"Program group: These years are too difficult, Leizi blames me for everything!"

Li Weijia raised the key point: "Then what should we do now? Exchange corn for dog food?"

All eyes were on Jiang Yi.

Being watched by everyone, he nodded hesitantly: "You can try, but it may not be possible."

Without further ado, Wang Kaikai went directly to the program group with the slightly restless little H in his arms.

As a result, both of them came back in disgrace.

Seeing them like that, everyone knew that things hadn't worked out.

"What should we do now?" Wang Lei frowned: "It's impossible to make dog food on the spot."

All of them were stunned and confused for a while.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just give some leftovers for today." Jiang Yi suggested.

"The key is that the quack we ate just now is clean, where are the leftovers from?" Wang Lei spread his hands, his face full of helplessness.

One chicken, one duck, five young and strong men, just eating sweet potatoes, how can there be any leftovers?
At this moment, Wang Kaikai raised his head quietly.

"Brother Leizi, our scallops are almost soaked, right?"

As soon as he said this, Wang Lei was terrified!
Then she looked at him in disbelief! !

"What?! Are you crazy or am I crazy!"

He couldn't believe it, those little eyes were almost insane!

The rest of the people were also amused by their back and forth interactions.

Jiang Yi opened his mouth to break the stalemate between the two: "Come on, don't be so exaggerated."

"Our family doesn't have any leftovers, so we can ask the nearby folks for some, it's better than being hungry."

"There are folks nearby?" Wang Lei turned his head, with surprise and doubt in his eyes.

The rest are also thinking about it carefully.

"Yes, it's near the corn picking." Jiang Yi didn't explain too much, he got up and greeted Wang Kaikai to go out.

"Let's go, we won't be able to go hungry anymore."

The rest of you look at me, I look at you, they just happened to be idle, so they all huffed, stood up and followed.

A few people walked on the path in the field again, the night was dark, and the cicadas were singing in the grass.

Wang Kaikai hugged Xiao H in his arms, and said with emotion: "I feel like I've been busy all day, it's really wobbly, and the day has passed in a hurry."

"Isn't it? There is no idle time all day!" Wang Lei walked beside him and snorted softly, and then began to count down the things he did today.

"In the morning, I set up a stove to cook noodles. At noon, a wronged guest came and said he wanted to eat Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. In the afternoon, I quarreled with the program team and got a batch of ingredients. After that, I just started messing around, and went to the field to pick corn. "

He counted them one by one with his fingers: "After finishing the meal, I thought I could take a rest, but in the end I had to go back and forth for a puppy's meal."

As he spoke, he glanced at the silly little h in Wang Kaikai's arms.

Hearing his last words, several people walking on the ridge all laughed.

"It's okay, it's all about taking a walk after dinner to digest the food." Teacher He answered at this moment.

Jiang Yi also nodded, deeply convinced: "How do you say that? Walk a hundred steps after dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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