Chapter 226 Mainly a bipolar reversal!
Those little-known creators on the Internet also have many fans.

Originally, Jiang Yi had released such an amazing little tune, but they were unwilling to complete it by themselves. They were waiting for Jiang Yi to speak from the bottom of their hearts, and their brother would play it!

After all, such a simple song is just pleasant to listen to, without any cultural background, how could it become unique in Jiang Yi's mouth?

They are disdainful.

Even if he thought about not singing, he would not sing. If he didn't sing, some people wanted to sing.

Ever since, I swept all over the Internet, just to give my favorite creators a chance to play.

First of all, the prelude of the minor key is already very popular, and it is simply very pleasant.

Not to mention the heat brought by the song itself!

Those fans swear by it.

Their elder brother just lacks an opportunity, as long as this opportunity is presented to them, he will definitely grasp it firmly. As for that Jiang Yi, doesn't he like to make and hold it? !

Then keep doing it, keep holding it!
It's good that the creators of their family become popular first!
With this kind of thinking in mind, last night's battle on the Internet was fruitless. Finally, at noon, Jiang Yi let go of his mouth. Originally, he was waiting for a happy result, but he didn't expect that countless creators adapted the As soon as the song comes out!
Not only was the imaginary compliment totally absent.

The scolding on the Internet is even worse!

The fans were dumbfounded!

Countless creators were also dumbfounded!
They simply dare not imagine.

How can a song that looks so simple, even a bit unremarkable, be sung or even adapted, but have the opposite effect?

They were completely puzzled, and their curses became even worse when they were confused.

"Your brother Jiang wrote well, but he didn't want to complete it for you. It's not bad that the creators of our family are willing to feed you? Are you still not satisfied?!"

"Can you find out who is feeding you and then scold you?!"

"No matter how strong he is, what's the use? And he doesn't want to take care of you? The creator of our family pities you because of your love for this new song, so he completes this song. It's fine if you don't respect him, but he still scolds you It’s so ugly?? Is this still a human?”

"How about being a father, no matter how powerful and talented you are, the one who will nurse you in the end is not a mother who has nothing, no fame, no strength, and no popularity?"

"Didn't you beg our creator to complete this song for you before?"

"It's you who are begging, and you are the ones scolding, you are so hard to satisfy! It's no wonder that Jiang Yi doesn't serve you anymore hahahaha!"

They first stand on the moral high ground and criticize those netizens who feel that their ears have been insulted.

Netizens are almost stunned by scolding!
They couldn't believe it, looked at everything in front of them, and then laughed angrily!

Although it feels that the three views have been impacted, they are not soft persimmons, and soon some people began to fight back.

"What a moral high ground, what a moral kidnapping! I really learned a lot today!"

"Do I have to be grateful to Dade for everything on my lips! Do you want to eat shit, baby?!"

"Hahahahaha I was really laughed at by the brothers upstairs! The powerful father who is an official does not let you eat, maybe it is for your own good, and the mother who has nothing may just want to rely on you to get some money from his own father." Things come down, do you really think I'm a fool?"

"What we are looking for is a good song, a full version to the cloud, not a new song released by your creators like shit!"

"With all due respect, your new song deserves to be called "Xiang Yun?"

"With so many creators, none of the lyrics are relatively normal, not even half of Jiang Yi's level! Let alone the song Xiangyun."

"Your songs deserve to be called Xiang Yun?! It's so dirty, my ears should be called Xiang Shi Duan!"

"Didn't I say that if you don't have that diamond, don't take on this porcelain job? Don't you look at what it is before it's released?"

"When I opened the supplemented song like a cloud full of anticipation, my mood fell to the bottom!"

"It's like being full of longing at first, but what did you open, it's not as good as a pig or a dog!"

"At this moment, I suddenly feel a little irritated! Jiang Yi might as well not release the copyright! Although such a statement is incomplete, it will always remain in the high hall forever. It is a piece of white moonlight in my heart, and it is the kind that I can't ask for!"

Netizens who felt that their ears had been insulted were also unceremonious, and directly attacked in the comment area.

Occasionally, some consciousness awakened, and suddenly realized that the netizens who Jiang Yi had previously rejected would also express their opinions in the comment area.

But the layout was too chaotic, and was quickly overwhelmed by netizens who had already fought and lost their minds.

The comment area was directly blown into a miasma.

Contrary to those who begged their grandparents to sue their grandma in the creative circles before, it was so rude, and it confused many fans.

They know that the new words created by their favorite creators, although they are not as good as Jiang Yi, the previous paragraph, but they are not so unbearable!

In the mouths of those netizens who had begged hard, there are so many songs, almost none of which are available.

As everyone knows, this is also the point that countless netizens hate!

They were so eager and worked so hard, hoping to listen to a full version of the cloud-like result, but in the end they got a bunch of such things!
Who can be happy?

Since they were not happy, the backlash they brought was incomparable. No matter how much they forced Jiang Yi to let go, now all the pressure is on the creator.

The fans of the creators are even more retreating. After all, they are not right, they are not righteous, and things that cannot be created are really not that good.

In front of those netizens who have great expectations, they can't stand up straight.

The creators complained a lot here, and thought it was a good thing.

The huge amount of traffic sent to the mouth is still the words written by countless netizen accounts begging them.

When I heard the part in front of Xiang Yun, I didn't take it to heart.

After all, it looks so simple, even without any cultural connotation, the background needs to be checked.

They even laughed at Jiang Yi's hypocrisy in their hearts!
Such a simple song, but it was praised to the altar in his mouth, is it okay now, is it retribution?
When Jiang Yi was popular before, many people were not angry. After all, if the other side of the circle became popular, the heat here would naturally drop.

But the opponent is too strong, and they are helpless
For such a good opportunity, countless people are sharpening their swords.

But it wasn't until the beginning of creation, when they felt that it was not appropriate after filling in countless times, that they faintly realized that something was wrong.

But at this time, Jiang Yi has let go!
(End of this chapter)

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