Entertainment: Please, please stop bullying the national team

Chapter 217 Jiang Yi: Involvement?nonexistent!

Chapter 217 Jiang Yi: Involvement?nonexistent!
After a busy work, after returning to the mushroom house, there was no leisure time for the time being. Wang Kaikai was responsible for feeding Xiao H, and the rest took turns to wash up.

After washing up, everyone yawned and went back to enjoy the cool in the small courtyard again.

"A little sleepy, but it seems a little hot in the room." Wang Lei kept shaking the fan with his arms.

"It's still early, sit here for a while, and go back later."

"I get a headache when I think about waking up in the morning and having to be in the kitchen."

Li Weijia hugged his head, while Wang Lei next to him suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Isn't the sun too bright in the morning?"

"Why don't we get up early and go pick corn?!"

Everyone was taken aback by his flash of inspiration, and looked at Wang Lei in disbelief.

"Brother Lei, are you crazy?" Wang Kaikai's eyes almost popped out, full of disbelief.

"It's impossible, it's too frenzied!" Li Weijia also twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't be so anxious, brother Lei will have a bright future!"

Wang Lei waved his hand: "What do you know, finish your work early and get things done early."

Compared to other people's hesitation, wandering.

Jiang Yi firmly stretched out his index finger and shook it.

"No, you can work overtime, but you can't get up early."

"Get enough sleep, the bottom line."

His tone was firm, his eyes were determined, and there was no room for negotiation.

The audience in the live broadcast room did not expect to hear such words from Jiang Yi's mouth, and they were shocked!
"I'm dying of laughter! What the hell is Wang Lei doing? He's so insane!"

"Forget it if he rolls it himself, don't bring our brother Jiang!"

"Jiang Yi: Don't q while resting!"

"Before participating in this show, it was hard to imagine that Jiang Yi, who was as cold as the moon on the stage, would say such words!"

"What should I do? I really love him more and more, he is really principled!!!"

"Who knows, it's the heartbeat of beating workers!"

"What should you do when your colleagues want to infiltrate you! Please firmly say no!!"

"Wang Lei, I advise you not to worry too much!"

"Others are still dumbfounded and don't know what to say, but Jiang Yi has firmly refused! Who knows!!"

"He is simply the male protagonist of Shuangwen! It's really exciting to watch!"

"Said what I never dared to say, and did what I never dared to do, Thai pants are hot!"

"If you don't want to, you just don't want to. No one wants to influence our brother Jiang!"

And no one in Mushroom House expected Jiang Yi's attitude to be so firm, especially Wang Lei, who was a little surprised for a while!

Since appearing on this show, Jiang Yi's impression is very different from what he used to do on stage!
Originally thought to be a cold and cold male god, but in the end he is unexpectedly easy to get along with, and can even be regarded as approachable!

This seems to be the first time he has shown his resolute side in front of everyone.

So everyone was more or less surprised.

Especially Wang Lei, he looked at Jiang Yi suspiciously and didn't understand why he was so firm.

When he asked, Jiang Yi answered very clearly.

"I said, if possible, don't work overtime and don't get up early."

"And..." He narrowed his eyes slightly, "It's just a show, and it's a vacation style, and the debt will be paid off sooner or later, so there's no need to get involved."

His clear remarks made Wang Lei completely silent, while Wang Kaikai sat next to him, his eyes were extremely excited, if he didn't have scruples, he would have clapped his hands!
Finally Wang Lei muttered: "It seems to be too!"

His tone was somewhat embarrassing, and he scratched his head while speaking, a little embarrassed.

At this time, Jiang Yi's eyebrows were relaxed: "It's the truth!"

"Why find something for yourself to do?"

This sentence eased the originally tense atmosphere, and Wang Lei's originally tense mood immediately relaxed.

He smiled naively and said, "It's because I'm a little eager for quick success and instant benefits, so I missed it!"

"To do this kind of thing, you have to let the guest who ordered Buddha jump over the wall to experience it."

He pointed out something, but everyone didn't laugh like they used to, but just silently doing their own things.

Netizens couldn't help but comment when they saw this.

"Good guy, this atmosphere is somewhat embarrassing."

"Before Jiang Yi opened his mouth to break the deadlock, it was considered to give Wang Lei face, but in fact he came to whitewash the peace and no one paid him any attention."

"I'm already digging my toes, who knows!"

"How should I put it, you can't live by doing your own crimes. If you think about it from another angle, your colleagues almost tricked you into working overtime. Who would be willing to change it?"

There was a moment of silence in the gazebo, as if aware of the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Wang Lei felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles, but at this time Teacher He suddenly spoke.

"Then we just need to help Mr. Wang Lei pack the ingredients tomorrow, and then wait for that guest to come to the door, shall we?"

He suddenly opened his mouth to change the subject, which almost made Wang Lei feel amnesty.

"Almost, I'm also curious about the true face of that guest on Mount Lu." Jiang Yi answered.

Wang Kaikai yawned: "It's also really good, order a Buddha to jump over the wall and come to us!"

But Li Weijia thought of another thing, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Yi: "Brother Jiang! Have you thought about the singer's song next time?!"

"Is it still a new song?"

"For new songs, you have been recording programs recently, do you have time to prepare?"

The span of this topic is not too big, but it is obviously very eye-catching. The eyes of several people subconsciously focused on Jiang Yi's face, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

"What are you doing? What are you doing!" Wang Lei waved his arms: "Of course the new song must be kept secret! Otherwise, why is it called the new song."

Li Weijia was wronged: "I just wanted to know if it was a new song, but I didn't say I would reveal it."

"It's a new song, don't worry if you don't have time to prepare it." Jiang Yi opened his mouth to break the tense atmosphere between the two, but the last sentence was particularly provocative.

Teacher He said at this time: "Is it already written?"

Jiang Yi nodded: "But I can't always reveal the life I yearn for."

As he spoke, an unpredictable expression appeared on his face: "This is another price."

As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people roared with laughter.

Not only that, but the camera switched very cleverly, showing the director's facial expressions behind.

Netizens almost burst out laughing!

"Hahahaha I never expected this reversal!"

"Jiang Yi turned out to be a straightforward boy!"

"It's true, but I really didn't expect that he could say it directly!"

"The man who hit the straight ball! It shocked me for 1 years!"

"Director: Give you a look, you can experience it yourself."

"The singer's show cost money! Why should I break the news in advance in the life I yearn for hahahaha!!"

(End of this chapter)

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