Chapter 235
The two boys Wang Kaikai and Li Weijia stood behind laughing so hard that they couldn't straighten up.

It feels so good to be helped by others.

Especially seeing Cheng He, who was originally disobedient to no one, now silent in front of Sister Dandan and being trained to look like a quail, they laughed even more heartily.

Netizens couldn't hold back when they saw this, and commented.

"Although I really want to laugh at the two behind me! I feel like I'm going to faint from laughing."

"This scene really looks like the elders in the family, tirelessly teaching us the principles of life, and the most important thing is that we dare not refute!"

The few people outside the screen chatted all the way and soon reached the vegetable field behind the mushroom house.

"Didn't you just come here for two days? Who grows the vegetables here?" Sister Dandan asked curiously looking at the lush vegetable garden full of fruits.

Wang Lei had already pushed open the fence door and went in. Hearing the words, he replied casually: "Maybe the aborigines here planted it, and it's not the property of our small courtyard, because we have to exchange corn for everything we pick."

Accompanied by his explanation, several people all stepped into the fence gate of the vegetable garden.

Liu Xianhua looked around curiously, and following his gaze, the camera also turned to capture the scene of the vegetable garden.

Under the four corners of the sky, the bright red tomatoes in the green vegetable garden are really gratifying, and the camera shows a few cucumbers, loofahs, and beans hidden under the green leaves from time to time.

Finally revealed the true face of Lushan in this vegetable garden, sister Dandan's eyes lit up!
"Your vegetable garden is not bad! The beans are full, and there are a lot of loofahs!"

Contemporary netizens are the same, where have you seen this posture?All of them immediately had a golden light in their eyes.

"Wow, I suddenly miss life in the country!"

"This vegetable garden looks so comfortable!"

"When you want to eat something, go to the vegetable garden for a walk, and you can have dinner with two vegetables when you go home. It's such a beautiful day!"

"The key is that picking the vegetables you grow is very fulfilling."

"No, no, no! The main reason is that it feels good to pick vegetables and put them in the pot by yourself."

Netizens are still discussing here. On the other side, Song Dandan led the people to carry the vegetable baskets and picked vegetables vigorously. This time, they saw the garden full of vegetables, and the original words of picking less were thrown into the sky.

Wang Lei even let go: "As long as you don't waste it, you can pick whatever you want to eat today."

The rest of the people hurriedly responded, but Sister Dandan had already been caught up in the picking force and was almost dazzled by the fresh vegetables.

He was still muttering: "These are all organic vegetables, fresh!"

"Tomato beans, rich in vitamins!"

"Eat these two!"

All the netizens looked at the camera on Sister Dandan, wearing glasses, carrying a basket, talking about it like a treasure hunt, and couldn't help feeling a little greedy.

"Oh, what are you greedy for! If you are greedy, why don't you go back to your hometown! I want to see Brother Jiang! I want to see Brother Jiang's reaction in the countryside!"


Although the time is a bit late, but it lived up to expectations, the photography brother finally heard everyone's aspirations.

The camera gradually shifted, and began to sweep across the vegetable garden, until Jiang Yi was swept over, and there were groundhogs screaming in the live broadcast room.

"Ah, ah, help! Green vegetable garden white shirt! Elegant! This is too elegant!"

After picking vegetables, I returned to the mushroom house and started today's busy day.

It wasn't until dinner that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting on her seat, Sister Dandan yelled: "Oh, it's really not easy for you, you work at sunrise and rest at sunset!"

She moved her chopsticks while she was talking, and Wang Lei hurriedly greeted: "What kind of beans are you eating! Come and try Buddha Jumping Wall, how about my skills!"

While talking, she poured a large spoonful into her bowl, and Sister Dandan hurriedly handed over the bowl when she saw this.

"Ouch! I like to eat some vegetable pads before dinner..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she was immediately attracted by the aroma from the casserole, and her eyes widened when the aroma came.

"Wow! This Buddha jumps over the wall is too delicious!"

"It smells so good, it smells like wine!"

At this time, Cheng He finally had the Buddha Jumping Wall he had dreamed of, and tears were about to fall.

"This taste is really amazing! It's not easy!"

"How is it? Is it okay?! The aroma of the wine is because I put a whole bottle of rice wine! It removes the fishy smell and enhances the aroma."

Sister Dandan said before that Buddha jumping over the wall has no taste, but now Wang Lei is quite concerned about everyone's evaluation.

Not surprisingly, everyone was very generous.

"good to eat!"

"Absolutely, absolutely!"

"With this skill, you can open a private house outside!"

Wang Kaikai was full of emotion while eating.

"It takes time, effort and money to sit this thing, but it's really delicious!"

"We have spent so much time and owed so much corn!" Li Weijia responded with a smile.

Liu Xianhua was a little embarrassed: "I'm bothering you, I'm bothering you too much!"

Dim lights, a table of people gathered around the table in the gazebo in the small courtyard and eating Buddha jumping over the wall, the eyes of all netizens are straightened when they see it.

"I'll just look at it and it's delicious!"

"How did Wang Lei do it before?! I'm going back to read the tutorial!!"

While eating Buddha Jumping Wall, Sister Dandan greeted: "Try this bean quickly! I picked it by myself, washed it by myself, and fried it by myself! It's crisp, delicious and delicious!"

After everyone heard their greeting, they all lowered their chopsticks to the plate of seasonal vegetables, and the camera lens also flashed by.

Wang Kaikai took a sip and praised without hesitation: "Wow! Sister Dandan's craftsmanship is good, it is indeed very crisp!"

"Wow! I didn't expect our sister Dandan to have such cooking skills!" He Jiong also gave a thumbs up in appreciation.

Hearing the sound, Liu Xianhua also took a sip, and then his eyebrows relaxed.

They are all used to eating light salads, and they don't think there is anything wrong with Doujiao having students. Sister Dandan is a little dissatisfied with the current situation.

"Oh, you two!"

"Why don't you just boast?!"

Her eyebrows were erected, she looked at He Jiong, and then glanced at Jiang Yi, Cheng He and others beside her.

He Jiong cleared his throat: "Forget it, never eat beans in this life."

Sister Dandan was full of doubts, and then looked at the two next to her.

"You two??"

Jiang Yi replied without changing his face: "I am picky eater."

"Me too, me too!" Cheng He immediately agreed, and added after saying this sentence: "But it looks really delicious."

Seeing them nodding in unison, with cute faces, the corners of Sister Dandan's mouth twitched, but she didn't say anything after all.

"This group of children, really! Forget it, if you don't eat, don't eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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